Newsletter Sai Vibrionica

" Ogni volta che vedete una persona ammalata, scoraggiata, sconsolata o inferma, quello è il vostro campo di seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 2 Uscita 2
March 2011
Versione Stampabile

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Dall’ufficio del Dr Jit K Aggarwal

Dear Practitioners

Sai Ram from Prashanti Nilayam! The New Year started off on a beautiful note and once again we have some wonderful vibro news to relate. As you may be aware, every year we present our annual report giving the number of practitioners trained, patients treated and hours of seva done with Vibrionics to Swami. On January 19th this year, Swami took the report in His hands, went through the pages slowly and with a lovely smile said, “Very happy with the work”. Isn’t that the perfect New Year’s gift – an affirmation of our work directly from our Lord. This in itself provides us all with a big incentive to keep doing Swami’s work with renewed fervour knowing that He not only blesses this seva but is ‘happy’ with it.

On the individual level, we have heard of wonderful things happening. One practitioner 02792 here in Puttaparthi brought to us his 108CC box. As you can see from the picture on this page, vibhuti materialised around each bottle in his box of remedies soon after he got it.

Another practitioner in London 00298 reported that vibhuti appears on every single remedy he makes or on the patient’s record sheet. It is amazing how Swami works and how He shows us His support and omniscience in so many ways!

Another interesting development is that just one month after the first workshop for Assistant Vibro Practitioners in the state of Kerala in India, the new practitioners have launched their own newsletter. We congratulate them on this excellent initiative and hope this works as an inspiration to others to perhaps come up with their own ideas to make Vibrionics a collective seva in their respective state or country.

Please note that our old website address no longer exists and our new URL is We are currently in the process of updating and giving the website a new look. An announcement will be made as soon as we have completed this work which we hope to do within the next 2 months.

Last but not the least, a reminder – please note that we are not doctors or healers by any account. We are practitioners of Vibrionics, instruments in the hands of Swami. He is the only true Doctor, the one who heals.

Keep those emails coming in and keep up the good work – it makes our Lord very happy!

In Sai Service,

Jit Aggarwal

Fascite Plantare 11205...India

Una donna di 52 anni soffriva da otto mesi per un tallone infiammato. Il suo medico la stava curando con medicine che non riducevano il dolore né curavano la condizione. Le venne consigliata una serie di iniezioni nell’osso di entrambi i talloni che, sebbene dolorose, avrebbero forse risolto la situazione. Lei rifiutò questo trattamento e si rivolse invece ad un terapeuta di Vibrionica. Accennò al terapeuta che un anno prima aveva sofferto anche di sciatica. Considerando l’età, il terapeuta decise di trattarla anche per l’osteoporosi. Alla paziente venne prescritta la seguente Combo:
CC3.7 Circulation + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & supportive tissues + CC20.5 Spine + CC20.6 Osteoporosis...QDS

Nel giro di un mese, la paziente si era completamente ripresa e riusciva a camminare senza difficoltà e senza alcun dolore. Il terapeuta le consigliò di continuare ad assumere la medicina per un altro mese a dosaggio TDS. Da allora il problema non si è ripresentato.

I commenti dell'editore:
Sebbene questo sia un risultato coronato da successo, all’inizio sarebbe stato meglio somministrare soltanto la combo per il tallone infiammato e trattare poi la possibile osteoporosi o il ritorno della sciatica se e quando fossero comparse.

Scarlattina 02680...Japan

Un bambino di 18 mesi aveva la febbre molto alta da una settimana, non riusciva a mangiare o a bere niente, nemmeno l’acqua, e vomitava tutto eccetto il latte materno. Piangeva continuamente e non riusciva a dormire. Presentava un esantema su tutto il corpo e persino in bocca. Soffriva anche di diarrea. Gli venne diagnosticata la Scarlattina ed in questa situazione molto grave la madre non voleva somministrargli medicine allopatiche. Furono prescritti i seguenti rimedi Vibrazionali:
NM2 Blood + NM18 General Fever + NM26 Penmycin + NM36 War + NM80 Gastro + NM86 Immunity + SM41 Uplift + SR316 Streptococcus...ogni 10 minuti per 3 ore, poi 6TD e TDS dopo miglioramento

Dopo la prima dose, il bimbo riuscì a bere dell’acqua senza vomitare. Nel giro di una giornata vi fu un ulteriore miglioramento e dopo 3 giorni la febbre era scesa a livello normale. Ma 8 giorni dopo, il suo viso, le mani ed i piedi divennero molto gonfi e così vennero aggiunti alla combo di cui sopra i seguenti rimedi:
NM21 KBS + OM15 Kidneys

Dopo 5 giorni il bambino cominciò a camminare di nuovo (non aveva camminato per 10 giorni) e a mangiare normalmente. Dopo 3 settimane tutti i sintomi erano scomparsi e, sebbene abbia perso un po’ di peso, ora la sua salute è eccellente e la sua pelle persino più pulita di com’era prima che si ammalasse.

I commenti dell'editore:
In questa guarigione coronata da successo, per preparare le suddette combo è stato usato un Potenziatore per Terapia Vibrazionale, ma se fosse stata disponibile la cassettina con le 108 Comuni Combinazioni, sarebbero state di pari efficacia CC9.4 Children's diseases + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic.

Patologia Cardiaca Congenita 02640...India

Una bambina di 6 mesi affetta da patologia cardiaca congenita fu portata da un terapeuta Vibrazionale.

Nell’esaminarla, il terapeuta, che di professione è un medico allopatico, confermò che la bimba presentava un murmure cardiaco. La bambina avrebbe dovuto essere ricoverata in ospedale ma, siccome i genitori non potevano affrontare l’alto costo dell’intervento, il terapeuta Vibrazionale cominciò a somministrare alla bimba:
CC3.1 Heart Tonic + CC3.4 Heart Emergencies + CC12.2 Children Tonic

Questo rimedio venne preparato in acqua e somministrato alla piccola quattro volte al giorno per le prime settimane. In seguito venne data alla madre la combinazione in pillole con la richiesta di sciogliere due pillole in acqua e somministrarle alla bimba TDS. Questo trattamento proseguì per un anno e mezzo.

Il cardiologo pediatrico che esaminò la bambina di due anni rimase sbalordito nel vedere che l’ecografia ed altri esami non mostravano assolutamente alcun segno di patologia cardiaca congenita. Con la grazia di Swami, la bimba è ora perfettamente sana senza aver dovuto subire un intervento.

Gatto Ferito 02494...Italy

Una gattina di quattro anni era gravemente ferita e le fu riscontrata una lieve frattura ad una costola a destra. Era traumatizzata, in uno stato di estrema paura e di grandissimo dolore a causa della brutta ferita. Poiché il proprietario non voleva somministrarle alcuna medicina allopatica, le venne immediatamente somministrata la seguente combinazione vibrazionale:
NM20 Injury + NM3 Bone I + SR271 Arnica (30C) + NM95 Rescue

La combinazione fu somministrata in acqua, una dose ogni 10 minuti per un’ora, seguita da 6TD per 3 giorni e TDS in seguito.

Il terapeuta valutò un miglioramento del dolore pari al 50% dopo un solo giorno e la gattina appariva anche più tranquilla. Il terapeuta ha riferito che c’è stato un recupero del 100% dopo tre giorni poiché la gattina correva e saltava in giro come faceva di solito prima dell’incidente.

I commenti dell'editore:
In questa riuscita guarigione di un animale, è stato usato un Potenziatore per Terapia Vibrazionale per la preparazione della suddetta combinazione. Se fosse stata disponibile la cassettina con le 108 Comuni Combinazioni, l’uso di CC10.1 Emergencies per trattare le ferite e lo shock della gattina avrebbe funzionato altrettanto bene. 

PCOD (Policistosi Ovarica) 10728...India

Una donna di 42 anni soffriva di gravi emorragie e forte dolore durante il ciclo mensile, periodi mestruali irregolari e cisti multiple ad entrambe le ovaie. Iniziò ad assumere la seguente combo Vibrazionale:
CC8.7 Menses Painful + CC20.6 Osteoporosis...TDS

Un mese più tardi, le sue mestruazioni erano normali e senza dolore. Tuttavia, il referto dell’ecografia mostrava l’ovaia destra ingrossata con una cisti emorragica. Il medico consigliò un intervento chirurgico. Anziché sottoporsi all’operazione, lei tornò dal terapeuta Vibrazionale per un ulteriore trattamento. Le venne prescritto:
CC8.4 Ovaries + CC20.6 Osteoporosis ...TDS

Dieci giorni dopo, l’ecografia mostrava che entrambe le ovaie erano normali e prive di cisti. La paziente è molto grata a Swami per aver risposto alle sue preghiere attraverso la Vibrionica.

L’Angolo della Risposta

1. Question: How do I remove chemicals or sprays from the fruits and vegetables I eat?

Answer: Always try to eat fresh organic fruits and vegetables and if possible from your own garden. If not and you suspect that these are sprayed then use the following procedure. Take one tablespoon full of salt and two of vinegar and dissolve them in a bowl, half full of water. Soak vegetables and fruits in it for twenty minutes, this causes leaching out of pesticides and insecticides. Then wash them thoroughly in fresh water to remove any stuck residue.


2. Question: Can I call myself a doctor of vibration medicine or Vibrionics?

Answer: No, you are not to represent yourself as a doctor or a healer. You are a practitioner or provider of Vibrionics, an instrument in the hands of Swami. He is the only true healer and doctor. A medical doctor needs training in order to work with controlled and sometimes poisonous substances. It is not necessary to have prior medical knowledge to administer Vibrionics remedies. 

You are not charging money or asking favours for any remedies. The vibrations are given as a service, with prayer and love. You are not giving any actual substance in a remedy. The remedy is vibrational energy in sugar pills or water. If you want to make sure that the pills are not misunderstood as actual allopathic prescription medicine, you can write “sugar pills only” on the label of the bottle.


3. Question: My patient is responding very well to the vibro and wants to stop taking her allopathic medicine. How do I help her?

Answer: Do not tell the patient to stop her allopathic prescription medicine. Just tell her that since she feels better, she should speak to her doctor. It is the patient’s or her/his doctor’s responsibility to reduce the allopathic medication.


4. Question: A patient’s adult son is addicted to alcohol and tobacco and the patient wants me to give her Vibro to give to her son. From your experience, will this work? 

Answer: No. In the case of patients with an addiction to tobacco, alcohol or drugs, you should ensure that the patient approaches you directly and requests treatment. Also, make sure that the patient has definitely made his/her mind up and is keen to drop the habit. Only then give the remedy to the patient. Remember that in such cases, the patient’s positive and strong mental attitude is needed because it is important for healing to take place. 


Parole Divine dal Terapeuta Principale

“Be a servant, a servant of God - then all strength and joy will be added unto you. Try to be as a master and you will arouse envy, hatred, anger and greed in every one around you. Feel that you are an instrument in His Hand. Let Him shape you and use you as He Knows Best.” -Sathya Sai Baba


“Consider Seva as the best Sadhana (spiritual discipline). This is a great chance that you have secured. Your work among these large gatherings is more beneficial for your spiritual development than days of Japam or Dhyanam. But do not believe that you can by means of Seva re-form or re-shape the world. You may or you may not. That does not matter. The real value of Seva, its most visible result, is that it reforms you, reshapes you. Do Seva as a Sadhana; then you will be humble and happy. Do not strut about that you are improving others, improve yourself.”

-Sathya Sai Baba


“People do not understand the ways of God. How can they know why a particular event takes place at a particular time in a particular manner? He alone can know. But people try to sit in judgement and talk ill, when for example, someone dies of illness at this place! (Prashanti Nilayam) How can anyone escape death? Even Avatars cast off their physical form when the task for which they have come is over. It is the height of foolishness to lose faith in God when someone you cared for dies.”

-Sathya Sai Baba 


Forthcoming Workshops

India: 8 to 10 April 2011, Gujarat, the 23rd workshop for Assistant Vibro Practitioners AVPs and 12th workshop for Junior Vibro Practitioners JVPs.
India: 24-26 June 2011 in Delhi, first workshop for AVPs.
Contact your local Samiti Convenor.

Italy: 8-10 April 2011 in Oriago near Venice, first workshop in Italy. Contact Fabio Previati at 041-563 0288 or by email at [email protected].

Poland: 14-15 May in Opole - Workshop for Assistant Vibro Practitioners and JVPs.
Poland: 12-13 November in Wroclaw - Refresher workshop for all JVPs and full Vibro Practitioners and will cover a review of interesting cases. 


Health Tips

Cinnamon Promotes Weight Control and Blood Sugar Control

Studies have shown that cinnamon, the common kitchen spice frequently sprinkled on breakfast oatmeal and included in sweet potato pie, lowers blood glucose levels. Along with the benefits that it brings to this area, additional testing and folklore say that cinnamon also has fat-burning properties that will aid in weight loss. Cinnamon use dates back to ancient history and is well respected across cultures.

Published in 2003 in the journal, Diabetes Care, a study concluded that in people with Type 2 diabetes, consuming daily low levels of cinnamon, that is between 1 to 6 grams (or approximately 1 to 2 teaspoons), reduced blood sugar levels. How cinnamon effects this result is still to be determined but the study also showed that the results lasted in the individuals even as long as twenty days after ceasing to use cinnamon. In 2009, a Scandinavian study showed that in healthy individuals 3 grams of cinnamon per day lowered blood sugar levels after eating a meal.

Higher insulin levels lead to less use of excess blood sugar (and sugar is stored in the body as fat), so a reduction in insulin after a meal is significant. If cinnamon can help control the level of blood sugar and, by offshoot, fat levels, then that is corroboration of what some have said regarding its weight loss potential.

Regarded as even more precious than gold in the Middle Ages, cinnamon was so highly prized that the Dutch-Portuguese war of the 17th century was fought, in part, to control the nation of Ceylon, now the country of Sri Lanka, for its abundant and sweet variety of cinnamon grown there. Ceylon cinnamon or "real cinnamon" still carries its ancient name today. Cassia cinnamon is another main variety. It is not as highly prized but it is certainly more commonly used and easier to obtain than "real cinnamon," which is more expensive. Both Ceylon and cassia are ancient. Cassia is mentioned in the Bible to Moses in a command of ingredients to mix for anointing oil. The Egyptians used cinnamon in the embalming process and as food flavouring.

Cinnamon grows in many varieties all with varying flavours of sweetness and boldness. It has been used for its antiseptic properties to cure athlete's foot, has been inhaled to improve memory, and has been used as a tea to soothe stomach ailments and indigestion. It should be noted that cinnamon also creates excess heat when it is ingested. The body will then counter this heat by creating heat of its own to balance homeostasis in a process called thermogenics. During this process fat is burned.

One of the most pleasant spices to use, cinnamon can enhance the flavour of a variety of foods: teas, pies, cakes, ice creams, soups, dumplings, curries. Important to note, you can inhale your cinnamon choice to test it. A pungent and sweet aroma will indicate its freshness. However, if the flavour is not somewhat bitter or if it is very easy on the tongue, throw it out because this means it is weak and will not yield desired weight- regulation results. Mixing cinnamon with other foods is what helps to bring out its aroma, so freshness is important in preventing the spice from being overpowered by other ingredients.

Overuse of cinnamon has not, so far, shown any lasting harmful effects. However, contraindication advice from a physician is necessary for those already on a diabetic or cholesterol medication protocol. Otherwise, cinnamon has tested to be a viable alternative weight loss aid and aid in blood sugar control.

Sources: and


Eight Signs and Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a serious autoimmune disease that attacks the joints and other body parts. But RA can be tough to diagnose. Symptoms can mimic other illnesses, or they may flare, and then fade, only to flare again somewhere else. Lab tests are not perfect - you can test negative for RA factor and still have it. And X-rays don't show signs until later on.

Here are eight tricky rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and hints that they're due to RA and not some other condition.

Hard to heal injuries: It's possible to think you have an injury, such as a sprained ankle that doesn't seem to heal when the symptoms are actually due to RA. This is more common in younger people, says Lisa A. Mandl, MD, MPH, assistant attending rheumatologist at Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City. One day a patient is playing soccer and the next day her knee is swollen, she says. "I have seen people who have had two arthroscopic surgeries and extensive physical therapy in their knee and they have rheumatoid arthritis."

Numbness or tingling in the hands: One symptom of rheumatoid arthritis is carpal tunnel syndrome, which is marked by tingling in the wrist and hands. Dr. Mandl says the sensation is similar to the feeling you get when you hit your funny bone. What happens is that the swelling in the arm compresses the nerves going into the hands. The sensation is often worse at night. If you go to a doctor with these symptoms and don't have (or tell him about) other RA symptoms, you may be diagnosed only with carpal tunnel syndrome.

Foot trouble: One area in which people often have RA-related pain or inflammation is the forefoot. Women often stop wearing heels and head to a podiatrist due to the pain. Some people with RA may also develop pain in the heel because of plantar fasciitis, a common foot disorder caused by swelling of the tissue at the bottom of the foot, near the heel.

Eye problems: People with RA are also at risk for Sjogren’s syndrome, an autoimmune disorder that can cause dryness of the eyes, mouth, nose, throat, or skin due to inflammation that stops glands from releasing moisture, says Dr. Mandl. This can happen even in the early stages of RA, but it's unlikely to be the only symptom. Most people with dry eyes head to an eye doctor to find out the cause, but Dr. Mandl recommends telling your doctor-even an eye doctor or other specialist-about additional symptoms you're having in any part of the body.

Pairs of achy joints: One of the most predominant symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis is pain in the joints. People often think their pain is due to overexertion or osteoarthritis, the type of arthritis common in old age. This ache can also be misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome (fatigue is another symptom of RA). RA joint pain is not fleeting; it usually lasts longer than a week. It can also be symmetrical, meaning both hands, feet, knees, and ankles will be affected at the same time.

Morning stiffness: Another characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis is stiffness in the joints in the morning. Again, this is also a common problem in osteoarthritis, which can cause pain after long periods of inactivity, like sleeping. The difference between the two is that osteoarthritis pain usually subsides in about a half hour. Stiffness from rheumatoid arthritis will last much longer, possibly for a good chunk of the day. The right kind of exercise can help alleviate stiffness for people with RA and osteoarthritis pain.

Locked joints: People with RA can sometimes experience locked joints, particularly in the knees and elbows. This happens because there's so much swelling of the tendons around the joint, the joint cannot bend. It can lead to cysts behind the knee that can puff out and inhibit motion. The symptom can be mistaken for a meniscus tear, a knee joint injury that's common in sports, and which can also lead to cysts.

Nodules: These are firm lumps that grow under the skin near the affected joints. They often appear at the back of the elbows, and sometimes people get them in the eyes. They're more common in people who have advanced rheumatoid arthritis, but occasionally show up earlier, says Dr. Mandl. The nodules can at times mimic gout, another form of arthritis.


Om Sai Ram