Newsletter Sai Vibrionica

" Ogni volta che vedete una persona ammalata, scoraggiata, sconsolata o inferma, quello è il vostro campo di seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 2 Uscita 6
November 2011
Versione Stampabile

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Dall’ufficio del Dr Jit K Aggarwal

Dear Practitioners

It’s with great joy and excitement that we can finally announce – our new website is up and running! It was launched today, on Baba’s birthday – You must have received an email with your user name and password – so log in and check it out. We welcome all feedback – suggestions, comments or compliments. It will only help us make the website more useful, informative and user- friendly for all Vibrionics practitioners. We would like to make the website a forum for sharing our Vibrionics experiences, unique case-histories and other Vibrionics related information and queries. We all know how effective Vibrionics remedies can be with Swami’s infinite blessings – it’s time to hop on the cyber train and take this system of healing as far and wide as the internet goes!

There is something important for all of you to note - we have created new secretariats for our practitioners in India and we request you to send your monthly reports ONLY to the email IDs mentioned below, depending on the state in which you live (irrespective of where you were trained). You should not copy the report to any other email ID and it should be sent in the format mentioned in the box below. But please don’t send any attachments; the report in the prescribed format should be copied in the main body of the email.

Secretariats in Indian States where Reports Should Be Sent

AP...................[email protected]        Karnataka.....................[email protected]
Assam........[email protected]      Kerala........................[email protected]
Delhi-NCR.....[email protected]      Maharashtra& Goa....[email protected]
Gujarat............. [email protected]     Rajasthan....................[email protected]
Haryana..........[email protected]       Sikkim.........................[email protected]
J & K...............[email protected]        UP & UK...................[email protected]

All other practitioners within India, use this email ID.......[email protected]

Secretariats in other countries

All practitioners within Italy, use this email ID................[email protected]

All practitioners within Poland, use this email ID...........[email protected]

All other practitioners located outside India, use this email ID.....[email protected]

Reporting Format

Monthly Report for the month of___________________

Name: _____________________________Registration No: ____________ No of hours of seva done during the month: _____

No of patients treated during the month: old___ + new___ + animals___+ plants____ Extraordinary case (if any):


We have created dedicated IDs for other emails that you may want to send. Please send relevant mails to the respective IDs to avoid confusion and enable a prompt reply, where applicable.

Case Histories. These histories should relate only to those cases where you consider the results are outstanding. Please ensure to include duration of patient’s symptoms/illnesses and their percentage improvement as the case progresses. In the case of skin problem, take photo of the affected area, where appropriate, before and after the treatment. In other cases, doctor’s report should be supplied. If you are located within India send you case histories to: [email protected]. If you are located outside India send you case histories to: [email protected].

We are building case histories for our website; so if you have cases of healing you wish to resubmit for publication on the website, please do so at the above address.

Patients’ Queries. If you are located within India: advice relating to patients’ problems, remedies and combos is provided by our dedicated team at the email ID: [email protected]
If you are located outside India and need advice, the email ID is: [email protected]

Healer Information. Address of Vibrionics practitioners anywhere in the world, outside of India, is provided by our dedicated team at email ID: [email protected]. For address of Vibrionics practitioners within India, use email ID: [email protected]

Once again a reminder that you must show your unique registration number in the subject line of ALL emails that you send so that we can easily establish your identity and reply to the mail promptly. As we have more than 4000 practitioners (and still counting!), we may not be able to deal with anonymous emails in the future. Anonymous emails mean emails without a valid registration number.

Recently, the Polish practitioners had a refresher meet at Sobótka, Poland (see picture). We had fantastic feedback from the 2-day seminar. More than 60 practitioners from all over Poland participated and shared their experiences with Vibrionics remedies. Some of them described some wonderful cases which we hope to share with all of you in subsequent newsletters. Such refresher courses can be informative and inspirational – if you would like a seminar to be arranged in your area, please do let us know and we can co-ordinate with other practitioners to make it happen.

Finally, a little note...though we have been practicing Vibrionics since 1994, we officially changed the name of Vibrionics to Sai Vibrionics in 2011 in honour of our benefactor – Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. We remain eternally grateful to our Lord for His Love, His Grace, His Guidance and His Healing of the people we selflessly serve. Thank you, Swami, for choosing us to be your instruments.

In Sai Service

Jit K Aggarwal

Stato Febbrile Cronico 02786...Russia

Una donna argentina di 34 anni si recò dai terapeuti di Vibrionica a Prashanthi Nilayam poiché negli ultimi 14 anni aveva sofferto ininterrottamente di febbre. Mostrava tutti i segni di un raffreddore comune:

gola infiammata, bronchite e febbre alta. Era stata visitata da molti medici che, dopo varie analisi comprese quelle del sangue, non erano riusciti a fare una diagnosi o a spiegare perchè soffrisse di questo problema di salute da così tanti anni.

Dopo aver parlato con la paziente, i terapeuti scoprirono che, quando aveva 20 anni, il suo ragazzo si era ammalato di una forma di malaria particolarmente virulenta e lei lo aveva assistito in ospedale per tre giorni. Fu allora che la febbre ebbe inizio ma, sebbene fosse stata sottoposta ai test per la malaria, i risultati risultarono negativi.

I terapeuti ipotizzarono che, essendo lei una persona molto emotiva e sotto stress per l’ansia di assistere una persona a cui era molto legata, in un ambiente in cui vi erano molti altri casi di malaria, la vibrazione di questa malattia si fosse trasferita al suo corpo astrale/eterico. Per verificare questa teoria, le somministrarono:
CC9.2 Infections acute + CC9.3 Tropical diseases...TDS

CC9.2 fu somministrato per trattare i sintomi in corso legati a raffreddore e febbre di cui soffriva da così tanti anni e, poichè CC9.3 contiene tutti i rimedi per la malaria, essi speravano che questo avrebbe curato la causa della sua sofferenza.

Dopo tre giorni di trattamento si verificò un forte pull-out con violento vomito. Una settimana più tardi lei partì per tornare in Argentina. Dopo due settimane inviò un’e-mail ai terapeuti per ringraziarli del trattamento ed informarli che ora era completamente guarita e senza più alcun segno di febbre in corso. 

Osteomielite alla Tibia Destra 02786...Russia

Una donna di 59 anni dell’Azerbaijan si recò dai terapeuti perchè soffriva di una condizione dolorosa alla tibia destra definita osteomielite – infiammazione dell’osso e del midollo, generalmente causata da un’infezione. In questo caso, la tibia appariva di un colore grigio bluastro con macchie necrotiche al centro. Lungo la parte interna dell’osso vi erano 3 fistole da cui usciva del pus. Nelle dita del piede deformi circolava solo una piccola quantità di sangue e le risultava molto doloroso camminare.

L’anamnesi di questa condizione è la seguente: lei aveva avuto un’infanzia molto infelice poiché era cresciuta in un istituto infantile in cui il trattamento era brutale. Quando aveva 10 anni, era saltata da un’altura riportando gravi lesioni al piede destro. Venne operata subito dopo per tentare di riparare il danno, ma questo provocò soltanto l’inizio della distrofia – un deperimento dei muscoli della tibia. La diagnosi fornita dai medici allopatici per questa condizione fu poliomielite. Quando aveva 30 anni, si sottopose ad un intervento chirurgico e ad un altro trattamento allopatico, nel tentativo di eliminare il crescente dolore alla tibia, ma senza successo. Ora la diagnosi fu osteomielite. Cinque anni prima che i terapeuti la visitassero, la condizione era peggiorata ed il suo medico aveva suggerito l’amputazione della tibia.

I terapeuti le somministrarono:
#1. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities...TDS

#2. CC20.6 Osteoporosis...6TD

Dopo una settimana di assunzione delle combo, fu in grado di camminare senza alcun dolore ma le dita le facevano ancora male. Le fu detto di sostituire #2 con:
#3. CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.6 Osteoporosis...TDS

#4. CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions...TDS (preparata in olio da applicare sulle fistole che trasudavano)

Tre settimane dopo, il colore del piede tornò normale. Un pò di pus trasudava ancora dalle fistole, perciò il terapeuta le diede:
#5. Nosodo di pus delle fistole...6TD

Due mesi dopo, anche il colore della tibia era divenuto normale, due delle fistole adesso erano guarite e l’ultima stava producendo solo una piccola quantità di liquido incolore al posto del pus. I terapeuti sospesero #1 ma le diedero una ulteriore provvista di #3 & #5.

A questo punto la paziente lasciò l’ashram, molto felice per l’attuale risultato del trattamento che rappresentava un radicale mutamento dopo così tanti anni di sofferenza.


Raffreddore Cronico 02786...Russia

Una donna Russa di 47 anni si recò dai terapeuti per un raffreddore, i cui sintomi comprendevano mal di testa ed una sensazione generale di malessere – questi sintomi duravano da parecchi mesi. Le fu somministrato:
CC9.2 Infections acute + CC9.3 Tropical diseases...TDS

Tre giorni dopo, il raffreddore era migliorato ma rimanevano il mal di testa e gli altri sintomi. Dopo un’attenta indagine, la paziente confidò spontaneamente che 18 mesi prima lei e suo marito erano stati coinvolti in un incidente d’auto. Sebbene la macchina fosse andata distrutta, nessuno dei due era rimasto ferito. Poiché gli attuali sintomi erano iniziati allora, i terapeuti pensarono che fosse rimasta inconsapevolmente traumatizzata dall’evento e che, ancora adesso, fosse in uno stato di shock. Le diedero subito:
CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities...OD

Dopo circa 3 minuti, la donna perse i sensi ma riprese gradualmente conoscenza nel giro di 10 minuti. Si sentiva molto debole ma, con l’aiuto del marito, riuscì a tornare nella sua camera, dove riposò. Il giorno seguente tornò dai terapeuti per dire che si era ripresa completamente e non aveva più alcun segno del raffreddore cronico e degli altri sintomi di cui aveva sofferto dal momento dell’incidente di 18 mesi prima.

Trauma all’Occhio 02711...Malaysia

Una signora di 62 anni si infilò accidentalmente nell’occhio sinistro l’estremità degli occhiali, provocando la rottura di un vaso sanguigno. Questo le causò dolore ed il bulbo oculare divenne completamente rosso scuro. Doveva indossare gli occhiali da sole in modo che la gente non potesse vedere il suo occhio rosso o, come diceva lei, perchè non voleva spaventare i bambini! Il suo medico le prescrisse antidolorifici e antibiotici e la informò che il rossore sarebbe scomparso in 3 o 4 settimane. Tre giorni dopo essere stata dal medico, si recò dal terapeuta perché gli antibiotici le facevano venire la nausea e non voleva aspettare tre settimane per sentirsi meglio. Il terapeuta le diede:
NM17 Eye + BR 20 Eye + BR21 Injury + SM41 Uplift...TDS

Tre giorni dopo, il colore rosso era scomparso ed il suo occhio appariva limpido. La paziente era molto contenta del risultato poiché il suo occhio sinistro era tornato normale entro una settimana. 

The editor's comment:
An equivalent Common Combo to substitute for the above would be:  
CC7.1 Eye tonic + CC7.6 Eye injury.

Morbo di Hodgkin 00660...USA

Una donna di 65 anni si recò dal terapeuta perché le era stato diagnosticato il Morbo di Hodgkin ed era stata in trattamento allopatico per due anni. Le fu somministrato:
NM6 Calming + NM59 Pain + NM63 Back up + NM110 Essiac + BR2 Blood Sugar + BR3 Depression + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM13 Cancer + SM24 Glandular + SM40 Throat...6TD per due settimane e poi TDS.

Entro due settimane la paziente si sentì più tranquilla. Continuò ad assumere i rimedi di Sai Vibrionica per quattro mesi, dopo i quali i suoi esami del sangue dimostrarono che era normale. Da sei anni è libera dal cancro. 

The editor's comment:
An equivalent Common Combo to substitute for the above is: CC2.1 Cancers - all.

Risultati Scolastici Scadenti 01159...Croatia

Una bambina di dieci anni fu portata dal terapeuta perché presentava disturbi del comportamento e dell’apprendimento e andava male a scuola. Le fu somministrato:
NM5 Brain tissue salts + NM104 Tops...TDS

Dopo un mese di assunzione di questa combinazione sua madre disse che si era calmata e a scuola aveva ottenuto tutti ‘A’ (massimo dei voti). La maestra era meravigliata per questo cambiamento della bambina e chiese a sua madre che cosa le avesse fatto! 

The editor's comment: 
An equivalent Common Combo to substitute for the above is: CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic.

Infezioni Renali 01159...Croatia

Una donna di 28 anni si recò dal terapeuta perchè aveva un forte dolore e soffriva di nefrite – un’infiammazione del rene provocata da infezione batterica e cistite – frequente minzione accompagnata da bruciore. Le fu somministrato:
#1. NM21 KBS + BR11 Kidney...TDS

#2. SR296 Ignatia...Singola dose

In un solo giorno si sentì molto meglio e nel giro di tre giorni tutti i sintomi erano scomparsi. La combo fu somministrata per un mese al fine di assicurare una guarigione completa. 

The editor's comment:
An equivalent Common Combo to substitute for the above is: CC13.2 Kidney & Bladder infections.

L’Angolo della Risposta

1. Question: Can I give the combo for sleeplessness to those people who regularly suffer from this problem and if so, should they take it three times a day or just before sleeping?

Answer: You can give CC15.6 to anyone who has a problem going to sleep, both for chronic sufferers or people who are sometimes just wakeful because their mind is still worrying about something. Unlike allopathic drugs for this problem, our combo is never addictive. This combo should be taken 30 minutes before normal bedtime. If you don’t fall sleep, you can take up to 4 doses every half an hour until you fall asleep. If you wake up during the night and cannot go back to sleep then an extra dose can be taken.

For those practitioners who use the Sai Ram Healing Vibration machine, give: NM6 Calming + NM28 Sleep + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM37 Sleep + SM39 Tension + SR275 Belladonna (30C) + SR303 Opium + SR306 Phosphorus (30C) + SR309 Pulsatilla (30C).


2. Question: I have been ill with a cold and fever and have now recovered but a lot of my hair is falling out, what combo should I take?

Answer: The combo for falling hair is either CC11.1 or CC11.2. If the hair fall is after an acute cold or when one is low in energy then CC11.1 is the remedy to give. But if it is after a chronic problem or if there is a possibility of going bald, then you should give CC11.2. Remember to give CC12.1 as well, if after an illness. If the patient is anaemic then CC3.1 would help too. For those using the Sai Ram Healing Vibration machine, give: NM2 Blood + NM12 Combination-12 + NM22 Liver + NM75 Debility + NM84 Hair Tonic + OM12 Hair + SM6 Stress + SM25 Hair + SM41 Uplift + SR264 Silicea + SR408 Secale Corn (30C).


3. Question: One of my patients is taking ayurvedic medicines. Does he have to stop the ayurvedic treatment once he starts the Sai Vibrionics remedies? We were told by the trainers in our workshop that one cannot combine vibro medicines with either homoeopathy or Ayurveda.

Answer: Yes, it will be better if he does stop. Generally speaking, it is safer not to combine the Sai Vibrionics remedies with either homoeopathic or ayurvedic treatment. However, vibrations are fully compatible with allopathic medicines and hence the two can be combined. For a more comprehensive answer, please refer to our book ‘Manual for Vibrionics Practitioners’.


4. Question: There is a Sai devotee whose 23 year-old daughter had an infection of the brain. She was treated allopathically and has recovered but now suffers from severe headaches. She has asked for vibro medicine but I am not sure which combination to give.

Answer: Give her CC11.4 Migraines + CC18.1 Brain & Emotional tonic because both these combos have a lot of brain remedies in them. If you have the Sai Ram Healing Vibration machine, give: NM5 Brain TS + NM6 Calming + NM44 Trigeminal Neuralgia + NM85 Headache-BP + OM13 Trigeminal + SR275 Belladonna (30C) + SR273 Aurum Met + SR295 Hypericum (30C) + SR359 Zincum Met + SR458 Brain Whole + SR468 CN5: Trigeminal.


5. Question: My husband is a heart patient who has had two heart attacks. He also suffers from diabetes. I am giving him CC3.1 Heart Tonic and CC6.3 Diabetes. Should I give him CC3.4 also? We were advised not to give more than two combos per person. Could I add one more? My husband is not a believer of Sai Vibrionics, so I give it to him in water. Will it help him? Please advise.

Answer: Continue to give your husband CC3.1 Heart tonic. Only in emergencies, should you give CC3.4. Also continue giving him CC6.3 Diabetes but make sure he gets his blood sugar checked regularly because diabetics taking this remedy sometimes find that they do not need to take so much insulin. Only experienced practitioners may give more than two combos at a time but only if the symptoms warrant it. Although your husband does not believe in Sai Vibrionics, the combos will certainly help his condition and through your steadfast faith, healing could be miraculous. Remember that this system of vibrionics has been blessed by Baba many times and as it is He who ultimately heals, extraordinary cures can and are taking place almost daily. 


Parole Divine dal Terapeuta Principale

“Three types of activity reach God and earn His Grace: (1) those not prompted by personal desire, (2) those emanating from unselfish love and (3) prayer arising from pure hearts. They reach the Lord directly and He pays heed to them. The rest are the concern of the various deities who preside over their disposal. Therefore, prayers have to be unselfish, saturated with love, and free from the taint of attachment to the gift that the prayer would bring.”

-Sathya Sai Baba, “Thought for the Day”, July 23, 2011, Prashanti Nilayam


“Individuals full of ego love to exercise authority over others. They see everything through glasses coloured by the smoke of selfishness and self-love. “My words are true.” “My opinion is correct.” “My deeds are right.” Such behaviour is very harmful for spiritual aspirants. Aspirants must look forward eagerly to any objective criticism, or suggestion, or advice, from whatever quarter. Also, aspirants must minimise all discussion and argumentation as this breeds a spirit of rivalry and leads one on to angry reprisals and vengeful fighting. Do not struggle to earn the esteem of the world. Do not feel humiliated or angry when the world does not recognise you or your merits. Learn this first and foremost if you are an aspirant for spiritual success. Do not become happy when you are being praised; therein lies a deadly trap, which might even lead you astray and endanger your progress"

-Sathya Sai Baba, “Thought for the Day”, October 28, 2011, Prashanti Nilayam 


Forthcoming Workshops in India

India: 26-27 November 2011 Nagpur in Maharashtra - Workshop for existing AVPs. Contact Dr. A. Ghatol at 9637-899 113 or 9423-424 126 or Rajan Joshi tel 9422-548 910.

India: 26-27 November 2011, Aluva in Kerala - Workshop for existing AVPs. Contact M. Pankajakshan at 0480-282 0789 or 9995-788 035

India: 17-18 December 2011 Srikakulam in AP – Workshop for newcomers who wish to learn this system of healing for seva. Contact your State Sevadal coordinator Sri R Laxmanrao at 9440-168 606 or by email at [email protected] OR your District President G. Ramanababu at 9394-769 108.

All Trainers: If you have a workshop scheduled, send details to [email protected] 


Health Tips


Long used in traditional Indian and Chinese medicine as a remedy for ailments such as nausea, indigestion, flatulence, ginger has now been scientifically proven to be helpful in relieving muscle pain and soreness after too much exercise. A new study shows that taking daily doses of ginger can ease the aches and pains that follow strenuous exercise.

Researchers at the University of Georgia studied whether daily doses of ginger can inhibit exercise- related muscle pain. One group of 34 participants consumed capsules filled with two grams of raw untreated ginger: this is equivalent to the 500 mg capsules of raw ginger sold in health-food stores. A second group of 40 people took two grams of heat-treated ginger as earlier studies had shown that heating ginger may increase its pain-relieving properties. A third group took a placebo. All participants consumed their capsules for 11 consecutive days -- seven days before a high-intensity weight-lifting session that was designed to induce muscle pain and inflammation and three days after.

After the 11 days of taking the capsules the participants were measured for several different variables, including: effort, pain intensity, range of motion, strength and inflammation. It was found that that the participants that had taken daily levels of raw ginger supplements had experienced 25% less exercise- induced pain than the placebo group and participants taking daily heat-treated ginger had 23% less pain than the placebo group.

Patrick O’Connor, PhD, who led the research explained that ginger works much like non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and ibuprofen but unlike these drugs ginger also serves to desensitize a type of pain receptor found in the peripheral nerves, as well as reducing the body’s production of inflammatory chemicals. Dr. O’Connor also said the participants experienced greater pain relief than did those in similar tests of ibuprofen and naproxen, but without the non-steroid anti- inflammatory drugs’ related risks of stomach irritation and ulcers. These results were published in the September 2010 issue of The Journal of Pain.

If you would like to give this a try when you plan to go on a long hike or do an intense work-out buy ginger capsules that contain a standardised extract with a ginger content of 5% and take one two-gram daily for several days before your planned exercise. If you like the taste of ginger then take one teaspoon of powdered ginger or 1⁄2 teaspoon of ginger extract or one tablespoon of finely chopped fresh ginger. 


Have you ever wondered why hair turns grey as you get older and whether there is something you can do to prevent greying or at least slow it down? Here's a look at what causes hair to turn grey and some of the factors that affect greying.

The age at which you'll get your first grey hair (assuming your hair doesn't simply fall out) is largely determined by genetics. You'll probably get that first strand of grey around the same age your parents and grandparents started to go grey. However, the rate at which the greying progresses is somewhat under your own control. Smoking is known to increase the rate of greying. Anaemia, generally poor nutrition, insufficient B vitamins, and untreated thyroid conditions can also speed the rate of greying. What causes your hair's colour to change? That has to do with the process controlling the production of the pigment called melanin, the same pigment that tans your skin in response to sunlight.

Every hair follicle contains pigment cells called melanocytes. The melanocytes produce eumelanin, which is black or dark brown, and pheomelanin, which is reddish-yellow, and pass the melanin to the cells which produce keratin, the chief protein in hair. When the keratin-producing cells (keratinocytes) die, they retain the colouring from the melanin. When you first start to go grey, the melanocytes are still present, but they become less active. Less pigment is deposited into the hair so it appears lighter. As greying progresses, the melanocytes die off until there aren't any cells left to produce the colour.

While this is a normal and unavoidable part of the aging process and is not of itself associated with disease, some autoimmune diseases can cause premature greying. However, some people start going grey in their 20s and are perfectly healthy. Extreme shock or stress can also cause your hair to go grey very quickly, though not overnight. ...Anne Marie Helmenstine,Ph.D. 

Om Sai Ram