Boletín deVibriónica Sai

" Cuando quiera que vean a una persona enferma, abatida o desconsolada, ahí está su campo de seva(servicio) " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

The Answer Corner

Vol 10 Número 1
January/February 2019

 Question 1: If my life style as a practitioner is not a model to emulate and I am not able to transform to make it perfect,  how do I change myself and be an inspiration to my patients?

Answer 1: No one is perfect in the worldly sense. But, the divine power within is perfect. (Incidentally, that’s why Swami addresses everyone as ‘embodiments of love’). So, make up your mind to change, resolve and adhere to it. Your “will” would find its way. The power to do so is already given by God. Effort is always rewarded by Him. Feel the delight of change. If the will is not strong, if circumstances are overpowering and you yield, pray intensely. If needed, seek counselling from a friend you trust or from another practitioner and take an appropriate combo for cleansing.


Question 2: May I administer to my patient the first dose of remedy in water instead of a pill?

Answer 2: Yes, if time and situation permit, it is a good idea to administer the first dose of remedy in water. As we expect the patient to take the remedy in water anyway, this will serve as a demonstration of how to make the remedy in water. It will inspire the patient to do the same at home. Otherwise many patients like to take the easy way out viz, pop a pill under the tongue! They simply forget the fact that the remedy taken in water is more effective. If you can spare the container, give the remaining remedy water to the patient. If not, use this water for your plants. You may ask your patients to bring an empty bottle with them.


Question 3: Is it appropriate and professional to send a form to my patient to get details of his ailments before he comes for consultation?

Answer 3: Yes, you can but first, speak to your patient to find out if he feels comfortable and would really like to complete it. Explain that filling the form will give him a chance to think carefully and write down all his symptoms and their duration in the comfort of his home. Design your form carefully so as not to ask too much or for sensitive information in the first interaction. By the same token, you can give in writing the precautions to be followed by the patient in addition to verbal instructions and  These can also be displayed in your clinic or place of consultation.


Question 4: We give remedies in plastic bottles. But there is a worldwide campaign going on ‘Say No to Plastic’ to preserve environment. How long will these bottles last without harming the remedy and for how long can we reuse them?

Answer 4: You are right about saying no to plastic. The campaign is essentially against low grade plastics which are not re-usable and pollute the environment. We can use glass bottles but they are not only expensive but also impractical, may break easily and glass splinters can get into the pills. We cannot use metallic containers as the vibrations may get disturbed. For practical reasons we are using high grade plastic bottles procured from reputable homoeopathic shops. The remedy can be prepared in water and kept in glass containers at home. But to carry the water remedy during travel, food grade plastic bottles can be used. The one-time-use plastic bottles should not be used repeatedly. Using plastic bottles is more for practical reason rather than choice.


Question 5: How to inspire patients to avoid non-vegetarian food without offending them?           

Answer 5: Until we know our patient better and develop a rapport with him we should only touch upon this subject briefly. Once the patient feels the benefit of using vibrionics, he will develop more faith in what you tell him. Counselling should be done appropriately with sensitivity. It would be easier to convince Baba devotees. One can refer patients to Swami’s talks on health and food by giving them links to appropriate divine discourses. The human body is so designed by God that we are meant to live long and remain healthy in a natural way with only vegetarian food, preferably raw.


Question 6: Can we give CC1.1 Animal tonic to humans for treatment of dog bite?

Answer 6: CC10.1 Emergencies is the most appropriate combo containing all the relevant simulator cards for injury, shock, fear, tetanus, and divine protection in addition to several others. There is no need to add CC1.1 Animal tonic which is meant to be a health booster for animals and also to treat them for worms and rabies. In the unlikely event when CC10.1 is not available, CC1.1 will certainly help.