Divine words from the Master Healer
Том 16 Выпуск 2
March / April 2025
“The dreams that you experience are actually the reactions of your food and habits. There is an intricate and inseparable relationship between food, head and God. Food plays a vital role in the spiritual path. When we consume the right kind of food, it helps us in our effort to understand Divinity. As is the food, so is the mind. Only one with pure mind can understand Divinity. In order to cultivate purity of mind, you should partake of pure and satvic food. You should consider food as God. It is said, Yad Bhavam Tad Bhavati (as you think so you become).”
...Sathya Sai Speaks,” Purify the Mind and Focus it on Divinity”, Dasara Discourse, Day 5, 13 October 2002
“What, according to you is service? You consider helping people in difficulties is service. No. It is not as simple as that. Your body should be constantly engaged in serving others. The human body consists of several limbs. All these limbs are meant to be engaged in serving your fellowmen and not for other activities. Unfortunately, we are forgetting this basic fact. Every limb in the human body has been granted by God for karmopasana (worshipping God through service). Karmopasana is the only means by which the human life can be sanctified.”
...Sathya Sai Baba, “Service to Man is Service to God” Discourse, 1 January 2004