साई व्हाइब्रियोनिक्स पत्रिका

" जब आप किसी हतोत्साहित, निराष या रोग ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को देखते हो, वहीं आपका सेवा क्षेत्र है " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Leukaemia 10728...India

A 21-year-old medical student suffered from acidity, sleeplessness, extreme weakness and weight loss but the cause was not known. When she was taken to the hospital, blood tests revealed that she had Leukaemia and it was stage four cancer. Her haemoglobin and platelet counts were very low. Doctors gave a bleak prognosis, not expecting her to survive. Even her brother studying in London was called as they thought her end was near. She was unable to even get out of bed, so stayed in the hospital and patient`s father decided to contact the vibro practitioner. On 13 November 2014, she was given:

For leukaemia:
#1. CC2.1 Cancers - all +  CC2.2 Cancer pain + CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC3.2 Bleeding disorders + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...QDS 

For acidity and weakness:
#2.  CC4.10 Indigestion + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...QDS 

For sleeplessness:
#3. CC15.6 Sleep disorders + CC18.1 Brain disabilities...half an hour before going to bed, and again just before going to bed.
On 30 November, patient`s father told the practitioner that she had developed anal fistula, so the following combo was given:
For anal fistula:
#4. CC4.4 Constipation + CC13.3 Incontinence...QDS
The fistula healed completely within a month after which #4 was tapered off and then stopped.  
With the onset of cold weather in December, the patient developed breathing problem and also she also had no appetite. On 9 December she was given two additional remedies:

For breathing difficulty:
#5. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic...QDS

For loss of appetite:
#6. CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...QDS
Within a month her breathing problem had resolved and her appetite too had improved, both #5 and #6 were tapered off and then stopped.

In January 2015 patient was shifted to a cancer hospital. She then underwent chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant. The patient was much weakened and lost her hair during treatment. She continued to take #1, #2 and #3 throughout this time and made a quick recovery. Her hair started to grow back. She was discharged from the hospital and came back to her home town in April.  Screening tests on 4 April revealed that her platelet count and haemoglobin level had improved. As she had regained her normal sleep pattern, #3 was stopped. She took her college exams which she had missed earlier. In August, she started attending classes at her college and resumed her medical studies. Screening tests done on 17 September revealed no traces of cancer cells. All blood cell counts including haemoglobin level were back to normal. So the dosage of #1 and #2 was reduced to BD. The grateful parents and the patient started attending regular bhajans at the Sai Centre. On 30 December, patient came to Puttaparthi along with her parents to attend New Year celebrations. She did seva for ten days in Puttaparthi. In January 2016, the dosage of #1 and #2 was reduced to 3TW. She has a screening blood test done every month, all reports so far have been normal. In April 2016, her hair has grown back and she has completely regained her good health. Vibro treatment was stopped and she leads a normal life now.