Рассылка Саи Вибрионикс

" Там, где вы видите больного, подавленного, несчастного человека, там и есть ваше поле для бескорыстного служения " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out


A 54-year-old woman was undergoing substantial emotional stress 13 years ago in 2010. As a result, she developed red, itchy spots (resembling those of chickenpox and hives) all over her body (front & back) except the face but including the scalp; spots were accompanied by slight burning sensation. Distressed and embarrassed, she isolated herself at home, covering her entire body. A dermatologist at the hospital diagnosed psoriasis and told her that there was no permanent cure. Despite a two-month course of allopathic treatment, comprising tablets and ointments, there was minimal improvement.

In Jan 2011, she began homoeopathic treatment, which provided significant relief within three months. However, her symptoms recurred shortly after stopping the treatment, leading her to resume it. As her husband's job required frequent relocation to many cities, she consulted different homoeopaths. Every time, she would improve, sometimes completely, but the condition would return when she moved and briefly stopped the medication. This cycle of relief and recurrence continued for 12 years. In June 2023, after another move, while seeking a new homoeopathic doctor, she came across the practitioner’s wife who mentioned ‘Vibrionics’. She was not on any medication at this time. On 17 Sept 2023, she consulted the practitioner who gave her:

NM6 Calming + NM27 Skin-D + NM41 Psoriasis…TDS

Three weeks later on 7 Oct, she reported that itching and burning sensation had vanished, and the number and size of spots had reduced by 50%. On 3 Dec, during a social event, she happily informed the practitioner that she had been completely free of spots for the past one month. She had taken the remedy until it got exhausted in mid-Nov 2023. As of Aug 2024 she is absolutely fine.

Patient’s testimonial of 25 July 2024: Video clip in Hindi is available and its transcription in English is given below:

I was afflicted by an ailment called ‘Psoriasis’. I visited the Dermatology Department at Indira Gandhi Medical College. They informed that this disease will never get cured. It will temporarily go away from the surface but it will continue inside the body. After that I moved to different places in different states, and took various treatments from Homeopaths and Ayurvedic doctors. However still I did not get complete relief. Then we moved to Visakhapatnam. There I met a vibrionics man who was giving remedies. I did not have to pay second visit to him for repeat remedy, since I felt fine. So far I am doing well. I have given my photos both before and after and I am alright now.