साई व्हाइब्रियोनिक्स पत्रिका

" जब आप किसी हतोत्साहित, निराष या रोग ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को देखते हो, वहीं आपका सेवा क्षेत्र है " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

The Answer Corner

Vol 10 अंक 4
July August 2019

Question 1: Why is vibrionics said to be compatible with allopathy and not homoeopathy or ayurveda? How do we deal with a patient who is already being treated with one of these two healing systems?

Answer 1: Vibrionics simply balances the energies within the body at subtle realms where the disease first originates. It regenerates the affected organ by working at a cellular level. Its effect will be visible at the physical level as the health of the affected physical organ is restored. 

Allopathic medicine acts on the body at a gross or physical level. This sometimes affects negatively other parts of the body, causing rashes, headaches, dizziness etc (known as side effects). Because vibrionics works at a vibrational level, when given along with allopathy, vibrionics does not interfere with the working of allopathy at physical level. Additionally it prevents/helps remove the side effects of allopathic medicines. It also enhances the treatment through balancing the inner subtle energies, thus bringing faster and more sustained healing.

Homoeopathy also works at a vibrational level. It is widely believed that some homeopathic remedies act as complementary or antidotal or inimical to some other homoeopathic remedies. So homoeopaths keep this in mind while making prescriptions. If a patient undergoing homoeopathic treatment visits us, we would not like to treat him because we don’t know which homoeo remedy he is taking in case our remedy is antidotal or inimical to this. Therefore, If homoeopathic treatment is working well for a patient, and the patient still comes to us for vibrionics treatment, we should advise the patient that it is best for him to continue with homoeopathy only. If a patient comes to us saying that homoeopathic treatment is not working well for him and that he wants to take vibrionics remedy along with homoeopathic remedy, then we should advise the patient that it will be in their own interest to first stop homoeopathy and then come back after 3 days. 

Ayurveda is the traditional ancient system of Indian medicine. It is a complete treatment in itself based on natural substances such as herbs, with special emphasis on exercise, meditation, breathing as well as diet for each disease in accordance with the laws of nature. Being a holistic system complete in itself, it is best not to supplement vibrionics remedies with ayurveda. However, ayurvedic tonics are like food supplements and hence will not interfere with vibrational remedies, and so can be taken alongside. 


Question 2:  Can we start the treatment with 6TD dosage for faster cure instead of the standard dosage of TDS?

Answer 2: In acute cases, it is helpful to start the treatment at 6TD to encourage an immediate response to the treatment. On improvement, reduce the dosage to TDS (some practitioners prefer QDS and then TDS on further improvement), keeping at that dosage until the patient is on the road to recovery. Then a further reduction to BD, then OD and stopping the remedy only when the patient has completely recovered.

In chronic cases, especially when the symptoms are not very acute or where a pullout could be expected, we start at TDS. Only if the symptoms are acute, we give 6TD for one or two days to get the force of the remedy moving.

On disappearance of symptoms, taper down the dosage gradually to the maintenance dose of OW. Never stop the remedy abruptly to avoid the risk of symptoms returning.


Question 3: How do we taper down the dosage if a patient wants to continue TDS lifelong for ailments like BP or thyroid, having found stability with vibrionics?

Answer 3: In such cases, it is good to educate the patient that the body might get used to the remedy and not respond if continued for too long without tapering the dosage. Human body has immense self-healing powers. Vibrionics facilitates and activates this healing power and enhances the immunity to enable the body to repair itself. Once activated, the cells have the inbuilt intelligence to restore the body to its natural healthy state. A slow reduction of dosage down to the maintenance dosage of OW is important. Thereafter, in cases where the allopathic medicine was prescribed lifelong, vibrionics should also be maintained lifelong at OW. The same applies to old-age problems like arthritis, BP, thyroid, or diabetes. In younger people, it may be possible to stop the remedy after sometime, depending upon the patient’s comfort level.


Question 4: I advise all my patients to drink at least 2-3 litres of water. How will toxins get released from a patient on dialysis, who is not allowed to drink more than a litre of liquid including water?  

Answer 4: Toxins get released in different ways through excretions from the body, including breath and sweat. Toxins from a patient who drinks plenty of water will flush out through the kidney. Patients on dialysis with restriction on water intake become free of toxins through the process of dialysis. But such patients should be advised to have fibre-rich diet so as to flush out toxins through the digestive system. They should not consume excessive salt which would cause water retention and trigger thirst. Further, deep relaxed breathing several times a day, including early morning hours, would also eliminate toxins. Deep breathing should be done half an hour before meals or when stomach is light, preferably in fresh air near trees/plants.