Рассылка Саи Вибрионикс

" Там, где вы видите больного, подавленного, несчастного человека, там и есть ваше поле для бескорыстного служения " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Gout 02786 ...Russia

A 58-year-old Russian woman came for help because she had been   diagnosed   with   a   condition   called   gout.   She   had absolutely   no   energy   in   the   entire   length   of   both   legs. According to the patient her ‘legs were like glass’. There was no sensitivity in her legs. When her sandals fell off she could not even feel that she was walking barefoot. The following remedy was prepared: 

NM21 KBS + NM22 Liver + NM24 Rheum & Arthritis + NM37 Acidity + NM82 Gout + SR234 Sapphire + SR249 Medorrhinum + SR271 Arnica + SR310 Radium + SR322 Urtica Urens + SR333 B. Morgan + SR352 Kalmia + SR358 Sabina + SR369 Benzoic Acid + SR380 Colchicum + SR533 Synovial Tissue…TDS 

At the end of two months her legs were normal and the patient left for her home country very happy.