From the desk of Dr.Jit K Aggarwal
Obj 16 Sprawa 1
January / February 2025
Dear Practitioners,
The joy that pervades Prashanti Nilayam at this time of year is infectious. Beautiful decorations and colourful lights adorn the entire ashram, bathing it in multi-hued vibes of festivity and happiness. Having celebrated the advent of Jesus Christ on Christmas, we bid goodbye to 2024 and look towards 2025 with hope and prayers for more peaceful and fulfilling times ahead.
In His discourse on Christmas day in 1995, Swami said, “It was to teach mankind the greatness of divine love that Jesus came. His father passed away when Jesus was ten years old. Thereafter, with the permission of his mother, he embarked on his ministry of service to the people. He resolved on three tasks: to be filled with Divine love and share it with others was the main purpose of his life; two, he should not succumb to praise or censure in carrying out his mission; three, to inspire in others the conviction that Divinity within is omnipresent.”…Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 28 (1995). If we take to heart Baba’s words, we should resolve to follow in the footsteps of avatars, be it Christ or Swami – make service the mission of our lives and let nothing hinder us in spreading His glory.
Looking back at the journey of Sai Vibrionics in 2024, there is much to be grateful for, since with His grace, we have witnessed steady growth and refinement in all areas of our activities due to the untiring efforts of our dedicated practitioners.
- The first Annual General Meeting of SVIRT was held on 17 Nov 2024 and was attended by all ten members including the President and four other Governors.
- 95 new Associates have joined SVIRT this year.
- The number of bottles of IB distributed has touched a new high of 1,125,000!
- In the last year, 60,580 patients have been served in 1926 vibro camps at 118 different venues by 135 practitioners.
- Our regular bi-weekly vibro camps in the Ladies Sevadal building and camps in Bhakta Niwas in Prashanti Nilayam continue to be held.
- The patient clinic at SVIRT headquarters has been slowly picking up over the past 18 months and is now serving a steady stream of patients. It is managed by Practitioner11604 and her team every Monday and Friday from 3.30 – 5.30 pm. Practitioner11673 is available to help visiting practitioners with recharging of 108CC box and providing supplies, etc. at the office from 12-1 pm on Tues, Wed, Thurs and 4-5 pm on Mon and Fri.
- We successfully held SVIRT’s first Teachers’ Training workshop from 5 to 7 December 2024. Details can be found in In Addition section.
At organisational level, we are constantly working on making all procedures and guidelines practitioner friendly so that the benefit can trickle down to our patients. Based on suggestions received from practitioners we have updated our documents - Patient Record format, Case History Guidelines and Sample Mentee report. These have been uploaded on our website (go to Forms > Download) and I urge you all to start using them asap. Further comments/suggestions are welcome, all feedback will be taken constructively for the betterment of SVIRT; email us on [email protected].
I would be delighted if you all pay special attention to the Health article that is a major feature in every edition of our newsletter. In this time of information overload through multiple channels, it is often difficult to sift through the mix and pick out facts that are proven to be authentic. In this regard, our health article stands tall; a lot of hard work goes into writing each one. It is meticulously compiled after hours and hours of painstaking research. I urge you all not to miss out on reading it. In this edition, the write-up is all about Spine – a topic that is of great importance to all, especially in these times we live in where spine health is directly related to lifestyle choices. As we step into 2025, let at least one of our new year’s resolutions revolve around improving our own personal health.
In His discourse on New Year’s Day in 1971, Bhagawan said, “Regard every second as a new year and act on that basis. You need not wait for the passing of twelve months to embark on any enterprise. Transform yourselves every moment. Get rid of the bad old ideas; that will herald the birth of the new year. Take part in service activities to sanctify your lives. Adhere to righteous conduct. Live up to the motto - Help ever, Hurt never. This is the essence of the message of Vyasa's eighteen puranas. In rendering service, you must have total dedication.”…Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 11 (1971 - 72)
Let this be another of our resolutions – to be more steadfast in our dedication to His mission through our continued vibrionics service. May 2025 be fruitful in every way that really matters.
In loving service to Sai
Jit K Aggarwal