Рассылка Саи Вибрионикс

" Там, где вы видите больного, подавленного, несчастного человека, там и есть ваше поле для бескорыстного служения " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Migraine 03590...USA

A 48-year-old woman suffered from recurring migraines that started in her teens. Initially manageable, the frequency and intensity of attacks gradually increased over the years. During each episode, she experienced pressure and pain behind her eyes and tightness in her temples, along with nausea and sensitivity to light. In 1997 at age 25, her condition was diagnosed as migraine and the doctor advised her to apply ice-pack and take good rest during an attack. For temporary relief, she relied on over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers. She managed like this for years until July 2019 when she was undergoing emotional turmoil, so feeling dejected, anxious, helpless, and fatigued. As a result, the symptoms intensified and by Sept, she was having 2 to 3 attacks a week with each episode lasting 1 to 2 days, during which she would lock herself in a dark room. This affected her daily routine as well as her work as a cab driver.

Reluctant to use conventional medicine due to fear of possible side effects, she consulted the practitioner; she was experiencing slight pressure behind her eyes and looked upset. On 3 Jan 2020, she was given: 

CC10.1 Emergencies + CC11.4 Migraines + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic…6TD

On 7 Jan she conveyed that she did not get migraine and so did not need painkillers. The dosage was reduced to TDS. A week later, she sounded very happy as she now had an improved mental state and clarity of thought, and no more migraines. On 16 Feb, she reported one mild episode lasting a few hours but without the need for a painkiller. 

She was advised to continue taking the remedy and after four months, it was tapered off and stopped at the end of July 2020. As of Jan 2024, she continues to be migraine-free and is very happy.