Boletín deVibriónica Sai

" Cuando quiera que vean a una persona enferma, abatida o desconsolada, ahí está su campo de seva(servicio) " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Divine Words from the Master Healer

Vol 2 Número 2
March 2011

“Be a servant, a servant of God - then all strength and joy will be added unto you. Try to be as a master and you will arouse envy, hatred, anger and greed in every one around you. Feel that you are an instrument in His Hand. Let Him shape you and use you as He Knows Best.” -Sathya Sai Baba


“Consider Seva as the best Sadhana (spiritual discipline). This is a great chance that you have secured. Your work among these large gatherings is more beneficial for your spiritual development than days of Japam or Dhyanam. But do not believe that you can by means of Seva re-form or re-shape the world. You may or you may not. That does not matter. The real value of Seva, its most visible result, is that it reforms you, reshapes you. Do Seva as a Sadhana; then you will be humble and happy. Do not strut about that you are improving others, improve yourself.”

-Sathya Sai Baba


“People do not understand the ways of God. How can they know why a particular event takes place at a particular time in a particular manner? He alone can know. But people try to sit in judgement and talk ill, when for example, someone dies of illness at this place! (Prashanti Nilayam) How can anyone escape death? Even Avatars cast off their physical form when the task for which they have come is over. It is the height of foolishness to lose faith in God when someone you cared for dies.”

-Sathya Sai Baba