Newsletter Sai Vibrionica

" Ogni volta che vedete una persona ammalata, scoraggiata, sconsolata o inferma, quello è il vostro campo di seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 5 Uscita 2
March/April 2014
Versione Stampabile

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Dall’ufficio del Dr Jit K Aggarwal

Dear Practitioners

I have much to share with you this time.

Gratitude for the Conference

Let me begin by saying how moved I was to receive your feedback in response to our last newsletter on the First International Sai Vibrionics Conference. Many practitioners have written to let me know that they felt the Conference was a resounding success. A number of you have commented that the Conference helped advance your knowledge of Sai Vibrionics and gave you a much-appreciated opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences with fellow practitioners. Some of you have said that the Conference has inspired you with a new commitment to Vibrionics seva. I am indeed glad that attendees tell me that they enjoyed themselves beyond expectations and are now asking: When we will have our next conference?

This is all due to Swami‟s Grace.

So many of you contributed in important ways to make this possible but I would like to say a special word of thanks to these individuals/groups:

  • All of the participants;  
  • All those who contributed articles, speeches and case histories to our volume of Proceedings; and the core team who reviewed and edited the voluminous material.  
  • The team from Maharashtra, who provided all meals and refreshments during the Conference and one practitioner who provided the Conference badges.
  • The team from Kerala, who provided the registration folders and Conference banners;  
  • The UK team, who took complete charge of managing the accommodation for the delegates and handling the distribution of the Proceedings volume, and other materials;  
  • The Italian Team, who transformed our venue, the Old Mandir, with beautiful decorations;  
  • The mixed team from USA, UK and India who carried out on-site registration and issued badges.
  •  The Polish Coordinator, who took care of all the audio/visual requirements for the Conference and also produced the Vibrionics video DVD (see below); and  
  • The Head of the Chaitanya Jyoti Museum, who organized and mounted the Exhibition. 
  • Several delegates who lovingly prepared in-house the Prasadam provided by a Greek practitioner.

I also wish to heartily thank the many other individuals who worked very hard especially during the last 3 days leading up to the Conference to bring everything together and oversee all of the arrangements, under the able leadership of Dr Michael Rakoff from the USA. Altogether, about 45 volunteers helped out. We are grateful for your help.

Sai Vibrionics new YouTube channel

Turning now to new developments, I am pleased to announce that Vibrionics is officially on with our own channel called Sai Vibrionics Healing. You can access it at Two Vibrionics videos are posted there. These were screened during the Conference. The first video, Vibrionics, Sai Ram Healing Vibrations (, answers the question, “What is Vibrionics?” It provides a helpful introduction for patients and general audience. The second video, Blessing of Vibrionics ( watch?v=fB8DDtQiOoo), is a slide show commemorating Sai Baba‟s blessings of Vibrionics during Guru Poornima 2008-2010.

You can also access the video Vibrionics, Sai Ram Healing Vibrations, on our website ( through links on the Home page and the “What is Sai Vibrionics” page.

The videos are in English. They are being translated into various languages and will be posted on our YouTube channel and our website as they become available. Polish is already loaded now.

Kerala’s extraordinary plan to expand Vibrionics

I am also very pleased to share an important development from Kerala.

The Kerala State Coordinator reports that the first Kerala Awareness programs were conducted at Thrissur on March 12 and Ernakulam on March 23 (see photos). Committees were then organized in each of the two districts to support the expansion of Vibrionics. Their mission is to help educate the public about vibro, organize treatment camps, and identify qualified individuals for training as practitioners. The committees comprise members of the general public and vibro well-wishers including patients who have benefited from treatment. Kerala now plans to expand this effort to other districts. Accordingly, District Coordinators and other practitioners have been mobilized to organise programs for their respective areas.

Through the Awareness Program and the activities of the supporting committees, Kerala aims to train at least 90 new VP's and to increase the number of patients treated to not less than double the present number before Bhagawan‟s 90th birthday on November 23, 2015. Kerala is to be highly commended for its dedication to Vibrionics seva!

In loving service to Sai Jit Aggarwal 


Diabete, Pressione Sanguigna Elevata e Depressione 10001...India

Nel Maggio del 2008, una paziente di 52 anni, che era una lontana parente del terapeuta, chiese un trattamento per il diabete e la pressione del sangue elevata. Le era stato diagnosticato il diabete 10 anni prima ed ora era insulino-dipendente; assumeva quotidianamente 15 unità di insulina prima di pranzo e 10 unità prima di cena. Con questo, la sua glicemia random era pari a 150. Oltre a ciò, da 3 anni stava assumendo una medicina allopatica per la pressione alta ed anche un farmaco per “debolezza generale”. La paziente confidò che si sentiva depressa (ansiosa, svogliata e insicura) da qualche mese ma che non stava assumendo alcun rimedio per questo problema.

Le furono somministrati i seguenti rimedi:
#1. CC6.3 Diabetes...OD mezz’ora dopo il pranzo

#2. CC3.3 High Blood Pressure + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic ...TDS

Con la Vibrionica, la paziente manifestò un costante miglioramento del diabete. Fu in grado di ridurre il dosaggio di insulina ad una media di 2 unità ogni quindici giorni. Dopo un anno, il suo medico sospese l’insulina e le fece seguire una cura farmacologica per via orale, con la quale era in grado di mantenere un normale contenuto di zucchero nel sangue.

Inoltre, dopo un mese di Vibrionica, la sua pressione sanguigna ritornò nella norma e quindi il suo medico cominciò gradatamente a ridurre il farmaco, e lei riferì che la sua depressione se n’era andata. Aveva cominciato a sentirsi fresca ed energica.

Tuttavia, poco dopo aver iniziato con la Vibrionica, manifestò un mal di schiena. Aveva sofferto di mal di schiena molto tempo prima ed era ricomparso durante il trattamento. Le fu somministrato il seguente rimedio: #3. CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.2 SMJ pain + CC20.5 Spine...TDS

La paziente riferì un completo sollievo dal dolore alla schiena dopo un mese, quindi il dosaggio venne ridotto a BD.

Dopo un anno, la paziente stava assumendo i seguenti rimedi: #1. come sopra e
#4. CC3.3 High Blood Pressure + 12.1 Adult tonic...TDS

Proseguì per un secondo anno prima di sospenderli.

Nell’insieme, la paziente è stata in grado di ridurre la medicina allopatica per il diabete dell’80%, di sospendere il farmaco per la pressione alta ed ha provato una completa guarigione dalla depressione e dal mal di schiena. Il suo medico ha convenuto che il suo ristabilimento era dovuto unicamente alla Vibrionica.

Bruciature alle Mani 11520...India

Un paziente di 53 anni si recò dal terapeuta nel Dicembre del 2013 con bruciature di secondo grado su entrambe le mani, provocate da una bacchetta di plastica rovente. Aveva molto dolore. Le palme apparivano arrossate e piene di vesciche. Non riusciva a muovere le palme e le dita a causa del gonfiore, perciò non poteva compiere il suo lavoro quotidiano e nemmeno cambiarsi gli abiti. Il paziente era troppo povero per permettersi un trattamento allopatico. Il suo unico rimedio era quello di immergere le mani nell’acqua fredda.

Gli venne somministrato:
CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC14.1 Male tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC21.1 Skin tonic + CC21.4 Stings & Bites + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions...6TD

In 8 giorni i sintomi del paziente migliorarono di circa il 50%. Il gonfiore delle palme era scomparso ed avvertiva meno dolore, quindi fu in grado di muovere le dita lentamente. Il dosaggio venne allora ridotto da 6TD a TDS. Dopo altri 7 giorni ci fu un miglioramento del 100%. La pelle delle palme divenne normale ed il paziente riprese la sua normale attività. Le bruciature sono guarite completamente in un periodo complessivo di 15 giorni.

Foruncoli sulle Natiche 11210...India

Un uomo di 50 anni stava soffrendo di un intenso dolore causato da foruncoli sulle natiche. I foruncoli comparivano uno dopo l’altro, si riempivano di pus e poi scoppiavano, ma nuove lesioni continuavano a manifestarsi. Per due volte, alcuni avevano dovuto essere rimossi chirurgicamente. Inizialmente, al paziente venne somministrato:
#1. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections...TDS

In un mese ci fu un miglioramento del 20%. Il numero dei foruncoli diminuì, ma quelli rimanenti causavano un acuto dolore. Il rimedio venne sostituito con:
#2 CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.1 Skin tonic + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions...TDS

In 2 mesi ci fu un miglioramento del 50%. Il rimedio suddetto continuò ad essere somministrato per 6 mesi, fino a quando il paziente si liberò di tutti i foruncoli e fu in grado di sedersi e di lavorare senza difficoltà. Il dosaggio venne allora ridotto ad OD ed in seguito fu ulteriormente ridotto a 2TW per prevenire una ricaduta.

I commenti dell'editore:
I foruncoli sono indice di una condizione settica nell’organismo, perciò sarebbe stato utile somministrare anche CC17.2 Cleansing, come pure controllare il tipo di dieta seguita dal paziente, oppure se nel suo ambiente attuale ci fosse qualche sostanza velenosa che lui stava respirando e che gli aveva provocato i foruncoli. 

Cisti sulla Palpebra Sinistra 10604...India

Una donna di 28 anni venne per farsi curare una cisti sulla palpebra sinistra, per la quale il suo medico le aveva consigliato un intervento chirurgico da eseguirsi entro una settimana. Le venne somministrato:
CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...QDS

In una settimana la cisti si era attenuata, perciò l’intervento fu rinviato di un’altra settimana ed il trattamento Vibrionico proseguì. Dopo un’altra settimana, la cisti era scomparsa. 

Gravidanza Difficile 11476...India

Una donna di 33 anni si recò dal terapeuta nell’Ottobre del 2012 perché, per 7 o 8 anni aveva tentato senza successo di avere un figlio, nonostante un trattamento allopatico per la fertilità. Stava anche assumendo farmaci allopatici per l’ipotiroidismo (Thyronam 25 mg OD, dal 2008) e per il diabete (Centapin XR compresse OD, dal 2005).

Le fu somministrato:
#1. CC6.2 Hypothyroid + CC6.3 Diabetes + CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus...TDS

Rimase incinta dopo 10 giorni di assunzione del suddetto rimedio. Era in ansia per la sicurezza del suo bambino a causa del diabete e della tiroide, perciò il terapeuta sostituì il primo rimedio con il seguente:
#2. CC6.2 Hypothyroid + CC6.3 Diabetes + CC8.2 Pregnancy tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...TDS

Date le preoccupazioni della paziente, il terapeuta si mantenne in regolare contatto con lei nel corso della gravidanza. Durante questo periodo la paziente monitorò attentamente i suoi livelli glicemici e tiroidei. Cominciando dal quinto mese di gravidanza, la paziente assunse iniezioni di insulina da una pompa insulinica per il diabete ed aumentò il farmaco per l’ipotiroidismo a 50 mg OD. La paziente proseguì con il trattamento Vibrionico per tutta la gravidanza e per il mese successivo.

Il 17 Luglio 2013, con taglio cesareo, nacque la sua bambina sana del peso di 2.4 chili. La madre ha allattato la sua bambina. Dopo il parto è guarita completamente dal diabete ed il suo livello tiroideo è rimasto stabile alla precedente dose di Thyronam 25 mg.

Tumore Benigno 11278...India

Il 23 Gennaio 2013, un paziente di 62 anni chiese un trattamento per un tumore benigno molle (1 cm x 1 cm), localizzato alla schiena, sotto la spalla destra. Ce l’aveva da 10 anni. Il suo medico gli aveva raccomandato un intervento per eliminarlo ma lo aveva avvertito del fatto che il tumore avrebbe potuto ricomparire. Poiché il tumore non provocava dolore, il paziente evitò l’operazione. Gli fu somministrato quanto segue:
#1. CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC12.1 Adult tonic...TDS 4

Entro due settimane (2 Febbraio), il tumore era divenuto rossastro. Si era anche attenuato e iniziava a provocare un leggero dolore. Il 21 Marzo, una sostanza bianca maleodorante trasudò nel momento in cui si esercitò una pressione. Il 9 Aprile, circa il 60% del liquido era fuoriuscito e la pelle sopra il tumore diventò nera. Il rimedio venne sostituito con:
#2. CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections...TDS

Il 18 Giugno, il tumore era diventato completamente piatto; la pelle era ancora annerita. Il 24 Luglio, il tumore era quasi scomparso. Il dosaggio venne ridotto ad un livello di mantenimento di OD per un mese e poi sospeso. Attualmente il tumore è scomparso; solo una chiazza di pelle scura rimane a segnarne il punto.

Trattamento di raccolti: Tur, Mosambi e Cotone 11279...India

La mia prima esperienza avvenne su un appezzamento di terreno di circa 10 metri quadrati di Tur (Cece Rosso, seme Laxmi Niwaran) piantato nel Giugno 2012 dal Peti Master (suonatore di armonium) del nostro Bhajan Mandali (circolo bhajan). In questo appezzamento, scoprii che i vermi stavano mangiando le piante di Tur in fiore. Gli dissi che, di recente, avevo fatto un corso di Vibrionica e che c’erano dei rimedi per l’infestazione. La gente locale era già stata testimone delle cure Vibrioniche coronate da successo sugli esseri umani, ma quella delle piante era una novità. Il Peti Master mi permise di provare la vibrionica sul suo campo di Tur. Perciò, io preparai:
CC1.2 Plant tonic + CC21.7 Fungus, 4 gocce di ciascuno in 1 litro d’acqua.

Quest’acqua venne poi mescolata in un secchio di plastica con 15 litri d’acqua e, il 15 Agosto, io stesso spruzzai l’acqua vibrazionale con una pompa a mano di plastica cantando ‘Sai Ram, Sai Ram’. Durante la notte i vermi se n’erano andati e, in seguito, scoprimmo che anche le formiche non si arrampicavano su queste piante. Ci fu un raccolto abbondantissimo.

Il mio secondo esperimento fu sulla mia piantagione di 2 acri con 550 piante di Mosambi (Limone Dolce). Questo era il 4° anno (2011) del frutteto. Spruzzai la suddetta miscela sulle piante nello stesso modo, per 3 volte durante la stagione della fioritura ad intervalli di un mese (11 Giugno, 11 Luglio e 11 Agosto). Non feci uso di alcun insetticida perché erano molto costosi. Nello stesso anno, ottenni un raccolto di Mosambi del valore di 3.5 lakh di Rupie (circa 4.000 Euro). Anche nella stagione successiva (2012) spruzzai la suddetta miscela durante la stagione della fioritura, per tre volte ad intervalli mensili.

Il raccolto di Mosambi fu di 3 lakh di Rupie (circa 3.500 Euro) e lo scorso anno (2013) ho venduto Mosambi per un valore di 3.75 lakh di Rupie (circa 4.400 Euro).

Desidero segnalare una cosa e cioè che, mentre irroravo, non parlavo ma cantavo silenziosamente ‘Sai Ram, Sai Ram’. Sento che questo è importante affinché l’uso della vibrionica sia coronato da successo.

Per concludere con un terzo caso, usando la suddetta combinazione e lo stesso metodo, nel 2012 ho coltivato 26 quintali (1 quintale=100 kg) di cotone Brahma su di 1 acro. Ho piantato il cotone nei giorni 1-2 di Giugno e li ho irrorati settimanalmente con la suddetta combinazione, facendo 5 cicli durante il mese di Luglio. Non é stato usato nessun pesticida, solo vibrionica. I campi adiacenti hanno prodotto soltanto 5-6 quintali per acro. Perciò il mio vicino mi ha chiesto di irrorare la combo vibrionica sui suoi campi. Ho prontamente accettato ed anche il suo raccolto si è moltiplicato.

Practitioner Profile

I belong to a small village Dhawalapur, which is about 50 km from Nagpur, Maharashtra. I did a Master’s Degree in Veterinary Science in 1954, held a government job for a brief period and then chose farming because my father insisted that I do not leave the village but instead develop our own farm. I became a farmer. You know the plight of farmers in the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra. It is pathetic. Many have committed suicide due totheir inability to repay their debts. Being educated I had an inclination towards scientific farming but it meant using pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers, which were too costly,while the harvest entirely depended on nature. In 2009, the Sathya Sai Medicare Project, Nagpur, started their free Medicare program in our village. Both allopathic as well as vibro medicines were given free of charge. We knew the benefits of allopathy but this new Vibrionics was doing wonders especially with patients suffering from asthma, arthritis, skin infections, and so on. The vibro healers who came with the ambulance told me that these vibro remedies could also be used on plants and animals. With the encouragement and support of the local vibro coordinator I did the vibro training course at Nagpur with Dr Nand and Mrs Kamlesh Agarwal. Included in my monthly vibro reports are many cases of use of vibrionics for plants, crop acreages. I also treat 4-5 animals each month. [Editor’s note:  We will publish additional reports later] By Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s grace, I have become a very much sought-after person in Dhawalpur because of my success in organic farming and getting high yields because of use of vibrionics.  Jai Sai Ram. 

L’Angolo della Risposta

1. Question: In the case of a patient suffering from piles, is CC4.4 Constipation sufficient or is some additional remedy required?

Answer: It would be a good idea to give CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic and also a liver remedy such as CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic. Also, advise your patient to drink lots of water every day and to eat a healthy diet, which includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.


2. Question: If a mobile phone in your pocket rings when you still have the vibro pill in your mouth, will it get neutralised?

Answer: Certainly not because once the pill is in the mouth, the vibration in the pill would already be well on its way to the appropriate organ of the body.


3. Question: If a patient is asking for a vibro calcium supplement, which is the combo to be given?

Answer: Both CC12.1 Adult tonic and CC20.1 SMJ tonic have the vibration of calcium in them. So, either or both of these Common Combos can be prescribed.


4. Question: Can we charge stones with vibrations? If so how long will it take? Answer: To charge a quartz crystal, leave it in the remedy well for 24 hours.

Answer: To charge a quartz crystal, leave it in the remedy well for 24 hours. 


5.  Question: If a combo is included in another combo—for example, CC20.3 has CC20.2, and CC20.2 has CC20.1 in it—do we add all 3 in a bottle or will CC20.3 alone be sufficient?

Answer: In general, we don‟t add CC20.1 or CC20.2 to CC20.3 because CC20.3 already contains the other two. However, when CC20.3 is found not to act quickly, we have found that it sometimes strengthens the combo to add one or the other!


6. Question: If a patient is being treated for more than one disease, can he be given different combos mixed in one bottle?

Answer: For beginners, we recommend that they treat one chronic disease at a time (plus any related problems). Only after the patient is making reasonably good progress, we consider treating the second chronic problem. If we were to treat 2 or more chronic problems with all combos in one bottle and the patient experienced a pullout, we could not be sure which remedy is causing the pullout. With experience, however, a practitioner can often decide to treat more than one disease at the same time, giving only one bottle to the patient. This often happens because patients generally like to receive as few bottles as possible.


7. Question: There is no medicine in allopathy for hernia except surgery. How effective is Vibrionics in reducing the bulging part or the related pain?

Answer: CC4.9 Hernia is certainly very effective for hernia pain. So our recommendation is that you should take Vibrionics for at least 2 months before considering surgery. 



Parole Divine dal Terapeuta Principale

“The main cause of cancer is refined sugar. The reason is that in the refining of sugar a lot of chemicals are added and one of these processing chemicals is bone-char. When you eat, it may get lodged in any part of the body and create problems. Eradicate sugar and you will eradicate cancer.

Sugar encourages calcium losses and is sufficient to increase the risk of calcium oxalate stones in the urinary tract. In place of sugar, jaggery is a good substitute."

-Sathya Sai Baba’s Discourse, Jan. 3, 1994



“Prayer is the very breath of religion; for, it brings man and God nearer and nearer to each other. Meditation (dhyana) is the process of listening to the Song Celestial, the flute of Krishna, with the mental ears alert on the melody. Just as every day you engage in exercises and consume tonics, calculating the intake of calories and vitamins, paying meticulous attention to the nutritional value of the food, pay attention also to the intake of impressions into the mind, whether they debilitate or strengthen, whether they add to the power of resistance of the mind against the viruses - greed, envy, hatred, pride, malice, etc.

Have a meal of good acts of service, divine thoughts, and drink the juice of Love (Prema rasa), so that they may be washed down, and digested well. Then, you can be shining in mental health, happiness and wholesomeness".

-Sathya Sai Baba’s Discourse, Oct. 6, 1970 


India: Delhi-NCR: AVP workshop 12-13 April 2014, contact Sangeeta at [email protected]

 UK: London: Refresher workshop May 14, contact Jeram at [email protected]

 India: Puttaparthi: AVP&SVP workshops 18-22 April 14, contact Hem at [email protected]

Italy: Spinea Near Venice: AVP workshop 17-18 May 14, contact Manolis at [email protected]

All Trainers: If you have a workshop scheduled, send details to: [email protected] 


Sai Vibrionics offers health information and articles for educational purposes only; this information is not meant as medical advice. Counsel your patients to see their medical doctor about their specific medical condition. 

An Onion a Day May Keep the Doctor Away (Part 2)
Please note that in our January 2014 newsletter we covered Part 1 of the onion’s health benefits 


Onions and Cancer

Although onions contain many of the same sulphur compounds found in garlic, onions bring you even more benefits with their high flavonoids content, particularly quercetin. Quercetin acts like an antihistamine and an anti-inflammatory. Quercetin and cancer are incompatible with each other. Studies suggest that quercetin may have the power and ability to slow the growth of cancer cells, stop cancer cells from migrating to other parts of the body (metastasis) and force cancer cells to die in a variety of ways, such as choking off their blood supply or by triggering cancer-killing genes.

Cornell University researcher, Rui Hai Liu, MD, Ph D, an associate professor of food science, tested 10 varieties of onions and shallots (a relative of the onion) and found that the members of the onion family with the strongest and most pungent flavour are the best varieties for inhibiting the growth of liver and colon cancer cells.

Fresh, uncooked onion samples were used, with extracts taken from the bulbs, with the outer skin removed. The study showed that the shallot, a staple in most Asian, Mexican, French, and Mediterranean cooking, had the highest antioxidant activity among the 11 varieties tested, with six times more antioxidant compounds than the lowest-ranked onion, the Vidalia, which had the mildest flavour. The shallot also had the greatest effect against liver cancer cell growth.

Studies that have analyzed the diet and health data from thousands of people have found that compared to those who ate the fewest onions, those who ate the most onions lowered their risk of developing colon cancer by 56%, breast cancer by 25%, prostate cancer by 71%, oesophageal cancer by 82%, ovarian cancer by 73%, oral cancer by 84%, kidney cancer by 38% and a 54% lower risk of pancreatic cancer.

Researchers also found that women who ate two or more 80-gram (2.82 oz) servings of onions a week had a 60% lesser risk of developing endometrial cancer. Consuming onions at least one time or more than one time a week has been shown to lower the risk of stomach cancer in China. The researchers of this study proposed that increased onion intake prevented the growth of the ulcer-causing micro organism, Helicobacter pylori, that has been linked to stomach cancer. The onion contains fructo- oligosaccharides—compounds that have been shown to stimulate growth of healthy bacteria and suppress the growth of potentially harmful bacteria in the colon. This may explain the onion‟s role in preventing colon cancer. Onion extract was found to kill tumour cells in test tubes..

Onions and Diabetes

Studies show that onions reduce blood sugar in people with diabetes. One study compared the effects of administering either insulin or 100g of crude red onion to patients with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. The results showed that although the blood glucose levels did not decrease to the extent achieved with insulin, onions nevertheless dramatically decreased the blood sugar levels. Also, there was an increase in blood sugar levels for the first hour after onion consumption. This was attributed to the onion‟s glycogenic effects, which would counteract the common side effect of hypoglycaemia of many anti- diabetic drugs like insulin.

The main active ingredient in onions that lowers blood sugar is the sulphur compound known as allyl propyl disulphide (APDS) which blocks the breakdown of insulin in the liver leaving higher levels of insulin in the body for it to cope with diabetes. Onions also contain a mineral called Chromium that helps cells respond to insulin thereby assisting with blood sugar control.

Skin Conditions

The juice of an onion has been used to treat insect stings, warts and itching from chilblains, a skin inflammation due to poor peripheral blood flow to the extremities. As published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, USA, researchers have found that the use of onion extract gel on surgical scars made the scars softer and less red, with a smoother texture and an overall better appearance.

Aside from being sodium-, fat- and cholesterol-free, onions are a very good source of immune-system- boosting Vitamin C. One cup of raw onions provides 20% of the Daily Value of Vitamin C. In addition, onions are a good source of enzyme-activating manganese and molybdenum as well as heart-healthy vitamin B6, fibre, folate, and potassium. In terms of percent Daily Value (percent of the nutrient you need each day), 1 cup of raw onions provides 11% fibre, 11% molybdenum, 10.5% manganese, 10% Vitamin B6, 8% folate, 7% potassium, and 6% tryptophan.



Are You Losing Your Hair? 

With about 100,000 to 150,000 hairs on your scalp, losing about 50-100 hairs every day is normal. However,ifyouseebaldpatchesorlotsofthinning,youmaybeexperiencinghairloss(alopecia). The causes of hair loss are many. When hair loss begins suddenly, the cause may be due to illness (a major surgery, high fever, severe infection, or even the flu), poor diet and nutrition (a diet low in protein and iron or a crash diet leading to weight loss of 15 pounds or more), prescription medicines (which treat arthritis, depression, gout, heart problems, high blood pressure, glaucoma, ulcers, Parkinson‟s disease, or high doses of Vitamin A), hormonal changes and imbalances due to pregnancy, childbirth, discontinuation of birth control pills or the onset of menopause.

If hair loss is gradual and becomes more noticeable with each passing year, a person may have hereditary hair loss or androgenetic alopecia. This kind of hair loss, also known as male/female pattern baldness is the most common. Hair loss can be the first sign of a disease. About 30 diseases, including thyroid disease, Polycystic ovary syndrome, anaemia, ringworm of the scalp, and eating disorders cause hair loss. By treating the specific disease, hair loss may be stopped or reversed. Other causes of hair loss include radiation and chemotherapy from cancer treatments, stress (e.g., from experiencing a traumatic event such as the death of a loved one or divorce), and lack of adequate sleep.

The following hair care practices can cause hair to fall, become dry or break:

  • Frequent or improper use of hair styling products with harsh chemical ingredients— products for bleaching, permanents, dyes, relaxers, gels and hair sprays (Try to avoid these.);

  • Daily shampooing and conditioning (Instead, space out your hair washes to every 2-3 days for proper regulation of natural hair oils.);

  • Frequent use of devices such as curling irons, blow dryers and flat irons (to straighten hair) on high heat (which boil the water in the hair shaft. Instead, air dry your hair and if you have no time, use blow dryers sparingly on the “warm” rather than “hot” setting);

  • Hair styles that pull on hair such as tight ponytails, cornrows or braids;

  • Too much combing or brushing (e.g., 100 strokes or more a day)

  • Use of hairpins, clips and rubber bands that hold hair too tightly (Instead, use smooth ball-tipped hairpins and fabric bands that fit loosely.);

  • Brushing & combing wet hair (Wet hair is three times weaker and more likely to break, so instead gently towel dry and then detangle your hair using a wide-tooth comb and then brush the dry hair just once or twice in the morning or night to stimulate the circulation in your scalp.);

  • Taking hot showers, which strip protective oils from your hair (Instead, take showers just a bit warmer than your body temperature.).

Applying herbal hair oils such as coconut, olive, almond or amla (gooseberry) can increase the tensile strength of hair, reduce frizziness, prevent breakage and by coating the hair, form a protective layer for the hair shaft. Oils moisturize (coat and seal the hair shaft from root to tip to prevent loss of moisture), condition and nourish the scalp with amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Further, adding essential oils like cedar wood, thyme, lavender or rosemary to these oils further stimulates hair growth by increasing blood flow to the scalp. Since it‟s not recommended to apply essential oils directly to the scalp, apply to the hair after adding a few drops of the essential oils to the base oils.

In one study, a daily scalp massage with the essential oils of rosemary, thyme, lavender and cedar in a carrier mixture of jojoba and grape seed oils showed more hair growth for one group after 7 months than a second group who used only the carrier oils. In another study published in The Journal of Dermatology, Japan, 20 of the 23 people who applied onion juice to their scalps twice a day saw hair growth in six weeks.

A study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, USA, reported that hair growth improved for men taking an herbal extract of Saw Palmetto daily. Some studies have shown that this herbal supplement may be just as effective as the prescription drug Finasteride, for treating hair loss, without its side effects. Male and female pattern baldness has been linked to the conversion of the male hormone testosterone to DHT (dihydrotestosterone); Saw Palmetto disrupts the formation of DHT. In another study, 100 percent of people who supplemented with Methylsulfonylmethane (naturally occurring in cow‟s milk and leafy vegetables), which aids in the production of keratin (a protein in hair) showed reduced hair loss and increased growth in only six weeks.

Healthy Hair Tips:

  • Keep stress under control by taking stress management classes, yoga, spending more time with loved ones, dancing, calming music and, most importantly, by getting adequate sleep).

  • Eat a balanced diet high in fruits, vegetables, protein (When the body does not get enough protein, it rations the protein by shutting down hair growth,), iron, Omega-3 & 6 fatty acids, vitamins especially Vitamin A, Vitamin C (for the healthy development of collagen that surrounds the hair strands), Vitamin E (to nourish damaged hair), B-complex vitamins and minerals.

  1. Some top food picks for hair are: Walnuts--rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, biotin and Vitamin E, B Vitamins and copper;

  2. Sweet potatoes & carrots (Vitamin A);

  3. Eggs--a great source of protein, Vitamin B12, Omega 6 fatty acids and the key minerals zinc, selenium, sulphur and iron;

  4. Spinach and leafy vegetables such as broccoli, kale and Swiss chard are rich in iron, beta carotene, folate and vitamin C;

  1. Lentils are teeming with protein, iron, zinc and biotin;

  2. Greek yogurt is high in hair-friendly protein, Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), and Vitamin D or just low-fat yogurt or milk, which are also great sources of whey protein and calcium, a mineral important for hair growth;

  3. Blueberries, kiwis and strawberries are rich in Vitamin C;

  4. Green peas are a good source of iron, zinc and B-group vitamins.



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Om Sai Ram