Redo Macular Degeneration 10831...India
A male aged 43 years had normal eyesight up to 1998, i.e. to age 28 years.
Patient’s testimonial:
"My eyesight started to deteriorate slowly. I consulted LV Prasad Eye Institute in the year 2000 and my problem was diagnosed as redo macular degeneration which is not curable. It is a genetic problem and has come hereditarily. In 2009 I started to use Vibropathy medicine, which I got from Dr Hanumant Rao and I took pills under the tongue. I observed improvement although slow, but evident.
Before vibro pills were started, I used to recognize people by faces when they were as close as 15 feet. Now I can recognize them at about 25 feet. The strain factor on my eyes has also reduced while reading and driving. I was given:
CC7.1 Eye tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic Combo pack. Now I am using pills dissolved in water and taking water at intervals.”