Рассылка Саи Вибрионикс

" Там, где вы видите больного, подавленного, несчастного человека, там и есть ваше поле для бескорыстного служения " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Migraine, leg pain & fatigue 11666...India

A 55-year-old housewife had been troubled by migraines for five years since 2019, with throbbing pain on one side of the head; these occurred 2 to 3 times a week, often triggered by stress, loud noise, or exposure to sun. Each episode lasted 2 to 3 hours and significantly impaired her ability to carry out household chores. She took prescribed painkiller for temporary relief during severe episodes.

In addition, she had leg pain and fatigue since May 2023. By the end of each day, she felt completely drained of energy and would have pain in legs, worsening at night. Again her doctor merely prescribed painkiller whenever needed and also multivitamins. On learning about vibrionics from a friend, she consulted the practitioner on 20 June 2024, she was given:  

For migraine and general weakness:

#1. CC11.4 Migraines + CC12.1 Adult tonic…TDS

For leg pain:

#2. CC20.2 SMJ pain…TDS in mustard oil for external application

Within two weeks by 4 July, migraine episodes reduced to two per week, each lasting 1 to 2 hours with 20% reduction in pain. The leg pain occurred only 2 to 3 times a week and subsided within an hour; there was 50% improvement in fatigue. On 18 July, she reported that migraine episodes were down to once a week, each lasting for an hour; leg pain down to once a week, lasting half an hour and fatigue was 90% better.

By 8 Aug, migraines were rare, only mild headaches lasting less than half an hour. Leg pain and fatigue were completely gone. #2 was gradually reduced before stopping it on 30 Aug; by then migraine too disappeared. #1 was reduced to OD and tapered off before stopping it on 30 Sept.

As of Dec 2024, there has been no recurrence of any of the symptoms.