Newsletter Sai Vibrionica

" Ogni volta che vedete una persona ammalata, scoraggiata, sconsolata o inferma, quello è il vostro campo di seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Practitioner Profile 11608...India

Practitioner 11608… India holds a postgraduate degree in Computer Applications and worked at Kendriya Vidyalaya as a computer science teacher for eight years until 2014, returning to the same job in 2023 for a year. In the interim, she served as Principal of a school in West Bengal. Her interests lie primarily in computers and programming languages.

Being born in a family of Sai devotees, she attended Balvikas classes and dreamed of a day when she would be able to visit Puttaparthi. In 1997, Swami granted her wish and she was finally able to have His darshan in Prashanti Nilayam. She is an active member of her Sai samiti and participates in service activities, bhajan singing, and veda chanting. She has served as a Youth Coordinator and Balvikas Guru and since 2017, has been a District Veda & Spiritual Coordinator.

During Guru Poornima celebrations in 2018 she came across a vibro practitioner at the railway station in Puttaparthi. He had just finished his AVP training and, at her request, showed her the 108CC box and book. Hearing of Sai Vibrionics stirred something inside her and her heart was instantly filled with a desire to serve as a vibro practitioner. She became an AVP in March 2019 and just four months later, a VP in June 2019.

Her first patient was suffering from knee pain for 4 months. She was cured within 2 weeks of taking vibrionics. The practitioner was ecstatic when the patient hugged her in joy and regards this cure as nothing less than a miracle.

She would like to share some of her interesting case histories. A female patient aged 52 with a 10-year-old history of breast cancer and mastectomy of the left side, suddenly felt pain in her right breast and the nipple started to discharge blood. She immediately booked tickets to go to Mumbai to consult her doctor and also called the practitioner. Despite living more than an hour away, the practitioner accompanied by her husband went to the patient’s house so that she could begin treatment immediately. She gave her CC8.3 Breast disorders + CC10.1 Emergencies. Two days later, the pain was gone and at her checkup in Mumbai, to her great relief, the doctor told her that everything was fine.

The practitioner finds that CC15.6 Sleep disorders gives excellent results. In Sept 2020, she treated a 36-year-old male who, despite taking prescription sleeping pills for the last six months, had been unable to sleep for the past two weeks. She gave him CC15.6 Sleep disorders…OD, 20 minutes before going to bed. Within four days he was sleeping better. A month later he reported a 100 percent cure!

In another case, an 18-year-old girl with oily skin consulted her in April 2019 for acne and excessive black heads for about seven months. She was given CC21.2 Skin infections. Within  2 to 3 weeks, she reported that her skin had improved remarkably and in less than two months, she was symptom-free!

A 45-year-old vegetable vendor was suffering from pain and swelling in his knees for three months because he had to sit cross-legged for 8 to 10 hours a day. In May 2019, he was given CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue to be taken orally and applied externally in water. In three weeks, he was substantially relieved of his symptoms and in less than six months, he reported a complete cure. To this date after five years, he happily sits cross-legged.

In July 2019, she treated a pet rabbit who was weak, not eating well and shedding clumps of fur due to a worm infestation, with CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC4.6 Diarrhoea…6TD. In one week, the rabbit was 50% better and in a fortnight he was back to normal.

Over the last five years, she has treated 560 patients and now feels she has enough experience to be able to deduce the root cause of an illness. She serves as vibro Regional Coordinator, helps admin team with their database update and assists practitioners to upload their monthly reports. During her frequent visits to Puttaparthi she likes to attend to patients in SVIRT’s office and enjoys working with local practitioners.

Through her practice of vibrionics she has learnt to undertake seva with a spirit of surrender and remember Him as the ultimate doer. By interacting with all types of people she has learnt to treat everyone with love. She believes that selfless service is the best way to God.

Cases to share: