Growing Tomatoes with Vibrionics 00002...UK
The practitioner writes: I have been living in Puttaparthi near the Super Specialty Hospital for some years. I have a garden where I grow a variety of vegetables. The tomatoes in the garden are already (in November 2015) reaching heights of 6 feet just eight weeks after planting, and are looking healthy and strong with small buds ready to open. This is all due to our last year’s experiment with Vibrionics. We were unhappy with our earlier plants that only reached a height of 4 feet with rather small tomatoes on them. So when the new seedlings were transplanted in 2014 we gave them:
CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC1.2 Plant tonic + SR264 Silicea 3X…OD in water, sprayed on the plants using a 2-litre spray bottle
Just when the plants are moved from their seedling pots to the ground, they are under stress and hence need extra support, so we continued OD for three days. The plants immediately responded by producing new strong growth. Then we continued to spray every five days through the next few months. They grew to a height of just under 5 ½ half feet and were laden with healthy tomatoes. Some of them were very large – two or three were weighed and found to be half a kilo each (see photo).
We also noticed that our other vegetables – courgettes, spinach, Swiss chard, aubergines and varieties of lettuce etc – were healthier and stronger. All our plants are fed with garden compost and sprayed with a homemade chilli mixture to protect against caterpillars, aphids, flies, ants, mealy bugs and other pests. But this was the first time we had regularly given the above Vibrionics tonic and it was also the first time we had such big tomatoes. They tasted good too.
The practitioner’s comment:
Here is the recipe for our chilli mixture, but giving the above vibro tonic alone also helps to make them resistant to pests: Boil half a kilogram of thinly sliced ripe hot chilli peppers in 3 litres of water for 15 to 20 minutes. Add 30 grams of soap and stir to make solution soapy, so it will stick to plants. Add 3 more litres of water. Cool and strain. Apply with a spray bottle or just an Indian cane broom used for sweeping.