Newsletter Sai Vibrionica

" Ogni volta che vedete una persona ammalata, scoraggiata, sconsolata o inferma, quello è il vostro campo di seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 5 Uscita 4
July/August 2014
Versione Stampabile

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Dall’ufficio del Dr Jit K Aggarwal

Dear Practitioners

With this issue, the Newsletter moves to include more content from practitioners. We intend to expand this aspect of the Newsletter with different features in upcoming issues. Please let us know whether this is useful to you and especially what you would like to see more of. To the many contributors who offered materials, thank you for your seva and your inspiring reports of divine healings. We wish we could have published all of the wonderful materials we received in this issue but we anticipate that we will be able to share your experiences very soon in our next issue.

As Guru Poornima draws near in Prashanti Nilayam, our hearts turn even more strongly and with greater devotion to our Beloved Lord, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, our Swami, Healer of healers. We feel especially close to Swami at this holy time of year. Swami has blessed Sai Ram Vibrational healers by providing the eternal model for our loving seva. As a token of His Grace, for many years He specially recognized Vibrionics on Guru Poornima. He blessed the cake we so lovingly offered Him and gave us the honour of preparing prasadam to be distributed in Sai Kulwant Hall on this occasion – a very big job but one that we undertook with sheer joy!

Just as sunflowers always turn to the sun, never forgetting their source for a minute, as healers, we always turn towards Swami.

May we truly realize that we are Embodiments of His loving Self, that we have the Divine Guru within us. Let Swami live through us every day in the way we care for our patients, in our healing words, thoughts, and deeds. May we see Swami in everyone.

In loving service to Sai

Jit Aggarwal 



Psoriasi 02128...Argentina

Il 10 Dicembre 2013, un ragazzo di 28 anni chiese di essere trattato per eruzioni di psoriasi di cui soffriva regolarmente a causa dello stress da esami universitari. Presentava ampie chiazze sul torace, i fianchi, la schiena, le spalle e la parte superiore delle braccia (foto del 12 Dicembre). In precedenza aveva provato trattamenti allopatici ed aloe, ma senza trarne sollievo. Gli venne somministrato il seguente rimedio da applicare esternamente:
CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.10 Psoriasis + SR293 Gunpowder...BD, preparato in olio di mandorla con vibhuti.

Dopo 1 settimana, l’infiammazione si era completamente calmata e le chiazze variegate si stavano attenuando (foto del 19 Dicembre). Dopo 2 settimane, la pelle era tornata normale (foto del 27 Dicembre). Il paziente era guarito al 100%. 

12 Dicembre 

19 Dicembre 

27 Dicembre 


12 Dicembre 
19 Dicembre                  27 Dicembre

Leucemia & guarigione dopo intervento di trapianto di midollo osseo 12051...India

Il 19 Settembre 2013, fu richiesto il trattamento per una bimba di 4 anni che soffriva di leucemia. Le era stata diagnosticata due anni prima, aveva completato la chemioterapia in un ospedale di Bangalore ma aveva avuto una recidiva 4 mesi dopo essere tornata a casa e non venne considerata adatta ad un ulteriore trattamento. Venne poi ricoverata presso un altro centro oncologico di Bangalore, dove il padre lavorava come addetto alla mensa. I medici eseguirono un trapianto di midollo utilizzando il midollo osseo del padre. Mentre si riprendeva dall’intervento nell’unità di terapia intensiva, le fu somministrato:
#1. CC2.1 Cancers – all + CC3.1 Heart tonic...TDS

Dopo 10 giorni, manifestò una diarrea, perciò il dosaggio venne ridotto ad OD. Un esame delle feci ed altre analisi si rivelarono normali, ma la bimba era molto debole e svogliata e continuava ad avere la diarrea. Dopo altri 10 giorni, per sostenere il suo sistema immunitario e controllare la diarrea , il trattamento venne cambiato con:
#2. CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic ...TDS (6TD se necessario).

Dopo tre giorni, stava abbastanza bene da essere dimessa. Due settimane dopo essere tornata a casa, la madre riferì che sua figlia si era ripresa quasi al 100%; ad un recente controllo, i medici furono stupiti e compiaciuti per la sua rapida ripresa.

I genitori, che in precedenza erano disperati circa il futuro della loro figlia, credono fortemente che sia stata la Vibrionica a permetterle di riprendersi miracolosamente in breve tempo e a tornare normale. Erano molto felici e hanno deciso di far continuare il trattamento Vibrionico alla loro figlia.

Cancro osseo metastatico 01768...Greece

Il 6 Gennaio 2014, il terapeuta trattò una donna di 62 anni che aveva sofferto di cancro al seno per i tre anni precedenti. Dopo essersi sottoposta a mastectomia ed aver completato la chemioterapia, la paziente era rimasta stabile fino al Giugno del 2013, quando aveva iniziato a provare dolori in tutto il corpo. Le fu comunicata una diagnosi di cancro osseo metastatico il 23 Dicembre 2013. Due settimane dopo iniziò il trattamento Vibrionico assumendo:
CC2.1 Cancers – all + CC2.2 Cancer pain + CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + NM113 Inflammation...TDS

Dopo ulteriori analisi, nel Marzo 2014, il medico le disse che si era verificato un miracolo: il cancro metastatico era completamente scomparso.

La paziente ha inoltre recuperato la salute psicologica. Quando iniziò con la Vibrionica, non era in grado di camminare. Da Maggio del 2014, cammina ogni giorno e continua la terapia Vibrionica. 

Cisti sulla Mano 00014...India

Il paziente, una guardia di sicurezza di 32 anni, si presentò con una cisti rotonda del diametro di circa 15 mm sul palmo della mano destra. Era gradatamente aumentata di dimensioni durante i 12 mesi precedenti. Era indolore ma ostacolava la presa. Non aveva consultato un medico poiché non se lo poteva permettere. Gli fu somministrato il seguente rimedio:
CC2.3 Tumours & Growths...QDS

Lo assunse per 15 giorni. Allo stesso tempo, applicò la combinazione in olio di sesamo direttamente sulla cisti, a dosaggio OD, al momento di andare a dormire.

Trascorsi 15 giorni, la cisti si era ridotta di circa il 40%. Il trattamento proseguì. Dopo 45 giorni, la cisti era completamente sparita. Il paziente continuò ad assumere la combo a dosaggio OD per 1 altro mese. Tre mesi dopo la fine del trattamento, era ancora esente da cisti. La Vibrionica fu l’unico trattamento usato.

Tonsillite Cronica 10741...India

Un uomo di 33 anni chiese il trattamento per una tonsillite cronica, che durava da 20 anni, dopo che le sue condizioni erano peggiorate ed il suo medico gli aveva consigliato un intervento. I sintomi comprendevano febbre frequente, per la quale assumeva potenti antibiotici, e tosse allergica. Il 5 Febbraio 2014, al paziente venne prescritta la seguente combo per 20 giorni:
#1. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC14.1 Male tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.7 Throat chronic...TDS

Ebbe un miglioramento del 60% ma riferì sintomi aggiuntivi di debolezza e tensione. La combo venne cambiata con:
#2. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC14.1 Male tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.7 Throat chronic...BD

La assunse per 25 giorni, con un miglioramento del 75%. Proseguì per un altro mese con un miglioramento dell’85%. Contrariamente alle precedenti esperienze di tonsillite, da quando ha iniziato ad assumere la Vibrionica, il paziente non ha sofferto di alcun attacco di tonsillite o febbre per 3 mesi e così, il 6 Giugno 2014, ha deciso di continuare ad assumere #2 a tempo indeterminato.

Gatta con Malattia Epatica, diarrea & vermi 02494...Italy

Ai terapeuti venne chiesto di trattare la gattina di 5 mesi dei loro amici, Uma. Presentava diarrea acuta con vermi, sangue e muco, ed un’infezione intestinale. Un veterinario riscontrò anche un disturbo epatico e prescrisse numerose medicine allopatiche, ma Uma non migliorava. Era debole e non aveva appetito. Le fu somministrato:

Per il fegato:
#1. NM22 Liver + SR265 Aconite + SR275 Belladonna (30C) + SR283 Chamomilla (30C) + SR343 Argent Nit + SR504 Liver...TDS

Per la diarrea:
#2. Nosodo di sangue e muco...TDS

Dopo una settimana, vi fu un miglioramento del 20-30%, ma i vermi e la diarrea continuavano. Per ottenere risultati più rapidi, venne creato un nosodo ricavato da un verme proveniente dalle feci della gatta, ed il trattamento venne così modificato:

Per fegato, diarrea e infiammazione:
#3. NM15 Diarrhoea + NM22 Liver + SR348 Cortisone + SR504 Liver...TDS

Per vermi e infezione:
#4. NM35 Worms + NM36 War + Nosodo di un verme delle feci...TDS

Con questo, Una migliorò rapidamente. Dopo 3 giorni ebbe un miglioramento del 30%; dopo altri 5 giorni, migliorò del 50% e, dopo altri 10 giorni ancora, ci fu un miglioramento del 70%. Il giorno successivo (19° giorno), la diarrea finì ed un’analisi rivelò che non c’erano più vermi.

Uma proseguì con #3 e #4 per altri 11 giorni. A questo punto, #4 per i vermi venne sospeso e si proseguì con #3 per altre 2 settimane. Dopodichè, il trattamento per i vermi venne ripreso con:

#5. NM35 Worms...TDS
La paziente prese #3 e #5 per 1 mese aggiuntivo, il trattamento terminò con la guarigione al 100%.

I commenti dei terapisti:
I terapeuti, Fabio e Wilde Previati, commentano:
I nostri amici furono molto felici. Dopo qualche tempo, chiesero di fare il corso per apprendere il sistema vibrazionale ed essere in grado di aiutare altri come loro erano stati aiutati. Ora sono anch’essi terapeuti Vibrionici e sono molto felici di fare questo seva. Per noi, questo è stato veramente bello perchè, attraverso questa esperienza, abbiamo iniziato a gioire nel vedere la felicità che provavano gli altri. Sembrava impossibile che fossimo in grado di aiutare gli altri a recuperare la propria salute, e sentivamo una grande responsabilità – non come terapeuti, poiché sapevamo di non essere noi i terapeuti. Sentivamo e continuiamo a sentire una grande responsabilità per riuscire ad essere i migliori strumenti possibili nelle Sue Mani, nelle Mani del nostro Guru, il nostro Signore, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

I commenti dell'editore​
Questo caso, che si verificò in Settembre-Novembre 2003, è stato presentato recentemente come illustrazione sull’uso dei nosodi. 


Stitichezza 02896...UK

Il terapeuta trattò una donna di 25 anni che soffriva di estrema stitichezza in seguito ad aver lasciato la sua normale dieta di verdure e ortaggi per 1 settimana, ed aver consumato molti cibi fritti e contenenti glutine a cui non era abituata. Al momento del trattamento, non riusciva ad evacuare da 2 giorni ed accusava forte dolore e fastidio addominale. Fu istruita ad assumere:
CC4.4. Constipation...1 pillola ogni 10 minuti per 1 ora

Dopo 2 ore, la paziente fu in grado di defecare 2-3 volte, svuotando l’intestino e mettendo fine al dolore. Continuò ad assumere il rimedio per 3 giorni. In seguito a questo episodio, la paziente riprese la sua sana dieta abituale e il problema non si ripresentò. 


Speroni calcaneari & Disturbo vascolare periferico alle gambe 12051...India

Il paziente, un signore anziano di 86 anni, chiese il trattamento per diversi sintomi: 1) dolore al tallone e alla schiena che durava da diversi anni, 2) speroni calcaneari ad entrambi i piedi, e 3) disturbo vascolare periferico (blocco dei vasi sanguigni nelle gambe) che ostruiva il flusso di sangue alle gambe causandogli dolore acuto e impossibilità a camminare. In precedenza aveva provato l’omeopatia, l’agopuntura e molti altri rimedi insieme a quelli allopatici, ma non aveva ottenuto alcun sollievo. Nell’Agosto 2013 gli venne somministrato:
CC3.7 Circulation + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities + CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.4 Muscles and Supportive tissue...TDS

Dopo un trattamento di 8 mesi, ebbe una riduzione del dolore pari al 100% nella gamba e nel tallone sinistro. Lo sperone al tallone sinistro era inoltre completamente scomparso. Il tallone destro è migliorato considerevolmente ma, poiché i problemi alla gamba e al tallone destro continuavano, egli ha deciso di proseguire il trattamento Vibrionico, incoraggiato dal successo riscontrato alla parte sinistra.

Il paziente è grato a Swami per questo grande sollievo e confessa inoltre alcune meravigliose esperienze avvenute durante il trattamento.

I commenti dell'editore:
Poiché il blocco può derivare dall’arteriosclerosi, si poteva aggiungere CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis.

Fatica Cronica e dolore 02779...Japan

Una donna di 65 anni chiese un trattamento per fatica cronica e dolore generale in tutto il corpo, di cui soffriva da più di un decennio. In precedenza, aveva provato diversi tipi di trattamento, compreso quello allopatico, senza successo. Le fu somministrato:
CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC 12.4 Chronic fatigue + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...TDS

Dopo aver assunto la combo per 2 giorni, ebbe un forte pull-out. I sintomi del pull-out comprendevano un eczema diffuso sul corpo e sul viso, forte mal di testa, dolore acuto alla gola e alla spina dorsale, alla schiena, al torace e alla vita che continuò per 2 giorni e mezzo. Cercò sollievo nella meditazione, ma i sintomi non erano tollerabili. Il terapeuta le consigliò di bere molta acqua e di sospendere l’assunzione del rimedio finché i sintomi non si fossero completamente risolti. Ci vollero 9 giorni. Poi riprese il rimedio a dosaggio OD. Dopo 2 settimane senza pull-out, il dosaggio venne portato a TDS. Migliorò del 70% dopo 3 mesi. Dopo 6 mesi, si sentì meglio al 90% e decise di continuare a prendere il rimedio a dosaggio OD a tempo indeterminato.

Practitioner Profile 10228...India

Practitioner 10228...India shares

I am a mining engineer by profession. Our family have been Sai devotees since 1973 and have innumerable incidents of Swami‘s grace on our family in hours of distress. With the encouragement of my parents I was actively involved in all the Nagpur Samiti activities but after joining the mining field in 1980, for 27 years I could hardly contribute to various Sai activities. My job was transferable and a Sai Samiti was not always nearby. It was only after my changing the job and coming back to Nagpur in 2007 that I got actively re-associated with the Samiti.

Occasionally I used to experience specific type of vibrations during the bhajan sessions in our Samiti. I always wondered about that and convinced myself that these might be some positive vibrations radiated by Swami for my welfare.

In one of the Nagpur schools (Narayana Vidyalayam) our Samiti had arranged for an EHV workshop in May 2008 where I was to volunteer to help the trainers from Mumbai. There I came to know that a Vibrionics workshop was going to be conducted at Dharmakshetra in October 2008 and I could submit application for myself, as well as motivate my wife to attend the workshop. We both attended the workshop.

During the workshop we were told that everything in this universe emits vibrations and it is the misbalancing of the vibrations that leads to disease. I started co-relating the vibrational experiences of bhajan sessions with this one and enthusiastically started Vibro seva with the backing of Swami‘s grace. My wife and I both successfully completed the course and by Swami‘s grace up to today, we have treated more than 11,000 patients with astonishing results.

Our success with Vibro treatment motivated several Sai devotees from Nagpur to take up Vibro training. In time three Vibro workshops were conducted at Nagpur wherein more than 50 Sai devotees were trained by faculty from Mumbai and Pune.

At Nagpur we have the strength of 63 Vibro healers, 18 of whom are regularly offering their seva with the Sathya Sai Medicare Van. They attended the 1st International Vibrionics Conference also. Two of our practitioners have completed the SVP course and use the SRHVP. Others are doing Vibro seva at 9 temples, 1 Gurudwara and one community centre once in a fortnight. I send the monthly reports to our Mumbai Coordinator regularly. On average 2,700 patients are given Vibro remedies each month at Nagpur.

Swami has also given me the opportunity to translate the Sai Vibrionics Newsletter into Hindi and the work is in progress. I must mention that our fellow healers receive constant encouragement whenever they go to Prashanti Nilayam and meet Dr JK Aggarwal and Mrs Hema Didi.

I give here two interesting experiences from my Vibro seva:

Experience 1

This incident took place during May 2009. One lady was suffering from severe arthritis. She was a school Principal. The family were Sai devotees and were amongst those few who, during darshan, had directly received vibhuti materialised for them by Swami.

In moments of distress, due to illness of their children or otherwise, they had used this vibhuti to overcome their sufferings; but now they were down to the last pinch of the vibhuti left to them and they were a bit hesitant to use it up for the ailment of the lady of the house, so they prolonged its use by a week.

On the last day of the deadline, our Nagpur Samiti District President happened to go to their house with an invitation card for Eashwaramma Day celebrations along with two small packets of vibhuti for them. The whole family was overwhelmed and exclaimed that Swami had sent this vibhuti so that the materialised vibhuti left to them could be preserved.

Our District President enquired about the lady‘s health. He was told that all was not well; the lady had been bedridden for the last two months and was resting inside, in another room. Our District President told the family that recently five devotees from Nagpur had attended a workshop on Vibro therapy at Dharmakshetra and they had started practicing it with our Sathya Sai Medicare Van in adopted villages with great success, so why didn‘t the family try Vibro?

The lady‘s husband phoned me and asked whether it was necessary to see the patient to start the Vibro treatment. I said it was not at all necessary and asked about the diagnosis. It was severe arthritis. I myself went to his house and gave him a bottle of pills with the Move Well combo (CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine...TDS) with the usual instructions.

At the time, the lady was resting inside. I avoided disturbing her, and as the husband looked very much dispirited, I told him that the bottle would last for about three weeks and after that he should just phone me so I could deliver more.

After three weeks I received a call from the husband who said that about 5-6 pills were left so he would need more medicine. The gentleman insisted that I tell him my home address. I said, ―No, no. I will bring you the medicine‖. But he kept demanding to know my address saying that in the future he would need the medicine frequently so it would be better if he saw my house. Reluctantly I agreed and gave him directions. I live on the first floor so I sent my nephew to the ground floor to wait for the gentleman and guide him upstairs.

After about 10 minutes when I opened the door in response to a knock, it was the shock of a lifetime for me. I could not believe my eyes. The husband – along with the lady – were both standing at the door of my first-floor residence. I hurriedly apologised to the gentleman and especially the lady for having made them climb the steps but they said no apology was needed. They explained that they had insisted on my telling them the address just to show me ̳the miracle of three weeks of Vibro treatment.‘

I welcomed them inside. The lady told me that she had previously decided to resign from her position as School Principal because it was not proper for her to remain on leave for so long a period. She used to weep alone in isolation praying to Swami to intervene and save her from this handicap.

She said it was Swami alone who sent the nectar in the form of Vibro pills and saved her. Jai Sairam.

Experience 2

Those days (2007) our Nagpur Samiti had adopted a village called Panwadi, 45 km from Nagpur, and the Sathya Sai Medicare Van was distributing free allopathic medicines there once a fortnight. I was actively involved as a volunteer. Sometimes we were short of allopathic medicines and had to humbly explain to patients that the medicine for their ailment was not in our stock that day.

Our Nagpur devotees group used to do Prashanti Seva in March and September every year (This continues to the present.). Many of our fellow volunteers had taken Vibro remedies there from Dr. Aggarwal with very surprising results.

In the meantime we came to know that Vibro training was being given to interested Sai devotees who wished to do selfless service. In 2008, five Sai devotees from Nagpur attended the Vibro workshop at Dharmakshetra and successfully completed the AVP course. We were overwhelmed at the thought that the cost of the Vibro remedy was zero to the patient and very negligible to the practitioner. At once the faces of those patients whom we had disappointed due to the lack of medicines flashed into our minds.

Upon our return from Mumbai we prepared for the first Vibro camp along with the Sathya Sai Medicare Van at Panwadi. All five of us charged our 54 CC kits (In those days the 54 CC box was given to AVPs.), and armed with the pills, bottles, stickers and the red book [guide] we reached Panwadi. For the first time we were equipped with medicines for all the patients. Thirty-six patients who were given Vibro and another 100 patients were given allopathic medicines.

We returned from the camp with a feeling of satisfaction that for the first time no patient was sent away empty-handed. All five of us waited anxiously for the next fortnight. Without discussing it among ourselves, we each secretly decided to watch the reactions of the Vibro patients and observe whether they came on their own to the Vibro practitioners or opted for allopathy.

To our surprise all 36 patients previously treated with Vibro reported improvement in their problems, which were mostly constipation; skin itching, knee pain, cough and cold etc. At the very next camp, the number of patients opting for Vibro swelled to 54. In subsequent camps, the number of patients opting for Vibro outnumbered those opting for allopathy.

In the next camp, our allopathic doctor finished his patients early and came into the room where the Vibro practitioners were treating the patients. One Vibro healer beside whom the doctor was sitting was surprised when the doctor asked him for a Vibro remedy for himself.

Vibro treatment along with the allopathic treatment is still being given regularly in all our 12 villages at fortnightly intervals and by Swami‘s grace the combined results are very much encouraging. Jai Sairam 

L’Angolo della Risposta

1. Question: I have several elderly patients in the age group 60+ who complain of losing bowel/bladder control. They are afraid of going out because they have to wear adult diapers or look for a toilet or come back home quickly. These people then develop low self-esteem and feel shy in the society or become housebound. Is there a remedy for this problem?

Answer: Give CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue (or simply NM7 CB7 if you have the SRHVP) + CC4.6 Diarrhoea if loose motion involved + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic if urinary incontinence

In addition, the patient should exercise the affected muscles – the sphincters in the back passage and the urethra by squeezing and relaxing the anus area 9 times every morning and at night before bedtime. Before going out, this exercise should be done for twice as long. Also the patient should avoid eating or drinking just before going out as this stimulates the urge.


2. Question: Is there a remedy for overweight people who do not suffer from hypothyroidism? It would appear that CC6.2 may not be suitable as this combo covers both hypothyroid as well as overweight.

Answer: In fact, CC6.2 Hypothyroid works on overweight people with or without hypothyroidism. Remember any combo works individually on any of the conditions listed in the 108 Common Combos book after its title. If applicable, add CC15.4 Eating disorders. You may advise your patient on healthy eating habits and exercise. It is good to drink water half an hour before a meal and eat plenty of fresh salad before the main course. One should take one‘s time to eat a meal and chew every morsel well – 32 times each mouthful!


3. Question: In the 108CC box, there is a remedy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) in which a median nerve gets compressed. How can a vibrational remedy decompress this nerve?

Answer: You may know that in CTS, the median nerve passes through the bones and a wide ligament band (This passage is known as the carpal tunnel.). If there is swelling of the tissues inside the tunnel, the nerve can get pressed causing CTS. The healthy vibrations administered in CC20.3 Arthritis balance the relevant minor chakras, which results in the reduction of the swelling. The vibrations are more effective when given in the early stages of the development of the disease.


4. Question: While making vibrations in water, can I keep the remedy in an open glass? Do vibrations tend to evaporate when kept like this?

Answer: No, vibrations can‘t evaporate when kept in the open because they become an integral part of the medium in which they are contained. Of course if the medium evaporates, the vibrations too will disappear.


5. Question: I have my TV and Wi-Fi electrical connections in my closet; these connection switches are hidden with a tight-fitting cover. Is it OK for me to keep my SRHVP and the 108CC box in this closet?

Answer: If the Wi-Fi modem is included with the switches, then the radiation will be too strong and you must not put the CC box nearby. SRHVP can be kept there for short periods but not permanently. A tight- fitting cover does not help! If the closet contains only simple switches and connections, there should be no radiation. 


6. Question: Can my cancer patient eat meat and dairy products while taking vibrational remedies?

Answer: Meat or dairy products don‘t neutralise vibrations which will therefore be still effective. But whether a diet containing meat and dairy products should be consumed by cancer patients is a separate issue. 

Parole Divine dal Terapeuta Principale

“When you offer salutations to someone, understand that you are saluting your own self. That „someone‟ is none other than your own reflection. See others just as you see your own reflection in the mirror. When you are surrounded by many mirrors, you see a number of reflections. Reflections are many but the person is one. Reactions, reflections, and resounds are many but the reality is one. Names and forms may be different, but all beings are part and parcel of the same Divine Principle. Divinity is the underlying principle in the apparent multiplicity of this world. When I am speaking here, My voice is heard through each and every loudspeaker in this hall. In the same manner there exists the principle of unity in our hearts which we have to recognise.”

-Sathya Sai Baba, Divine Discourse, May 13, 2006 


Forthcoming Workshops

 India: Bangalore, Karnataka: Annual Refresher for all, 19 July 14, contact Shekhar at [email protected]

 India: Cochin, Kerala: AVP Training Sep 14 (exact dates TBA), contact Rajesh Raman at [email protected]

All Trainers: If you have a workshop scheduled, send details to: [email protected] 


 Health Tips 
Sai Vibrionics offers health information and articles for educational purposes only; this information is not meant as medical advice. Counsel your patients to see their medical doctor about their specific medical condition. 

Benefits of the Mineral Magnesium and Its Importance for Your Health

Magnesium, an abundant mineral in the body, is naturally present in many foods, added to other food products, available as a dietary supplement, and present in some medicines (such as antacids and laxatives). Without magnesium we could not produce energy, our muscles would be in a permanent state of contraction, and we could not adjust the levels of cholesterol produced and released into the blood stream.

It is essential for over 300 different chemical reactions in the body, including maintaining your energy level, helping you relax, and sustaining the health of your heart and blood vessels.

Low levels of magnesium in the body have been associated with the development of a number of human illnesses such as asthma, diabetes, and osteoporosis. Taken in the proper amount, magnesium plays a role in preventing both stroke and heart attack.

Magnesium Protects Our DNA

Studies have shown that DNA synthesis is slowed by insufficient magnesium. DNA stability is dependent in part on magnesium. Magnesium not only stabilizes DNA structures, it also functions as a cofactor in the repair of DNA damage by environmental mutagens. Combined with ATP, magnesium also assists in the healthy production of RNA, responsible for ―reading‖ DNA and manufacturing the proteins used in our body.

Magnesium Regulates Our Electrolyte Balance

Magnesium‘s role in the healthy balance (―homeostasis‖) of important minerals such as calcium, sodium and potassium affects the conduction of nerve impulses, muscle contraction, and heart rhythms.

Magnesium for Blood, Heart, and Bones

We often hear about the importance of calcium for bones however, magnesium is the other key mineral for healthy bones. And because so many people take calcium pills without magnesium, there may actually be a greater need for magnesium than for calcium in people who are most vulnerable to osteoporosis.

Magnesium is probably the most important nutrient for the human heart; it helps the heart muscle itself function better. Magnesium also helps protect blood vessels, which is where most of what we call heart disease actually happens. Magnesium is also a natural blood thinner, much like aspirin, so many doctors and researchers believe that it may help prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Magnesium and Diabetes

Diets with higher amounts of magnesium are associated with a significantly lower risk of diabetes, possibly because of the important role of magnesium in glucose metabolism. Hypomagnesaemia might worsen insulin resistance, a condition that often precedes diabetes, or it might be a consequence of insulin resistance. Diabetes leads to increased urinary losses of magnesium, and the subsequent magnesium inadequacy might impair insulin secretion and action, thereby worsening diabetes control.

Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

  •   Joint and muscle pain
  •   Inflammation
  •   Loss of appetite or nausea
  •   Numbness or tingling
  •   Migraine headaches
  •   Fatigue 
  • General weakness 
  • Osteoporosis 
  • Fluctuating blood sugar 
  • High blood pressure

There are also new studies that suggest one of the previously unknown magnesium health benefits is that it affects our mental and emotional state. Those who suffer from depression, insomnia, and general mood swings may see improvement with additional magnesium in their diet. Initial studies have also seen improvement in the rate and severity of panic attacks and anxiety.

Magnesium levels are difficult to track with blood tests since only one percent is found in your blood – another reason that scientists underestimated the importance of getting enough magnesium in your diet. Eating a diet filled with a variety of fresh foods can stop a magnesium deficiency before it starts. 







At-Risk Individuals for Magnesium Deficiency

  •   Those above the age of 55
  •   Those who regularly consume alcohol, caffeinated beverages or sodas
  •   Those taking certain medications such as diuretics, heart and asthma medications, birth control pills and/or oestrogen replacement therapy
  •   Those undergoing significant psychological or physical stress, including surgery, burns and liver disease
  •   Those suffering from digestive disorders

Foods Highest in Magnesium

1. Bran – rice, wheat or oat

2. Herbs – dried coriander, chives, spearmint, dill, sage and basil

3. Seeds – pumpkin, sunflower, flax and sesame

4. Nuts – almonds, Brazil nuts, almonds, cashews and pine nuts

5. Dark chocolate

Other excellent sources are leafy green vegetables such as spinach and kale, dry beans and whole-grain breads and cereals.

Make sure you are also consuming enough calcium, vitamin D and vitamin K to reap the most benefits of magnesium. A balanced diet and smart sun exposure should be all your body requires.







For serving size for specific foods see the Nutrient Rating Chart








Dengue Fever, Are You at Risk? 

Dengue (pronounced DENG-gey) fever is a painful disease has been around for centuries but began a dramatic upswing in the 1980s. The incidence of dengue has grown dramatically around the world in recent decades. Over 2.5 billion people – over 40% of the world's population – are now at risk from dengue. Here are highlights of what we know about dengue fever.

What is it? Dengue is a flu-like disease caused by any one of four closely related types of dengue viruses carried primarily by female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, usually found in the tropics and subtropics. The yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti is a mosquito that can spread the dengue fever, chikungunya and yellow fever viruses, and other diseases. The mosquito can be recognized by white markings on legs and a marking in the form of a lyre on the thorax. The mosquito originated in Africa but is now found in tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world.

In the more northern regions, the disease is transmitted by the Asian tiger mosquito, the Aedes albopictus, which can withstand cooler temperatures. It is characterized by its black and white striped legs, and small black and white striped body. It was originally native to the tropical and subtropical areas of Southeast Asia; however, in the past couple of decades this species has invaded many countries throughout the world through the transport of goods and increasing international travel. This mosquito has become a significant pest in many communities because it closely associates with humans (rather than living in wetlands), and typically flies and feeds in the daytime in addition to at dusk and dawn. The insect is called a tiger mosquito because its striped appearance is similar to that of a tiger. Humans can't infect each other — but they can infect mosquitoes, which pass the virus on both to their female offspring and to human bite victims.

Where is it? The infection is most prevalent in South and Central America, where the tropical weather is perfect for mosquitoes, and is a problem as well in Southeast Asia, Africa and the Western Pacific. Cases have also been reported in parts of Europe, Russia and even the U.S., in Florida and near the Mexican border.

What are the symptoms? About half of people infected are asymptomatic (without symptoms) according to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, USA. The other half aren't so lucky. Dengue fever is a severe, flu-like illness that affects infants, young children and adults.

Dengue should be suspected when a high fever (40°C/ 104°F) is accompanied by two of the following symptoms: severe headache, pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint pains, nausea, vomiting, swollen glands or rash. It can feel as though your bones are breaking, hence Dengue's alternative name, "Breakbone fever." Symptoms usually last for 2–7 days, after an incubation period of 4 to 10 days after the bite from an infected mosquito.

Severe Dengue is potentially deadly complication due to plasma leaking, fluid accumulation, respiratory distress, severe bleeding, or organ impairment. Warning signs occur 3–7 days after the first symptoms in conjunction with a decrease in temperature (below 38°C/ 100°F) and include: severe abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, rapid breathing, bleeding gums, fatigue, restlessness, blood in vomit. The next 24–48 hours of the critical stage can be lethal; proper medical care is needed to avoid complications and risk of death.

How serious is it? Half a million patients are hospitalized each year, but most people recover after two to seven days. Some develop dengue hemorrhagic fever after the initial fever declines — a more severe form of the illness that can cause organ damage, severe bleeding, dehydration and even death. But with early treatment, the mortality rate for all dengue fever is currently less than 1 of 100 people.

Treatment and cure? Patients are given medication for their symptoms and told to drink lots of water. No cure yet, but researchers are testing vaccines. (Vibrionics practitioners, consult your reference books for the appropriate remedy combo for Dengue fever.)

Can you get it more than once? Once you survive your first dengue infection, you're immune to that particular type of virus — but not to the other three types. Many countries are home to all four types, and someone who is re-infected is more likely to develop extreme symptoms. To make matters worse, mosquitoes that carry dengue can also carry yellow fever and the chikungunya virus; one bite could pass on multiple infections.

What are the current numbers? The World Health Organization estimates 50 million to 100 million infections a year (although a 2013 study suggests the number may be as high as 400 million). In the Americas alone, the annual number of cases has boomed from 520,000 in 2003 to 2.3 million in 2013. Before the World Cup in mid-June 2014, host country Brazil frantically battled the mosquitoes that carry dengue.

Why so high? Blame it, in part, on globalization. Mosquitoes can hide and breed in goods that are traded. An infected traveller can also spread the disease to mosquitoes in a new region. In cities where construction and the lack of piped water leads to standing pools of water, mosquitoes thrive.

How do we stop it? Efforts focus on spraying streets and neighbourhoods with pesticides, genetically modifying mosquitoes and encouraging people to ward off mosquito bites with bug spray, nets and long- sleeved shirts and long pants.





Short and Sweet 1










Practitioner 10375 India writes.... Since my childhood, I have always looked at doctors with awe for their service to patients. Though I wanted to be one like them, for reasons best known to the Lord, I digressed into engineering field to become a Software Engineer.

Many years later when I got a chance to learn Reiki, the Lord gave me an introduction to alternative therapies and their practice. Later, when there was an announcement for the first Vibro Workshop in Pune in Dec 2008, I rushed to enrol and completed the AVP course. Within 9 months, I was able to finish my JVP course and did my SVP course in 2013. Practising Vibro therapy gave a new direction to my life and interacting with patients each time is both a humbling and a great learning experience. It is very humbling when they come back to thank or pay tribute to the ̳miracle‘ named ̳Your Baba medicine‘! I enjoy taking patients‘ calls, hearing patiently to their problems, being their confidante, attending medical camps and giving remedies. Each time when analysing a patient‘s problems or ailment, understanding the root cause is a great learning process. I have noticed that this process is bringing about a lot of subtle changes in me automatically without my putting in any effort.

With SRHVP, I am getting to understand the power of each card and broadcasting itself. When I prepare a remedy with the SRHVP in front of patients, they are very happy and satisfied that there is actually no chemical or drug but only vibrations in the remedy.

These are some of the things I learnt:

  • The biggest learning from my 5 1⁄2 -year Vibro Sadhana is that prayers to Swami with a loving heart are very important and are pure magic. 

  • While giving remedies, I have found that giving the remedy SM39 Tension for chronic cases is working wonders. I have tested it on myself and found a lot of difference in my disposition. Many patients have also reported that while the ailment is cured, with this remedy additionally there is lightness in their mind, they are more confident, they are more forgiving, a better person etc. Actually such feedback is the most fulfilling part of Vibro practice showing how much Swami is transforming each individual. 

  • Giving a patient a hearing, investing a lot of time and talking to a patient lovingly creates a lot of impact and confidence in the patient‘s heart, and many times patients acknowledge that half their problems are already solved through this!

  • While interacting with the patients, the counselling faculty, which was dormant and unknown to me, unfolded. Such is the grace of Swami. Also, Swami has fulfilled my dream of service to patients although I am not qualified medically!

Swami has given me an opportunity to serve 4200 patients to date. Serving them is a great sadhana in itself which is bringing in a lot of subtle changes in me. 


Practitioner01626…Greece writes: My mother didn’t believe in the power of Vibrionics. When she was 79 years old, one evening after 9 pm, she got a toothache. Urgent intervention was out of the question because she had an artificial heart valve. For a tooth extraction, she would need to undergo a 3-day preparation before the procedure. I brought her Vibrionics pills for toothache with CC11.6 Tooth infections and made her take a dose every 15 minutes. Soon the toothache vanished, and within a few days, the inflammation was gone too. She didn’t even go to the dentist.

My mother was surprised and elated. After that, she took regular Vibrionics treatment for everything she needed, and even recommended it to everyone.

After some time, she developed heart problems and stayed in the hospital, where she got into a difficult condition. When she came home, she was totally disoriented and could not open her eyes. For a whole month I faithfully gave her CC7.1 Eye tonic + SR291 Gelsemium + SR359 Zincum Met…TDS. To everyone’s astonishment, she was able to see and get out of bed. My family all felt this was a miracle. They no longer considered me a freak who was giving out small white pills, but now regard my Vibrionics work with respect.



Practitioner 03101...Greece as reported by Practitioner 01626...Greece 

Practitioner, as a patient, had broken her leg before she was to attend the Vibrionics seminar in Greece to become a junior practitioner. During the seminar she was silently thinking that because she couldn‘t move normally, her Sai Vibrionics seva would be very limited, perhaps nothing. But Swami had other plans. The very first morning she brought the miraculous 108 Combos box home, she found her mother-in-law lying on the floor vomiting, her face pale and greenish, looking terribly exhausted. Her mother-in-law had come over to help Marilena with her leg. But because of diarrhoea and vomiting all night, she had lost a lot of fluid and had passed out on the floor. Marilena put a drop each of CC4.8 Gastroenteritis and CC10.1 Emergencies in 200 ml water, shook it well, and administered this to her mother-in-law. She repeated this, and then had her take the combo 6TD that day, next day TDS, and then OD until she was perfectly well. Also, 2 hours after the fall, her mother-in-law realized that she had a pain in her chest caused by an injury during the fall. This was completed cured after taking CC10.1 Emergencies + CC20.7 Fractures...TDS for about a week.

This was the practitioner‘s first experience with Sai Vibrionics healing and a vivid proof to her mistrustful mind of how useful and successful Vibrionics can be in every situation. 


Short and Sweet 2

OM Relief” Chanting a mantra might reduce inflammation. In a small 2012 study at the University of California, LA, published in Psychoneuroendocrinology, half of a group of 45 caregivers for people with dementia practiced a 12-minute daily meditative chant for eight weeks. The other half listened to a relaxation CD for 12 minutes. Blood tests showed reduced markers for inflammation in the meditation group. 


Om Sai Ram