Divine words from the Master Healer
Том 15 Выпуск 5
September / October 2024
“Consider food as Parartha (God) and not mere Padartha (matter). Take care that the food that you eat helps you to maintain good health. Do not consume stale food. It is like poison.”
…Sathya Sai Baba, “Purify the Mind and Focus it on Divinity”, Dasara Discourse, Day 5, 13 October 2002:
“The foremost activity man should engage in is service to fellow human beings. Instead, people are wasting their precious time worrying about either the past or the future. Therefore, embodiments of love! You should always engage yourselves in service to fellow human beings. There is no greater sadhana than such service.”
... Sathya Sai Baba, “Service to Man is Service to God” Discourse, 1 January 2004