Vol 5 Uscita 5
September/October 2014
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Dall’ufficio del Dr Jit K Aggarwal
Dear Practitioners
This issue marks a milestone in two respects. First, with this issue we have reached the fourth anniversary of the publication of the Sai Vibrionics Newsletter. Our first issue was in September 2010. When it was ready to be presented, I printed a copy and brought it to darshan. As I was sitting in darshan, without my asking, Swami called me over and asked for the Newsletter. He looked through all of its four pages, one by one, and He blessed it, to my immense joy and gratitude. I know that the publication of our Newsletter continues to the present only through His Divine Grace.
The Newsletter originated to solve a problem. By 2010, Sai Vibrionics trainers had been mentoring practitioners for over 16 years. There were now some 4,000 practitioners working all over India and 80 other countries, and more practitioners were completing their training and beginning their Vibrionics seva every year. This created a problem for us, the core team of three or four, although it was a good one: The number of Vibrionics practitioners was multiplying every year. Consequently we were not able to stay in touch with everyone as we wished. We also had no means of getting out information to everyone on a regular basis. A Newsletter attached to an email seemed like a good solution, so we set out to create one.
We learned how as we went along. Initially we did not know what it would take to keep the Newsletter coming every two months, or whom Sai Baba would send to help us along the way. We also did not know how practitioners would view it, how they would use it, or what they wanted to see in it. Fortunately they told us. Many practitioners stepped forward to help by offering their time and talents. We are very grateful to all of our past and present contributors for making the Newsletter possible.
As you know, the Newsletter has been evolving recently. Our practitioner-centred content is expanding. The changes reflect the current mission of the Newsletter. Its mission is to help build the capacity of practitioners to offer the best possible Sai Vibrionics care for their patients; also to provide continuing education and helping practitioners develop a vital sense of community. We believe that when practitioners share their experience and knowledge, this seva encourages others to open their hearts, ask questions and start sharing. We feel this sharing of experience is essential if Vibrionics is going to progress. Swami tells us how important it is to develop a sense of unity to achieve social progress.
Our core team and other trainers will continue to teach everything we know. But you must also play your part in this process, and it is a significant one. Practitioners have much to teach and learn from each other. Sai Ram Vibrational Healing will continue to advance mainly through the pooling of the practical knowledge and experience of practitioners. In other words, going forward the job of our Newsletter will be to serve as a vehicle for both teaching and collaboration.
This issue is a milestone in another respect. It is the last Newsletter that we will publish in pdf format. Up to now, we have been using the pdf format because of the limits of our email server in Prashanti. With the next issue, we plan to shift to an html web-based Newsletter to make its content more accessible to practitioners. Those of you who wish to print the Newsletter and read it, will be able to continue to do so with the new version. But those of you who prefer to access the contents of the Newsletter online will now be able to take advantage of an interactive format. You will be able to open the Newsletter on a desktop or laptop, on a tablet, or on a smart phone or other such device. You will be able to read the articles in any order. Also, the content of the current Newsletter and also previous Newsletters will be fully searchable. That means you will be able to use keyword and subject searches to pull up all relevant articles to assist you with patient treatment. For example, you will be able to search all case histories on the treatment of diabetes or compare the use of remedies prepared in water quickly and conveniently.
Originally we were planning to make the shift with this issue, but the process of conversion to html has been taking a lot longer than anticipated. We are doing our best but everything happens in Swami’s time.
To conclude with a personal technical confession, I am sorry to report that some pending emails, sent to me by practitioners, were accidentally erased from my computer before I could answer them. I receive several dozen important emails a day, so I think many people may have been affected. My policy is to answer ALL emails. So if you have not received a reply from me, please resend your message. I apologize for the slip. Thank you for your understanding.
In loving service to Sai
Jit Aggarwal
Ulcere alla Bocca 02806...Malaysia
Il 23 Marzo 2014, un paziente di 38 anni chiese il trattamento per ulcere alla bocca che duravano da 15 anni. Aveva ricevuto cure da una serie di medici nel corso degli anni dal 2002 al 2004; inoltre, nel 2005, i medici allopatici gli avevano diagnosticato un herpes simplex, trattato con l’antivirale Zovirax (Aciclovir) ed il corticosteroide Prednisolone con una crema per via topica, per 3 mesi; vi furono temporanee remissioni e ricadute ma, alla fine, nessun miglioramento; nel 2006 si era rivolto ad un otorinolaringoiatra (tonsillectomia e vitamine; nessun miglioramento); dal 2007 al 2010, medicina tradizionale Cinese (nessun miglioramento); altri medici dal 2011 al 2014 (nessun miglioramento).
Un attento esame mostrava le ulcere distribuite su tutta la lingua e sulla superficie mucosa della bocca. La lingua appariva ricoperta da uno strato e molto irritata. A causa del fastidio, il paziente era in grado di assumere solo una dieta liquida o semiliquida e, a malapena, qualche cibo solido. La deglutizione era
molto dolorosa e lui era piuttosto turbato e preoccupato. Al paziente venne ordinato di bere ogni giorno 200-250 ml d’acqua al mattino appena alzato e di assumere la seguente combo per le 2 settimane successive: #1. CC11.5 Mouth infections + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...5 pillole sciolte in 90 ml di acqua minerale; 5 ml ogni 6 ore.
Il 5 Aprile, il paziente venne riesaminato. Si riscontrò un lieve miglioramento del 5%. Presentava ancora ulcere multiple, ma riferì bruciori minori e meno intensi. Disse che aveva assunto steroidi per aiutare le ulcere a guarire. Al paziente fu detto di continuare ad assumere la combo raddoppiando il dosaggio a 5 ml ogni 3 ore per le successive 2 settimane, e poi di ritornare.
Il 20 Aprile, l’esame mostrò un miglioramento del 40% nel numero e nella gravità delle ulcere. Il paziente riferì che il tempo di guarigione delle ulcere era significativamente più breve: ulcere che erano solite guarire in 5-7 giorni ora guarivano in 2 giorni. Questo era da attribuirsi alla Vibrionica poiché il paziente aveva smesso di assumere steroidi durante le 2 settimane precedenti.
Il 10 Maggio, il rimedio del paziente venne cambiato con:
#2. Combo #1 + CC21.8 Herpes...5 pillole sciolte in 90 ml di acqua minerale; 5 ml ogni 3 ore (6TD).
Il 22 Maggio, un ulteriore esame mostrava una guarigione del 60%. Poche piccole ulcere erano visibili sulla lingua, ma il paziente riferì che
adesso era in grado di mangiare cibi solidi,
come il riso, senza avvertire alcun dolore
deglutendo. Gli venne detto di continuare con la Vibrionica ma il dosaggio venne ridotto a TDS.
L’8 Giugno, la lingua era più o meno completamente guarita ed ora tutte le ulcere della bocca erano migliorate dell’80-90%. Il paziente fu in grado di riprendere la sua dieta normale dopo 15 anni. Gli venne consigliato di continuare il trattamento e di rivolgersi al terapeuta in caso di recidiva. A Luglio 2014, il paziente stava proseguendo con la Vibrionica e non ha avuto alcuna ricaduta.
Infezione del Tratto Urinario & Diabete 11520...India
Un uomo anziano (80 anni) che stava ricevendo un trattamento per il diabete (vedi oltre), chiese un trattamento per sintomi di cistite il 17 Luglio 2014. Aveva la febbre a 38.9° (102° F) con presenza di pus nell’urina pari ad 80-100/hpf. Durante la settimana precedente, aveva sofferto di minzione frequente, dolore e bruciore nell’urinare e incontinenza urinaria. Presentava anche un’anamnesi di stitichezza cronica (da 30 anni) e di diabete (da 38 anni). Per i sintomi acuti gli venne somministrato:
#1. NM21 KBS + NM36 War + SM27 Infection + SR456 Bladder (Urinary) + SR536 Urethra + CC10.1 Emergencies...TDS
Il 22 Luglio, dopo aver assunto la combo per 5 giorni, il paziente riferì un miglioramento del 50%. Non aveva dolore e bruciore nell’urinare; anche la febbre era scomparsa e quindi la sua temperatura era normale.
Il 26 Luglio, il paziente riferì un miglioramento del 99%. Non avvertiva più il bisogno di urinare spesso, riusciva a trattenere l’urina ed il conteggio delle cellule di pus era scesa ai valori normali di 3-4/hpf.
Il paziente si era recato dal terapeuta in precedenza, nel Dicembre 2012, per il trattamento del diabete di Tipo 2. Aveva una storia familiare di diabete. Sua madre e tutti i suoi fratelli e sorelle erano diabetici. Gli era stata diagnosticata la malattia nel 1982 ed aveva iniziato il trattamento allopatico all’età di 42 anni. Assumeva compresse di Volibo M da 0.3 mg due volte al giorno e compresse di Ozomet PG 2 tre volte al giorno, tuttavia presentava elevati livelli glicemici a digiuno pari a 185-200mg/dL. Gli venne somministrato:
#2. CC6.3 Diabetes + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...TDS
Dopo 11 mesi e 2 settimane di trattamento vibrazionale, il suo livello glicemico a digiuno era migliorato riducendosi a 80-120mg/dL. Il suo medico gli aveva anche ridotto il dosaggio di Ozomet a due volte al giorno.
Nel Marzo 2014, dopo che il terapeuta ebbe completato il tirocinio di SVP, il rimedio venne cambiato con:
#3. NM6 Calming + NM21 KBS + NM36 War + NM63 Back-up + BR2 Blood Sugar + SM5 Peace and Love Alignment + SM17 Diabetes...TDS
Alla fine di Luglio 2014, il medico del paziente aveva ridotto le medicine allopatiche al 50% della dose iniziale ed il paziente stava proseguendo con la Vibrionica. Il paziente continuava ad essere ghiotto di dolci e carne di capra. Mangiava regolarmente un dolce al giorno ma il suo livello glicemico a digiuno era solo di 110mg/dL.
Testimonianza del paziente:
“Ho 80 anni ed avevo una grave infezione urinaria. Ho assunto il trattamento Vibrionico durante lo scorso anno. Il mio diabete è sotto controllo dopo aver ridotto della metà i farmaci allopatici. Entro 10 giorni, la mia infezione urinaria (con un valore di 80-100 cellule di pus) si normalizzò (arrivando a 3-4 cellule di pus), e dolore e bruciore durante la minzione erano scomparsi. La mia salute generale è migliorata. Grazie per aver trattato i miei problemi in maniera efficace."
Dipendenza da marijuana 02758...Russia
Una giovane coppia, un uomo di 25 anni ed una donna di 24, erano fortemente dipendenti dal fumo di marijuana. Comprendevano che per loro era una cosa nociva e volevano uscirne, ma non avevano alcuna forza di volontà o capacità per farlo. Data la loro giovane età, non avevano alcun sintomo acuto o cronico, ad eccezione della dipendenza stessa. Quando iniziarono il trattamento, all’inizio di Luglio 2013, l’uomo usava la marijuana da 4 anni e la donna da 2 anni. Non assunsero alcun altro trattamento oltre alla Vibrionica. Venne loro somministrato:
#1. CC15.3 Addictions + CC17.2 Cleansing...TDS
Piuttosto insolitamente, dopo il primo giorno di trattamento, l’uomo riuscì a trascorrere diversi giorni senza fumare. Dopo il primo mese, l’uomo riferì un miglioramento del 50%; la donna del 25%. Quando terminarono il rimedio della loro boccetta, si sentivano più o meno liberi dalla dipendenza. Perciò sospesero il trattamento senza consultare il terapeuta. Ma il vizio aveva ancora il potere e quindi dovettero riprendere il trattamento ed assumere un secondo ciclo di cura nel Settembre 2013. Venne loro somministrato:
#2. CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders...TDS
Questo ha portato l’uomo ad una completa guarigione – da allora non ha più fumato e non riesce nemmeno a sopportare l’odore del fumo – e la donna ad una guarigione del 95%. Occasionalmente, lei cede al fumo se si sente molto stressata, ma non fuma più marijuana.
I commenti del terapeuta:
“Un’altra cosa interessante su queste due persone è che, dopo aver trascorso qualche tempo senza droga, hanno iniziato a partecipare all’ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness). Con la grazia di Bhagawan, non solo hanno conseguito la vittoria sulla tossicodipendenza, ma sono anche giunti a Dio ed hanno iniziato a partecipare loro stessi a progetti di servizio! Grazie Bhagawan per tali miracoli che ci ispirano così tanto!”
Ictus & infezione intestinale in un cane 00829...Australia
Un lunedì mattina del Giugno 2014, la terapeuta notò che nella sua cagnetta Deedee c’era qualcosa che non andava. Vomitava un po’ e faticava a camminare. Fu portata dal veterinario. Il veterinario disse che Deedee aveva avuto un ictus, forse causato dall’età avanzata (aveva 15 anni). Presentava anche un’infiammazione del tratto digestivo, che poteva derivare da un osso infetto che era appartenuto al cane del vicino. A Deedee fu somministrato del cortisone (2 compresse due volte al giorno) per due giorni per ridurre il gonfiore cerebrale e antibiotici (1 compressa due volte al giorno) per 3 giorni per combattere l’infezione. Fu iniziato immediatamente anche il trattamento Vibrionico. Al Lunedì (giorno 1) a Deedee venne somministrato:
#1. CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC18.4 Paralysis...ogni ora
Al Martedì (giorno 2) il dosaggio venne portato ad ogni 2 ore e, allo stesso tempo, fu somministrata una combo aggiuntiva per infezione e infiammazione:
#2. CC9.2 Infections acute...ogni 2 ore
Al Mercoledì (giorno 3) proseguì con #1 e #2 a dosaggio 6TD. Sebbene il veterinario avesse detto che il cortisone avrebbe stimolato l’appetito di Deedee, dal terzo giorno, questo non avvenne. Deedee stava ancora rifiutando di mangiare o bere qualunque cosa. Ogni volta che cercava di camminare, cadeva. Se ne stava semplicemente sdraiata dov’era. Quella sera, la terapeuta la portò da un altro veterinario, il quale disse che poteva essere nauseata dai movimenti rapidi e incontrollati degli occhi. La terapeuta sospese allora il cortisone e gli antibiotici e cominciò a somministrare a Deedee un altro rimedio:
#3. CC4.10 Indigestion...6TD
A partire dal Giovedì (giorno 4), Deedee cominciò a camminare normalmente ma con la testa inclinata. Mangiò un’intera ciotola di cibo per gatti ed iniziò di nuovo a bere acqua. La terapeuta sospese il rimedio #3 dopo Venerdì (giorno 5) ma proseguì con i rimedi #1 & #2 a dosaggio 6TD fino alla fine della settimana (giorno 7), TDS per la settimana successiva (giorni 8-14) e poi OD per un’altra settimana (giorni 15-22). Deedee continuò a migliorare. Circa un mese dopo l’ictus, la terapeuta riferì che Deedee abbaiava, giocava e correva di nuovo come al solito. Era lo stesso cane di prima. Soltanto la sua testa era ancora lievemente inclinata.
Vista insufficiente (foro Maculare) 02799...UK
Un uomo di 57 anni si recò dal terapeuta il 14 Agosto 2013 a causa di una insufficiente capacità visiva. Aveva perduto tutta la vista dell’occhio destro. Quella dell’occhio sinistro era ridotta solo al 30% a causa di un foro nella parte centrale della retina (un foro maculare lamellare). Il suo oftalmologo aveva detto che, se il foro non si fosse chiuso da solo, lui sarebbe diventato cieco. Aveva ricevuto un trattamento ospedaliero all’occhio durante l’anno precedente, ma il monitoraggio mostrava poco miglioramento, circa il 10%. Gli venne somministrato:
CC7.1 Eye tonic + CC7.2 Partial Vision + CC7.4 Eye defects + CC7.5 Glaucoma + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...QDS per 2 settimane, poi TDS.
Il 17 Settembre 2013, il paziente consultò uno specialista e venne eseguita una OCT (tomografia ottica computerizzata) dell’occhio sinistro. Lo specialista si rese conto che il foro maculare si era completamente chiuso. Il paziente ha riferito al terapeuta che da allora la sua vista è molto migliore di prima. Adesso sta anche avvertendo sensibilità all’occhio destro e c’è fuoriuscita di lacrime, mentre prima non c’erano né sensibilità né lacrime. Da Ottobre 2013 sta continuando il trattamento con la suddetta combo a dosaggio TDS.
Testimonianza del paziente (e-mail inviata al terapeuta il 30 Settembre 2013):
“Come puoi vedere dall’ultimo resoconto, si parla di foro lamellare ma l’esame OCT di oggi mostra il foro maculare chiuso. Come citato in precedenza nel resoconto, questo foro non era completamente chiuso ma parzialmente aperto. Quando sono andato a fare la mia OTC, il 17 Settembre 2013, questa tomografia ha mostrato il foro completamente chiuso. Sono venuto da te il 14 Agosto e, da quella data, ho assunto le pillole vibrazionali con la combo che mi hai dato fino al momento della OTC e sto continuando ad assumerle. Io ritengo che la guarigione di questo disturbo sia avvenuta tramite le pillole vibrazionali datemi dal terapeuta. Ho piena fiducia nel trattamento e sto continuando con le pillole perché credo che anche la vista dell’occhio destro tornerà. Molte grazie."
I commenti dell'editore:
“Ho avuto molti casi come questo, specie casi di glaucoma, con pazienti affetti da diversi problemi, ottenendo tuttavia buoni risultati con la Grazia di Swami”.
Punture di Insetti e Ferite 11176...India
Per 25 anni, un uomo di 55 anni aveva sofferto di piaghe alle mani accompagnate da fuoriuscita di pus e sangue causate da punture di insetti. Vent’anni prima, sua madre era morta in seguito al morso di un serpente e, per la rabbia, l’uomo aveva ucciso il serpente. Questa storia gravava sulla sua mente; sentiva che era legata al suo problema delle piaghe di lunga durata. Le medicine allopatiche non gli davano alcun sollievo in questa situazione. Partecipò al campo sanitario nel Febbraio del 2013 e gli venne somministrata la seguente combo:
#1. CC21.4 Stings & Bites...TDS
Dopo un mese, lamentò sintomi di artrite. La combo venne allora cambiata con la seguente:
#2. CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC21.4 Stings & Bites...TDS
Entro 4 mesi, le sue ferite cominciarono a guarire e venne notato un miglioramento del 25%. Dopo sette mesi, ci fu un miglioramento del 75%. Dopo otto mesi un miglioramento del 95%. Dopodiché continuò ad assumere le pillole vibrazionali per raggiungere la guarigione del 100% dalle punture e dall’artrite.
Mal d’Orecchi 00609...Italy
Una sera, quando questo terapeuta (di 58 anni) andò a dormire, il suo orecchio destro cominciò improvvisamente a fargli male. Dopo 10 minuti il dolore era insopportabile. Non sapendo cosa fare, si alzò dal letto per consultare alcuni libri di omeopatia. Notò che il dolore si attenuava quando camminava e peggiorava quando rimaneva fermo. Allora pensò alla Rhus Tox, che viene usata per trattare il dolore che migliora con il movimento. Si preparò:
SR311 Rhus Tox (200C)
Prese due pillole e il dolore scomparve in 5 secondi.
Commento del terapeuta:
“Talvolta la soluzione di un problema si trova con l’intuito e la fortuna”.
Herpes Zoster / Fuoco di Sant'Antonio 00523...Belgium
Una paziente di 63 anni soffre regolarmente di herpes labiale. Le viene somministrato:
SR261 Nat Mur...TDS
Questo rimedio le dona un immediato sollievo e accelera l’essiccazione e la guarigione delle piaghe. Quando i sintomi di prurito sono iniziati, l’uso immediato del sale tessutale Nat Mur impedisce alla piaga di scoppiare.
Practitioner Profile 11483...India
Practitioner Profiles and Experiences from Gurgaon, Haryana, India11483…India
Practitioner11483...India I live in Gurgaon. I have a Bachelor of Science degree. Since June 2011, I have been a Vibrionics practitioner. I became an SVP in December 2012. To date, I have treated more than 2,500 patients. I have successfully treated cases of Diplopia (double vision), fractures, gangrene, benign tumours, asthma, leucoderma, heel spur, infertility, leucorrhoea, gall stones, sinus infections, migraine, skin diseases such as eczema, and have got good results when using anti-chemotherapy with cancer patients.
Since the time I have been doing this seva, I have become a lot more compassionate, humble and patient in my day to day life. I feel like I have become better as an individual. I have realized that the more I give, the more I get in return. I have seen a kind of love and respect in the eyes of my patients that moves me. I get a divine feeling while doing seva and this has brought me closer to Swami.
Every fortnight in Gurgaon we have medical camps which include Vibrionics practitioners as well as allopathic doctors. From there chronic patients are taken to hospitals for further checkups, and in accordance with the findings, a course of treatment is given to the patients along with vibro remedies.
I would like to share two of my cases involving young patients in our medical camps:
#1. A 5-year-old boy met with an accident while crossing the road. He suffered severe skull injuries and got quite a few stitches. After 10 days of treatment the doctor noticed that his left arm was immobile, so he advised an MRI. I gave the boy:
CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia...TDS
The next day when the doctor came to check his patient, he found that his arm was 50% better than the day before and said that an MRI would not be needed. The patient was discharged. Two days later when I contacted the boy's father to explain about physiotherapy exercises that the boy would have to do to cure his arm, the father said that physiotherapy would not be necessary as the boy's arm was perfectly fine and 100% cured.
#2. A 15-year-old boy had been suffering from psoriasis for the past 2 years when he came to the medical camp. Despite taking various treatments, both allopathic and homoeopathic, the condition had not improved. I gave him the following remedy, to be taken orally as well as applied externally in water:
CC21.2 Skin infection + CC21.10 Psoriasis...TDS
After 15 days, I examined him again at the next medical camp. There was 60% improvement in psoriasis and the boy was very happy. The above remedy was repeated for another 2 weeks and the condition had now improved by 90%. The boy decided to continue with Vibrionics.
Personal Anecdote
I would like to add one more personal experience. I have been treating quite a few TB patients. Every time I have taken them for checkups, doctors have been quite amazed that none of them has complained about nausea, vomiting and burning. Their LFT (liver function test) reports have always been normal. The latest patient was a lady, 45 years of age. One of her lungs was completely infected by the disease, except for a small portion which was normal. After 2-3 days of taking an allopathic treatment, she complained of severe nausea, vomiting and burning. Her Vibrionics treatment was then started and she got relief from the side-effects. After a month I took her to the doctor for a check-up, her X-ray was repeated and the results were amazing. The X-ray showed only a small portion of the lung was infected. The rest was clear. He asked the patient if she was having any problems with the medicine, at which she looked at me and replied, “Yes, Madam gave me some pills. After that I have had no problems”.
Practitioner Profile 11482...India
Practitioner 11482...India. I am a housewife. I received my AVP training in the Sai Centre in New Delhi in 2011. Since then, I have been practicing Vibrionics to heal patients.
One of my patients was a girl of 17 who complained about corns and fungal infection on her feet. She had suffered from this problem for 3 years. I gave her the following combo to take for a week and advised her to keep her feet clean:
CC21.1 Skin tonic + CC21.5 Dry Sores...TDS
By the end of the week, her feet had improved by 75%. She continued taking the remedy for 6 weeks, after which she was completely cured.
Practitioner Profile 11966...India
I have been practicing Vibrionics since April 2014. I am an IT engineer working in a software company in the Delhi area. I came to know about Vibrionics as a patient in one of the medical camps organised in Gurgaon. I was suffering from depression at that time. I took the treatment from one of the practitioners and was cured. Then I took the course and started my seva. I am one of a group of three vibro practitioners working together. On alternate Sundays, a medical camp is offered in different locations in Gurgaon. We go there and by Swami‘s Grace give Vibrionics to patients.
At the start, I was feeling nervous about choosing the right combo for the ailments. But with proper guidance from our senior practitioners 11483 & 02859, it was made easy. Every time I give Vibrionics to someone, I feel I have moved a step closer to Swami. It is a wonderful feeling to do this seva.
To give one example from my practice, I treated a case of chronic constipation in a boy who was two years old. He had been suffering from constipation since he was one. He had been given allopathic medicines but the problem kept on recurring. I gave him:
CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.4 Constipation + CC4.10 Indigestion...TDS
This combo was prepared in 200ml of water and given in doses of 5ml. Within 3 days his constipation was gone. He continued this combo for 2 more weeks. After that, the dosage wasreduced to OD for maintenance.
Practitioner Profile 11968...India
Practitioner11968...India I did my AMIE and worked as a librarian in Chinmaya Vidyalaya for 9 years. After moving from Hyderabad last year, I was very blessed to connect with the Sai family here and participate in the medical camp. This was a great miracle in my case, as I have been serving in the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation in Hyderabad for the last 20 years, and coming to Gurgaon had been a great change in terms of activities left behind.
During the camp, I saw this senior practitioner 11483...India helping and guiding the patients with Vibrionics along with our allopathic doctors. Initially I was puzzled and mesmerised. I was astonished to see what a divine blessing this was, for all to get cured. I had the yearning to help and be a source of joy. I am grateful to this practitioner because she guided me to the Delhi-NCR coordinator to enable me to pursue the Vibrionics course online. Under the able guidance and support of other practitioners, I have been doing seva since April 2014.
I am very happy to share two remarkable experiences:
#1. The first experience was a treatment for addiction. One of our patients was a man of 36 who wanted to end his addiction to chewing tobacco and betel leaf (paan), which he had since he was a teenager. As this was a long-standing habit, I first counselled him and advised him of the consequences. I then gave him:
CC15.1 Mental and Emotional tonic + CC15.3 Addictions...TDS
The patient had been initially asked to take the remedy for 15 days, but by the second day of treatment, the patient lost his urge for tobacco and betel leaf and stopped taking them both entirely. He was asked to continue the combo for another week. Then his dosage was reduced to OD for one week more, and he was 100% cured.
#2. The second experience happens to be a personal one. Once when I had delayed and continuous menstrual bleeding for 22 days, I treated myself with:
CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.6 Menopause + CC8.8 Menses irregular + CC12.1 Adult tonic...TDS
After taking the remedy for two days, I got a slight improvement. But the remedy had a truly remarkable effect the third day, when I took frequent doses of the same remedy in water by dissolving the same pills. The bleeding stopped completely. I continued to take the remedy in water for another day, and then took the pills TDS for another 2 days as a precaution.
Practitioner Profile 11380...India
Practitioner11380...India. I would like to share my experience with growing vegetables using vibrionics.
Bottle gourd (Loki)
We have a paved back yard wherein a space around 18’ X 15’ is left for vegetable farming. I decided to grow loki there. I made a plant tonic with an anti-fungus combo:
CC1.2 Plant tonic + CC21.7 Fungus, 5 pills in a bucket of water
I watered all the plants once every two weeks with this. I also talked to them, touched their soft leaves, chanted “Sairam” and lovingly told them to yield their best fruits.
The bottle gourd creepers grew up quickly and started bearing fruits. From seeds sown in mid-April 2014, the plants started giving gourds by the end May 2014. Bunches of loki grew long and tender.
My delighted neighbours who lived above us and also next door, watched the loki regularly and started asking, what was the secret that made them grow so fast and long? Some of the gourds were 62 cm to 70 cm long and very tender as shown in the pictures (above and on the next page). When I pierced one gently with my fingernail, it went right through the outer skin and juice started flowing out!
I distributed the ripe gourds to all my neighbours and friends.
They mentioned later that the dishes made with them were very tasty and the vegetable was soft and tender.
I told them about the plant tonic and Vibrionics.
After this, some ladies got the combo from me. They have started using it in their own vegetable gardens.
Radish, Turnips & Spinach (Palak)
I also used Vibrionics to grow radish, turnips and spinach in my backyard garden. Once again, I prepared the same Vibrionics combo:
CC1.2 Plant tonic + CC21.7 Fungus, 5 pills in a bucket of water
I watered them with this combo once a month chanting the divine name “Sairam”. I also stored some of this mixture in a spray bottle, which I used on the plants once in a week.
In addition, I always talked to the plants.
As shown in the pictures below, the spinach leaves grew broad and very green (below, left). The turnips were plump and grew in bunches (centre). The radishes grew tender and long. Many of them were as long as 42 cm (right). The raw radish tasted as good as tender coconut. All who tasted it liked it.
The vegetables were distributed and everyone enjoyed the taste of dishes made from the organic vibro veggies.
Using Social Media to Spread the Message of Sai Vibrionics
Sai Vibrionics was blessed to have an article with pictures about the Conference released by Radio Sai on January 27, 2014 www.radiosai.org. If you like the article, write on their website and let Radio Sai know. Tell your Patients, Family and Friends to write too.
For practitioners, friends and patients on Facebook, Radio Sai also released the article. Be sure to „Friend‟ Radio Sai then go down to the January 27 article and “Like” the article.
Photos From the Conference
Om Sai Ram
L’Angolo della Risposta
1. Question: If I am not able to find ethyl alcohol in my area, can I use methylated spirit which is easily available?
Answer: No because methyl alcohol is poisonous if taken internally; it is the same as rubbing alcohol. Ideally, we should use ethyl alcohol of 96% purity. If this is not available, one can use clear liquor like gin or vodka as a temporary measure.
2. Question: If by using the machine, I find a good remedy for a symptom, can I add this to the appropriate combo in my 108CC box?
Answer: The 108CC box is being continually updated by our research team. Hence your feedback of such successful remedies is vital to the ongoing development of vibrionics. However, this remedy can be added to the combo prepared for the individual patient. I suggest that you don’t add this to your CC box because our research team takes into consideration many other aspects of a remedy before adding it to a common combo. We recommend that all practitioners should recharge their box at least once in two years. Contact your local coordinator for this or if visiting the ashram, send us an email in advance to make arrangements.
3. Question: If a patient requests that his homoeopathic remedy be potentised, either because he has more faith in vibrionics or for economic reasons, what potency is to be used - 200C?
Answer: If you need to potentise a homoeo remedy, it should be done at the original potency of the remedy. However, if the patient really has more faith in vibrionics, it would be better to give a full consultation to the patient and prepare a remedy accordingly.
4. Question: I note that in case histories, practitioners mention percentage improvement in the symptoms. How do they arrive at these figures?
Answer: These figures come from the patient and may not be accurate but they act as a good guide and serve our purpose. Often it is not easy and it may only be after some dialogue with the patient that one manages to extract this information from him.
5. Question: Some patients have reported a drop in blood sugar level after taking their night time dose of CC6.3 Diabetes while on TDS dosage. Please advise how to proceed with a diabetic patient.
Answer: It depends on whether the patient is also taking allopathic medicine. As most diabetic patients are on some form of diabetes medicine, proceed with caution. Start by prescribing OD and gradually build up to TDS.
6. Question: Should a practitioner continue to treat patient who has been told by his doctor that he is clear of cancer?
Answer: Yes, because with all vibro remedies, the treatment should be gradually tapered off; so give the following:
CC2.1 Cancers – all + CC2.3 Tumours & Growths ( if applicable) + combo for specific body part OD for 4 weeks then OW for 4 weeks. After this, give ONLY *CC2.1 Cancers – all one dose monthly for 6 months, then one dose every 3 months for a year. Finally a yearly dose for 7 years.
*CC2.1 Cancers – all should also be used as a prophylactic for people with parents or grandparents who have had cancer and new patients who have recovered from cancer OW for 4 weeks, one dose monthly for 6 months, then one dose every 3 months for a year. Finally a yearly dose for 7 years.
Note: A patient should not take any other vibrational medicine three days before and three days after taking any of the above combo.
*If using SRHVP machine, replace CC2.1 Cancers – all with this combo: BR4 Fear + SM1 Removal of Entities + SM2 Divine Protection + SR282 Carcinosin CM.
Parole Divine dal Terapeuta Principale
“The body is a temporary habitation, subject to all kinds of diseases and injury. Yet the same body is also the boat, which alone can carry us across the ocean of life or Samsara. The boat has to be kept trim and serviceable. It should not distract our attention more than the minimum necessary for its upkeep. It has to be used for reducing the burdens of others and should not itself become a burden on us. It should serve others and not demand service from them”.
–Sathya Sai Baba, Love All, Serve All, Help Ever, Hurt Never, book commemorating Sathya Sai Baba’s 80th Birthday, 2005
“Earn a good name in Society. Let Seva be your motto. Service is most important. It helps to promote humility and to further the Oneness of mankind. Promotion of that Oneness should become your life’s goal”.
–Sathya Sai Baba, Love All, Serve All, Help Ever, Hurt Never, book commemorating Sathya Sai Baba’s 80th Birthday, 2005
Forthcoming Workshops
- India Kasargod, Kerala: AVP Training 27-28 September 2014, contact Rajesh Raman at 8943-351 524 or by email at [email protected]
- UK London: All practitioners meet 14 September and AVP Training 27-28 September 2014, contact Jeram at 020-8551 3979 or by email at [email protected]
Tips from Practitioners to Share
Living with Electronics
Using foil as a shield against cell phone radiation 01644...USA
I use aluminium foil on my 108 Common Combo kit and also when I give out remedies because most people have cell phones with them. I noticed that after using the foil for a while, if you hold it up to the light, it has tiny holes in it. When I put my cell phone in the piece of foil with holes, it rang when called, but in the new foil, it did not. I will try buying heavy duty foil to see if it lasts longer.
Student sleep hygiene11483...India
School and college kids often complain of headache and insomnia. Along with the remedy, they should be advised to keep their mobiles and laptops away from themselves while sleeping.