Verruca 02584...Italy
A female patient age 35 had suffered with flat verruca that caused severe itching for two years. The dermatologist said that it was psychosomatic and there was no cure. The patient said that they were caused by stress and shock when her mother died. During the two years cortisone and penicillin had been given but they were still there. In 2005 the following combo was given:
NM2 Blood + NM25 Shock...TDS
Two weeks later the patient had a strong pullout, consisting of the verruca (or warts) appearing all over the body then they flattened and disappeared. After three weeks there was a 50% improvement and in a month she was totally healed.
Patient’s testimonial:
“It was a wonderful experience, I was ready for the pullout I continued the cure and conquered my problem.”