Истроии Болезни
Том 9 Выпуск 4
July/August 2018
Chronic sinusitis 11590...India
A 45-year-old man was diagnosed with sinusitis a year ago. He had repeated attacks of runny nose with foul smelling discharge that lasted for a week at a time and occurred every month during winter; during last year, he got at least 8 such episodes. He also had sinus headache that got triggered with cold weather or by drinking cold water/beverages. He never...(continued)
Читать Историю Болезни ПолностьюDepression 11590...India
A 22-year-old final-year student could not handle love rejection by his classmate and since then he suffered from inferiority complex and lack of confidence. He started skipping breakfast and lunch. He was not regular in attending classes and preferred spending most of his time alone in the library. Over the past 3 years, he has become very short...(continued)
Читать Историю Болезни ПолностьюLow Immunity 11590...India
A 3-year-old boy had repeated attacks of upper respiratory infection with runny nose, cough with sputum difficult to expectorate and sore throat for the past 2 years. These symptoms occurred almost every month and lasted for a week. The patient had 8-9 such episodes per year. The child did not have asthma but was allergic to dust. The doctor would prescribe...(continued)
Headache, behavioural problems 11271...India
An 11-year-old girl was brought to the practitioner by her mother for treatment of chronic headache on 4 June 2016. For the past 3 years, the headache occurred at least twice a week and each time it lasted for 2-3 hours. At the age of three, she was diagnosed with a brain tumour that was surgically removed and she was put on allopathic medicines which are...(continued)
Читать Историю Болезни ПолностьюInjured leg, hepatitis-B 11271...India
On 19 Nov 2016, a 46-year-old male visited the practitioner for treatment of his injury-related leg pain, numbness and burning sensation. He had met with an accident in Jan 2015 when he suffered head and multiple leg injuries. He was treated in a hospital where the doctors implanted a surgical steel rod in his leg. Now the doctor told him that the cause of...(continued)
Читать Историю Болезни ПолностьюTomatoes grown from a slice 11520…India 11520...India
This experiment to grow tomatoes was carried out using two slices from a fresh tomato (see pic). Two rings were put in separate shallow dishes that were sprayed, one with ordinary water (control plant) and the other with water charged with CC1.2 Plant tonic…TDS. After 5 days the rings were transferred to indoor pots containing soil charged...(continued)
Wilting plants 03564...Australia
The practitioner, immediately on his return to Australia on 25 Nov 2017 after qualifying as an AVP in Puttaparthi, started treating his wilting tulsi (a variety of basil) plant, see pic. Within a month, he noticed the plant was thriving beyond expectation. Inspired by this spectacular growth, he decided to treat tomato and coriander plants with vibro since he...(continued)
Читать Историю Болезни ПолностьюCrohn’s Disease 03564...Australia
On 17 Dec 2017, a 57-year-old man sought treatment for Crohn’s disease which he was having for the past 4 years. The symptoms included intense stomach pain and diarrhoea at least 6 times a day. Over the years, he was having severe bleeding while passing stools; this was ongoing on a daily basis. He was unable to take any milk products as this triggered...(continued)
Читать Историю Болезни ПолностьюEnlarged Prostate 11589...India
A 63-year-old man had a history of frequent, difficult and painful urination for the past 2 years, in addition to swelling of feet for the past 4 months. He would wake up 4 to 5 times during the night to urinate. Often, he could take as long as 15 minutes to urinate because he was subject to a constant feeling of urinary retention in the bladder. He...(continued)
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