Newsletter Sai Vibrionica

" Ogni volta che vedete una persona ammalata, scoraggiata, sconsolata o inferma, quello è il vostro campo di seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 2 Uscita 4
July 2011
Versione Stampabile

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Dall’ufficio del Dr Jit K Aggarwal

Dear Practitioners

Our benevolent Swami has left His body but He has not left us stranded at a spiritual crossroad. Over the years, time and again, Swami has reminded us that Service is the highest form of spiritual discipline in this Kali Yuga. Swami has said: “If you lift your hand to serve, to help, to console, to encourage another, you are lifting it for God, because in every one of you is God.” The best way for us to pay homage to Swami is to engage ourselves in relentless service, while inwardly connecting with Bhagawan through this energy of Love and Peace.

Yes, the last three months have been tough on us. It has been a difficult period of adjustment. So many sweet memories flood the mind, and especially memories of Swami and Vibrionics. I go back to that memorable day in July 1994 when, in Sai Ramesh hall, Brindavan, the Lord of the Universe bent down to bless the first prototype Vibrionics potentiser. (After 6 days of failing to attract the Lord’s attention, I was too stunned to be quick enough to lift the machine off the floor.) An interview followed the next day wherein the Lord operated the machine by putting the card ‘OM7 Heart’ in the slot.

Another time in the interview room, He very innocently, asked, “Can this medicine cure diabetes?” He instructed me to teach Vibrionics to His students and devotees and to give a talk to His doctors at the Super Speciality Hospital. Then it all began.... At every step He gave guidance, sometimes on a daily basis!

I owe it to all of you His Vibrionics practitioners to share the frequent instructions and the blessings the Lord gave me concerning Vibrionics throughout the last 17 years. In subsequent newsletters, I will be sharing those moments with you.

If we feel that the Lord has given us - His Vibrionics practitioners - a wonderful tool for seva, then this is the time we should take our role more seriously and endeavour to dedicate ourselves more whole- heartedly to His Mission.

For our part, we have launched a fresh programme of training for new practitioners. I have always held workshops at all levels of training in small groups in Prashanti Nilayam. Now, we will be holding frequent workshops in small groups, which will be conducted by qualified teachers in many areas. Incidentally, Swami always insisted that I teach Vibrionics in small groups in order to maintain quality and not run after quantity. To this end, I have already started training Senior Vibrionics Practitioners to qualify as teachers. Those of you who have completed your training with 108 Common Combos may apply for the Vibrionics Practitioners’ course which will enable you to use the Vibrionics Sai Ram machine. This will then also entitle you to do the Teachers’ Training course.

As we require more teachers to spread Swami’s Vibrionics system of healing to further areas in India and in other countries, I am keen to make this one of the priority programs that is planned for the future. I invite all those dedicated practitioners who wish to receive the next level of training to write to me directly at [email protected] for an application form. Please remember to include your personal register number as given in the subject line of this newsletter’s email.

Readers have expressed their desire to see more outstanding cases of healing in our newsletter. This is to remind practitioners to send any case histories that were particularly successful or that they considered in any way impressive direct to me at my e-mail address so that these may be published in future newsletters to inspire others.

How can we ever repay Swami for all the celestial love He showered on us through the years? How can we show Him that the pain He took for us has not gone to waste? Each one of us must recognise Swami within ourselves and everyone else and conduct ourselves as Swami Himself would do. So, dear practitioners, let us work with unity, harmony and dedication in order to spread Swami’s message of pure love through Vibrionics. His life has been His message. It is now time for us to make our life His message.

In loving service to Sai
Jit Aggarwal 

Dialisi 02640...India

Un paziente maschio di 45 anni telefonò alla terapeuta in India da Los Angeles, USA, per chiederle se gli poteva inviare una medicina Vibrionica che potesse essergli utile per il suo rene gravemente ammalato e per la pressione sanguigna elevata. In attesa di un trapianto di rene veniva sottoposto a dialisi tre volte alla settimana, con sessioni della durata di 5 ore ciascuna. La terapeuta gli inviò:

CC3.3 High BP + CC13.4 Kidney Failure + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional Tonic...2 pillole QDS.

Dopo tre mesi di trattamento Vibrazionale, il medico fu sorpreso nel vedere che i suoi livelli di creatinina erano scesi da 9 a 5 e, a causa di questo grosso miglioramento, ridusse la durata della sessione di dialisi da 5 a 3 ore. Il medico chiese al paziente quale dieta stava seguendo per rendere possibile un tale miglioramento! Dopo sei mesi vi fu un ulteriore miglioramento ed il trattamento di dialisi venne perciò ridotto da 3 a 2 volte la settimana con sessioni della durata di una sola ora. Dopo altri 2 mesi, il medico gli disse che non servivano altre dialisi. Il paziente era così felice per questo fantastico trattamento che venne in India di persona per ringraziare la terapeuta di Bombay. Su consiglio della terapeuta, per il momento il paziente sta continuando ad assumere la combo due volte al giorno.

Pustola Infetta sul Seno 01339...USA

Da tre anni, una donna di 69 anni aveva, come lei lo definiva, un punto nero situato sulla parte superiore del seno sinistro. Non aveva mai consultato un medico. Periodicamente lo schiacciava e ne usciva il pus. Un giorno notò che la zona si era infiammata, era dolente e sensibile al tatto. Quando dormiva, doveva mettere un cuscino sotto il seno per avere sollievo. Contattò un vibroterapeuta, dichiarando di essere preoccupata per il fatto che la pustola potesse essere un cancro. Il terapeuta consigliò alla paziente di mantenere la pelle della zona pulita ed asciutta e le prescrisse:
CC2.1 Cancers + CC8.3 Breast abscess + CC21.11 Infections...2 pillole QDS

Entro pochi giorni il dolore divenne localizzato e lei sentiva che non si stava più diffondendo. Alle fine della terza settimana la zona infiammata non era più arrossata né sensibile e non presentava pus. Smise di usare il cuscino per proteggersi mentre dormiva. Il dosaggio venne ridotto a TDS, poi ad OD per un’altra settimana. Alla fine di un periodo totale di sei settimane, rimaneva solo una leggera macchia sulla pelle. Volò in India a ringraziare Sai Baba per la guarigione. 

Eczema 02762...USA

Una donna di 51 anni andò dal terapeuta perché 15 anni prima il suo medico le aveva diagnosticato come eczema una zona infiammata sulla gamba sinistra ed il piede che prudevano continuamente. Da quel momento era stata tormentata da intensa irritazione e da screpolature secche che continuavano ad apparire e scomparire sul piede con una secrezione liquida. A volte non riusciva nemmeno ad indossare né calze né scarpe. Aveva provato molte creme e unguenti ma niente aveva migliorato la sua condizione. Il terapeuta le prescrisse:

CC21.6 Eczema. Inizialmente da prendere in acqua 6TD per 3 giorni, poi in pillole TDS.

L’unico miglioramento dopo 3 settimane fu che il prurito era un po’ minore. Dopo un altro mese di assunzione della combo, ci fu un ulteriore miglioramento del 10%. A questo punto, alla paziente fu consigliato di usare la combo in olio da applicare esternamente e di assumerla anche oralmente.

Un mese dopo, alla suddetta combo venne aggiunto CC15.6 Sleep disorders perchè non riusciva a dormire di notte. Tre mesi dopo riferì che il prurito e la secrezione liquida si erano ridotti del 30%. Il miglioramento proseguì per i mesi successivi finché, a 10 mesi dall’inizio del trattamento, l’eczema se n’era andato ed entrambe le gambe ed il piede erano tornati normali.

I commenti dell'editore:
Questa è un’altra meravigliosa guarigione delle 108 Combo di Swami. C’è un punto da notare: quando state trattando un problema cutaneo come l’eczema, le allergie o la psoriasi, ecc. è consigliabile somministrare, oltre al rimedio da assumere internamente, l’appropriata combo per uso esterno, in olio o in polvere anallergica come la vibhuti oppure la farina di riso se si tratta di qualche tipo di fungo o l’eczema è umido, fin dall’inizio del trattamento. Questo affretterà la guarigione e darà un immediato sollievo al paziente.

Asma Bronchiale 02799...UK

Un uomo di 65 anni chiese alla terapeuta se poteva curarlo per l’asma bronchiale di cui soffriva da quando aveva 20 anni. Stava assumendo un farmaco allopatico che gli dava sollievo ogni volta che aveva un attacco asmatico ma che non curava in alcun modo la condizione. Anche la sua vita personale era stressante e questo non aiutava a risolvere il problema. Gli venne somministrato quanto segue:

Per stress e tensione:
NM6 Calming + BR7 Stress – per lo stress e la tensione...TDS

Per l'asma:
NM8 Chest + NM9 Chest TS + NM62 Allergy-B + NM70 CB8 + NM71 CCA + BR13 Allergy + BR14 Lung + BR15 Sinus + OM2 Respiratory + SR272 Arsen Alb (30C) + SR 297 Ipecac (30C) + SR451 ACTH Hormone...TDS.

Fu concordato che nel frattempo avrebbe continuato il trattamento allopatico. Dopo due settimane riferì che si sentiva migliorato del 30% e gli fu detto di continuare con la stessa combo per altre due settimane, ma consigliandogli di ridurre lentamente la medicina allopatica che assumeva TDS. Quattro settimane dopo disse al terapeuta che si sentiva migliorato del 75%; pertanto il farmaco allopatico venne ora ridotto ad OD. Nel giro di quattro settimane fu ridotta anche la combo Vibrionica. Dopo 6 settimane, smise di assumere il farmaco allopatico poiché l’asma se n’era completamente andata ma continuò a prendere la suddetta combo a dosaggio OD come mantenimento e protezione contro possibili ricadute.

I commenti dell'editore:
Quanto è bello che, dopo 45 anni, la sofferenza di quest’uomo sia giunta alla fine. Se fosse stata disponibile la cassettina delle 108 Combo, la terapeuta avrebbe potuto usare CC15.1 per stress e tensione e CC19.3 per l’asma bronchiale e riteniamo che avremmo avuto risultati simili. Incoraggiamo tutti i pazienti a consultarsi con il loro medico allopatico prima di ridurre o sospendere qualunque farmaco allopatico prescritto.

Dolore Muscolare alla Gamba, Stress e Scarsa Energia 02804...India

Una donna di 39 anni fece richiesta di trattamento per un dolore al muscolo della gamba che la stava tormentando da un anno. Aveva anche difficoltà ad affrontare un ambiente lavorativo stressante, oltre ad una scarsa energia. Aveva preso degli antidolorifici per il dolore alla gamba ed era stata trattata allopaticamente per lo stress e la mancanza di energia, ma non c’era stato alcun miglioramento.

Fu somministrato quanto segue:
CC12.1 Adult Tonic per la mancanza di energia + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional Tonic per lo stress + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive Tissue per il dolore alla gamba...TDS

Nel giro di 2 settimane la paziente informò il terapeuta che tutti i suoi problemi erano migliorati al 90% e lei era molto felice del trattamento Vibrazionale.

Allergia Respiratoria e Tosse Cronica 01352...India

Un paziente maschio di 56 anni soffriva da 5 anni di allergia respiratoria diagnosticata dai suoi medici allopatici. I suoi sintomi comprendevano una gran quantità di starnuti ed occhi lacrimosi ogni mattina, talvolta accompagnati da gonfiore al viso. Inoltre, soffriva da 20 anni di una tosse che provocava una costante espulsione di muco giallo e grigio. Nel corso degli anni erano stati provati trattamenti sia allopatici che alternativi, ma niente era stato utile per nessuna delle due condizioni. Il terapeuta gli prescrisse:
CC19.2 Respiratory Allergies + CC19.6 Cough - chronic...TDS.
Entro 7 giorni, entrambi i problemi se n’erano andati ed il paziente non riusciva a credere ad un miglioramento così rapido! 


L’Angolo della Risposta

1. Question: May I place the bottle of pills next to an alarm clock that contains batteries?

Answer: Yes, you can since the batteries do not affect the pills. However, keep pills at least one meter (three feet) away from TV, computer, mobile phones, microwave or any device with a strong magnetic field.


2. Question: Why do we keep the pills under the tongue?

Answer: Because most of the nerve endings are under the tongue and so, the absorption of vibrations by the body is more effective.


3. Question: When a patient is better, should he/she stop taking the remedy immediately?

Answer: The remedy should be continued until the patient has fully recovered and the dosage then slowly reduced over a long period of time e.g. reduce from TDS to OD, then to 3 times weekly, twice weekly and eventually once a week. The period of reduction may be about a third of the time taken to heal. If a remedy is stopped suddenly after the patient is better, the disease may sometimes come back. Some patients prefer to continue this low dosage as a prophylactic for a long time. Afterwards, it is a good idea to give immunity mix or some tonic for a month or so.


4. Question: Can I recycle my bottles?

Answer: Yes, you may recycle bottles by washing them in clean running water. Soaking them overnight will dissolve any sugar deposits from previous pills. Don’t use soap or detergent on the inside of the bottles.


5. Question: Is it possible to revive a badly functioning gland such as a thyroid gland?

Answer: Yes, any gland can be revived and restored with vibrations. 

Parole Divine dal Terapeuta Principale


“When your motives are pure the Divine will extend His grace. Whatever service you render, it must be unsullied. The form of the action does not matter. Without pure impulses, actions get tainted at the source.”
-Sathya Sai Baba, SSS vol XVII



“To perform any action you need hands. Actions performed should be sacred, pure, helpful to others and purposeful. Hands become sanctified by such actions, hence the first step is to make the hands pure and holy. By pure actions the mind gets purified.”
-Sathya Sai Baba, BSSB vol III 


Forthcoming Workshop

Poland: 22-13 November 2011 in Wroclaw - Refresher workshop for all JVPs and full vibro practitioners and it will cover a review of interesting cases. Contact Dariusz Hebisz at 071-349 5010 or by email at [email protected].

ATTENTION: If your email address changes in the future, please inform us at [email protected] as soon as possible. Please share this information with other vibro practitioners who are not aware of this new email service.

You may share this newsletter with your patients. Their questions should be directed to you for answers, or research and response. Thank you for your cooperation.

Our website is undergoing construction. Some features are not yet available. Check out the progress at:

Om Sai Ram! 



Mobiles or cell phones, as they are sometimes called, have become part of our everyday lives. So it is important to know what hazards to our health we may be encountering when we use them. Here are a few things we should remember if we are one of those people who find it imperative to have our mobiles close at hand to receive or send calls 24 hours a day:

A mobile is actually a two-way microwave radio that constantly sends and receives signals through its symmetrical antennas when it is turned on and if, when you are carrying it as well as using it, the antennas are facing your body those signals will go through your body to reach the phone from or to the nearest tower. This means our bodies are being constantly exposed to radiation. When you are answering or receiving a call and holding the implement against your ear, it brings a measurable change to brain activity. While researchers do not say this shows the signals harm the brain, they also avoid saying the signals do not.

In May 2011, in a nearly unanimous decision, 31 expert advisers to the World Health Organization (WHO) stunned the world’s five billion cell phone users and declared radiofrequency and electromagnetic radiation a “possible” cause of brain cancer. Microwave radiation from cell phones joins a list of well-reviewed cancer-causing agents that includes engine exhaust, some pesticides, lead, coffee and unusually preserved vegetables. (Editor: We already know that radiation can destroy the vibrations in vibro pills.)

Here are a few suggestions on how to live safely while using mobiles:

  1. The safest way to use your mobile is to send texts and not make calls.

  2. If you do make or answer a call, use earphones and microphone attached to the mobile.

  3. Keep calls short and use a landline or a corded phone for longer conversations.

  4. Do not use cordless landline phones because the radiation risk from them is no less than that from mobile phones.

You can find more information on mobiles or cell phones from the Environmental Health Trust website:



As promised in the May-June issue of Sai Vibrionics, here are more juice and smoothie recipes. Let’s start with the mango for those people in hot countries, who have an unending supply of this delectable fruit just now.


One Mango peeled, without stone, one half yellow Cantaloupe, Musk or Ogen Melon, peeled and deseeded. Mix together in a blender.

Just smelling this wonderful juice first thing in the morning awakens the brain, opens the eyes and improves blood circulation. It provides more than your daily needs of both A and C vitamin. Used for centuries as a diuretic in India, melons help get rid of morning puffiness. They also contain adenosine, a substance that makes blood less sticky which reduces the risk of blood clots and heart attacks. A rich source of instant energy, mango has been cultivated and eaten for more than 400 years. Both fruit boost the immune system. Quick and easy to make, this cool, refreshing drink will kick-start your metabolism and help shrug off that early morning sluggishness. One glass and you’ll be running at full power throughout the day!


3 Passion fruit scooped out into blender, 1 Cantaloupe melon, medium peeled, 1 Mango peeled, without stone 4 oz (100 g) Blueberries. Put in blender and liquidise.

This juice is a real tonic containing A, C, B and E vitamins, potassium and calcium, rich in carotenoids which are protective against degenerative diseases and cancers, as well as a tonic for the eyes. It looks good, tastes good and is good for you.


2 Apples washed, unpeeled (unless non organic), uncored and quartered.
2 Carrots large, unpeeled (unless non organic), remove top and bottom.
2 Tomatoes medium, 1 Kiwi fruit, unpeeled. 1 handful of Watercress - washed. 1 handful of Spinach leaves - washed. Blend and liquidise.

Ideal as a regular booster, take it once or twice a week. It supports the body and brain in times of stress or when you need to be bursting with vitality. It is super rich in vitamin C, rich in vitamin A, beta-carotene, potassium, magnesium and zinc. It also contains iron and calcium. Apple and watercress can help protect from cold and flu.


You may have good reason to be, as an alarming new study shows that the popular sweetener can fuel the growth of cancer. The study, conducted by scientists at UCLA, found that pancreatic cancer cells grew faster when "fed" with fructose.

Study author Dr. Anthony Heaney, associate professor of medicine and neurosurgery at the university's cancer centre, said it was likely that fructose would also speed the growth of other cancers as well.

"The bottom line is the modern diet contains a lot of refined sugar including fructose and it's a hidden danger implicated in a lot of modern diseases, such as obesity, diabetes and fatty liver," Heaney said in a written statement. The study was published in the August 1, 2010, issue of the journal "Cancer Research."

Heaney called for government action to reduce American's consumption of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), a leading source of fructose in the Western diet. Fructose also comes from sources such as fruit, vegetables and old fashioned table sugar. "I think this paper has a lot of public health implications," Heaney said. "Hopefully, at the federal level there will be some effort to step back on the amount of HFCS in our diets."

But the corn lobby (high-fructose is made from corn) felt the research left a bitter taste in its mouth. "This study does not look at the way fructose is actually consumed by humans, as it was conducted in a laboratory, not inside the human body," the Corn Refiners Association said in a statement, concluding that the root causes of pancreatic cancer are complicated and poorly understood.

Between 1970 and 1990, consumption of high-fructose corn syrup rose 1,000 percent, according to the cancer researchers. The sweetener - a blend of fructose and another sugar called glucose - is found in all sorts of foods and beverages and is the most common sweetener used in soft drinks.

The association said that overall, sugar is still the most common form of fructose in the American diet. And don't be fooled by products which replace high-fructose corn syrup with sugar. They also contain high levels of fructose.

Source: (Editor: We recommend you read the labels of bottled drinks and packaged foods in whatever country you live. Manufacturers in many countries are using fructose.) 

Om Sai Ram