साई व्हाइब्रियोनिक्स पत्रिका

" जब आप किसी हतोत्साहित, निराष या रोग ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को देखते हो, वहीं आपका सेवा क्षेत्र है " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

The Answer Corner

Vol 7 अंक 5
September/October 2016

1. Question: Why is it important to drink a lot of water while taking vibro remedies?

   Answer: We recommend that patients should drink 2 to 3 litres of pure water per day. At the physical level, vibrionics remedies pull toxins out of the body organs/systems into the blood stream and water helps to flush out the toxins. Drinking sufficient water will help speed up the healing process. Water also carries nutritional elements while supporting and accelerating body metabolism. If we do not stay hydrated, physical performance can suffer. Medical research has found that fluid loss of just 1.5% (such as during intense exercise or very hot weather) can lead to altered body temperature, reduced motivation,  impaired mood and concentration, increased frequency of headaches and feelings of anxiety and fatigue and temporary loss of memory.

It is worth noting that there are several health problems that may respond well to increased water intake eg, constipation, cancer, kidney stones etc. Drinking water about half an hour before meals can reduce the amount of calorie intake, especially in older individuals. This is because drinking water reduces appetite and thus it can help with obesity.


2. Question: How can we use vibro to improve the quality of drinking water?

   Answer: Structured water is probably the best quality water we can get for drinking purpose. The procedure for making this water is described in the AVP manual. However, we can enhance the vitality of water by adding the following combo to pure drinking water: NM12 Combination-12 + SR360 VIBGYOR. Alternatively, add CC12.1 Adult tonic.


3. Question: How can I deal with a burn injury in a child?

   Answer: Treatment for burn is the same for a child as for an adult. The best remedy for immediate relief is SR346 Cantharis 6X to be taken frequently and in 1X potency in water for continual topical application. It is advisable to keep a tube of Cantharis cream (available from homoeo store) in the kitchen so that it can be applied immediately and left to work on the burn.

If the above remedy or the cream is not available, you first need to cool the affected area; this will lower the skin temperature and stop the burn from becoming worse. Use running water from a cold tap OR immerse the body part in a basin of very cold water. Replace water frequently to keep it very cold. The pain will stop in 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the severity of the burn. Do not use ice or iced water as this can cause tissue damage. Do not break any blisters. Use the following remedy:             

CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC21.1 Skin tonic + CC21.4 Stings & Bites + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions…6TD

A Japanese practitioner uses a mother tincture made from leaves of loquat - one of the most effective natural healing ingredients. This can be sprayed or applied lightly on the affected area.


4. Question: I understand from the AVP/SVP manual that traces of herbicide, pesticide, chemical fertilizer etc can be removed from artificially grown vegetables and fruits by using salt and vinegar. Can vibrionics be used to do the same job?

   Answer: Soaking in salt and vinegar solution is a good way of cleaning vegetables and fruits. However, the efficacy of this procedure can be considerably enhanced by adding the following combo to this solution:  NM45 Atomic Radiation + NM46 Allergy-2 + SM1 Removal of Entities + SR324 X-ray (alternative combo using 108CC box: CC17.2 Cleansing). You may be surprised to find the original natural taste of those vegetables and fruits. In the summer, it is best to put some ice in the water. Another thing to remember is NOT to add vinegar while soaking rice and avocados.


5. Question: I treat many elderly patients who suffer from chronic knee pain due to degeneration of the joint. In some cases, vibro pills do not help much. What else can I do?

   Answer: The main cause of this very common problem is thinning of the cartilage (cushion between bones) which affects the bones resulting in osteoarthritis. No doubt, you are giving this combo:  CC20.2 SMJ pain + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue. In addition to giving pills, add the above vibration to a mixture of castor oil, peanut oil and black cumin oil and use the same to massage the painful areas, preferably after a hot bath. This should provide much needed relief; if necessary, a compress can be used. For women undergoing menopause, while release of oestrogen hormone is reduced, it will be helpful to add SR513 Oestrogen (included in CC8.1) to the above combo.

For such patients, it is very important to maintain a healthy body weight because excess weight puts pressure on all joints, specially the knees. A new study shows that for each pound of body weight gain, there is a 4-pound increase in knee joint stress among overweight and obese people with osteoarthritis of the knee. When one goes up or down the stairs, the increase in knee joint stress can be as much as 8 times.

Therefore, losing body weight can relieve the stress on the knees considerably. Not only will this reduce knee pain now but it will also reduce future wear and tear of the joint.

Regular exercise is another important factor in knee pain management. People with osteoarthritis may avoid exercise out of concern that it will cause pain. However, low-impact activities such as swimming, walking, or bicycling can improve mobility and increase strength. Training with lightweights can help by strengthening the muscles surrounding the joints eg, strengthening the quadriceps can reduce pain in the knees.