Newsletter Sai Vibrionica

" Ogni volta che vedete una persona ammalata, scoraggiata, sconsolata o inferma, quello è il vostro campo di seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 3 Uscita 4
July/August 2012
Versione Stampabile

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Dall’ufficio del Dr Jit K Aggarwal

Dear Practitioners 

It is fulfilling to receive and read reports from all of you on how many hours of service you have logged with Vibrionics each month...and it is even more wonderful when I imagine how many sick people have found relief with this form of treatment. Indeed, the Lord’s grace is and has always been abundantly with us. Swami has been opening new avenues for vibrionics seva in the USA (where the camps have become an on-going bi-monthly endeavour) and in the UK.

On two Sundays a month, a spiritual group from various beliefs feed 100-150 homeless people in a park near the White House in Washington, DC. Delicious hot vegetarian food is prepared and served along with hot and cold drinks and warm loving smiles. A senior Vibrionics practitioner 1339...USA and her assistant were permitted to set up a table in the park and offer Sai Vibrionics to the homeless while lunch was being served. One woman was given the combo for cataract. She came back a month later looking for the practitioner because her eyesight was much improved. Such incredible results have led to the Vibrionics table being a regular feature at the park. The practitioner has been struck by how open the homeless people are to alternative treatments. As they have little to no access to healthcare, they are looking for natural means to heal themselves.

The Unity of Faiths Festival is an annual event at Southall Park in London. This year, the Vibrionics team was invited to set up a stall and conduct a Vibrionics Healing Camp at the festival, which was held on 8th of July. Though the weather started out to prove spoilsport, Swami arranged for the sun to come out later in the day and sent not only crowds of people to enquire about Vibrionics but some to take treatment too. A total of 121 patients were seen by a team of dedicated practitioners who sat throughout the day from 10 am to 5 pm. Many new practitioners, who were only trained two months ago, also came to help. Tasks were assigned to the various practitioners to streamline the process of seeing patients – someone made the remedies, someone else explained the guidelines to the patients, and others assisted in making reports. One group was kept busy giving demonstrations on the laptop. Swami’s presence was undeniably felt by one and all.

While it is great that all of us, as active practitioners, take time out to practice the seva of Vibrionics, for those whom it is feasible, it is worth thinking of moving out of the comfort zone of our own homes and reaching out to a larger population – many of whom have never heard of Vibrionics – through such camps. If you have organised or been a part of any such Vibrionics camps recently, we would love to hear from you. The overwhelming response at such events from patients (many of whom cannot afford any other form of treatment) is a reminder that Swami is constantly guiding us – He sends us the patients and He alone cures them.

Recently, I came across a very interesting and informative website that I would like to share with you all. Check out This site from the US National Library of Medicine, provides video tutorials about various medical conditions and procedures. I found it to be a brilliant resource, especially for Vibrionics practitioners, as many of us have no medical background and the tutorials are designed for the layman.

May I just remind you all once again that you must send us your outstanding case histories. We are in the process of bringing out another book based on interesting and incredible cases and we cannot do this without your help. This is also a chance for all of you to get your cases in print (though, to protect practitioner-patient privacy, we are unable to print your name; we will only mention your practitioner number). I look forward to hearing from you all soon.

In loving service to Sai

Jit Aggarwal 


Vibrionics stall at the Unity of Faiths festival in Southall Park, London 







Vibro in Park - Serving the Homeless Washington DC USA 




Bambina Iperattiva 02640...India

Una mamma portò dal terapeuta la sua bambina di 4 anni poiché era iperattiva – un disordine comportamentale dei bambini caratterizzato da instabilità emotiva, collera, ansia e comportamento aggressivo o distruttivo, che è in aumento ai nostri giorni. Tutti i trattamenti allopatici somministrati fino a quel momento erano stati inutili e la madre era esausta, sia mentalmente che fisicamente, per il comportamento della figlia. Le fu somministrato quanto segue:

CC15.5 ADD & Autism...TDS.

Dopo un mese di trattamento, la bimba era perfettamente normale.

I commenti dell'editore:

E’ molto importante che i bambini iperattivi non consumino la maggior parte di bevande confezionate, caramelle ed altri cibi oggi disponibili, poiché molti contengono colori artificiali e additivi per insaporire e grandi quantitativi di zucchero che possono provocare squilibrio nei bambini che crescono. Leggete l’etichetta sulla confezione di ogni prodotto.

Infezione Postnatale con Dolore al Seno 02802...UK

Una mamma di 28 anni aveva partorito con taglio cesareo da due settimane. Una settimana dopo il parto, aveva sofferto di un’infezione virale; i sintomi erano rappresentati da eccessiva sudorazione, dolori in tutto il corpo e sensazione di stanchezza e mancanza di forze. Stava inoltre trovando doloroso allattare al seno il suo bambino. Il suo medico le aveva prescritto un ciclo di antibiotici, ma non si notava alcun miglioramento quando si recò dal terapeuta una settimana dopo. Le fu somministrato:

CC8.3 Breast disorders + CC9.2 Infections acute + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions...TDS.

L’ultima combinazione CC21.11 è stata inserita come misura di sicurezza nel caso ci fosse un possibile ascesso al seno. Sei giorni dopo, la paziente riferì che si era sentita meglio già dopo due giorni di assunzione delle combo e tutti i sintomi si erano ridotti gradatamente. Ora sta bene del tutto ed è in grado di allattare il suo bambino senza alcun dolore.

Asma 02789...India

Questa paziente era una bambina di 12 anni che aveva sofferto di attacchi d’asma fin dalla nascita. Le fu somministrato:
CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.4 Asthma attack...TDS.

Durante questo periodo non si verificò un solo attacco d’asma. La bambina continua ad assumere le combo.

I commenti dell'editore:
Potenziatore Sai Ram: quando un bambino soffre d’asma fin dalla nascita, questo indica che è presente il miasma Tuberculinum ed è perciò importante trattare questo miasma al più presto.

Diabete con Pressione Sanguigna Elevata 11423...India

Ad un paziente maschio di 49 anni era stato diagnosticato il diabete un anno prima che si recasse dal terapeuta. Soffriva anche di pressione sanguigna elevata e livello di colesterolo alto. Gli fu somministrato:
CC3.3 High Blood Pressure + CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis + CC6.3 Diabetes...TDS.

Dopo auto-monitoraggio per un periodo di qualche settimana, non vi furono cambiamenti. Tuttavia, ciò che venne alla luce fu che anche il fegato del paziente era sofferente e presentava problemi; perciò venne aggiunta la combo CC4.2 Liver and Gallbladder tonic a quanto sopra. Fu solo in seguito a ciò che il paziente iniziò a sentirsi meglio. Il continuo auto-monitoraggio rivelò che il livello di zucchero nel sangue del paziente era diventato quasi normale. Due mesi dopo, le analisi cliniche dimostrarono che la pressione sanguigna era normale, con un valore di 120/80, ed il livello di colesterolo si era ridotto. Il medico di famiglia commentò: “Sei quasi non-diabetico!” e chiese al paziente se stava seguendo qualche cura alternativa. La medicina allopatica è stata notevolmente ridotta ed il trattamento Vibrazionale continua con la medesima combinazione.

Pancreatite 02494...Italy

Una paziente, che venne ricoverata in ospedale per una pancreatite, inviò una richiesta urgente ai terapeuti per vedere se la potevano aiutare. I medici erano preoccupati poiché non stava rispondendo ai farmaci allopatici che le stavano somministrando per curare la condizione. Con il Potenziatore Sai Ram, i terapeuti le trasmisero a distanza la seguente combinazione:
NM36 War + OM1 Blood + OM17 Liver-Gallbladder + SM1 Removal of Entities + SM2 Divine Protection + SR265 Aconite + SR271 Arnica + SR293 Gunpowder + SR516 Pancreas...giorno e notte.

Nel giro di pochi giorni, la paziente iniziò a migliorare; i suoi dolori diminuirono molto e la temperatura si abbassò. Alla fine della settimana stava abbastanza bene da tornare a casa. I medici rimasero sorpresi per questo improvviso miglioramento.

I commenti dell'editore:
I terapeuti in possesso della cassettina con le 108CC e del Potenziatore Sai Ram avrebbero potuto trasmettere: CC4.7 + CC15.1 + CC12.1...6TD

Difficoltà nel Concepire Figli 10437...India

Una paziente di 29 anni, sposata da 10 anni, non riusciva ad avere figli. Una volta era rimasta incinta ma aveva perso il feto ai primi stadi della gravidanza. Gli esami medici avevano dimostrato che non c’era nulla di anormale in lei e nel marito, ma lei era obesa. In precedenza, era stata operata per la rimozione di fibromi e forse soffriva di ipotiroidismo. Fu somministrato quanto segue:
Per la moglie: OM24 Female Genital + BR16 Female + SM21 Female + SM39 Tension + SM41 Uplift + SR255 Calc Sulph + SR262 Nat Phos...TDS.

Per il marito: OM22 Male Genital + BR17 Male + SM32 Male + SM39 Tension + SM41 Uplift + SR216 Vitamin-E + SR254 Calc Phos + SR522 Pituitary Anterior + SR534 Testes...TDS.

Con la grazia di Baba, la paziente concepì e il bambino nacque prematuramente. Fu posto in incubatrice per quasi un mese e mezzo e monitorato dagli specialisti dell’ospedale. Ora è un bambino sano di due mesi ed entrambi i genitori sono molto felici.

I commenti dell'editore:
Per i terapeuti in possesso della cassettina con le 108CC:

Per la moglie: CC8.1 + CC15.1...TDS

Per il marito: CC14.3 + CC15.1...TDS

Ernia del Disco 02799...UK

Una paziente, dell’età di 55 anni, camminava zoppicando quando si recò dal terapeuta. Da 10 anni soffriva di ernia del disco e male al ginocchio e nemmeno gli analgesici forti riducevano il suo dolore. Le fu somministrato quanto segue:
NM3 Bone-I + NM6 Calming + NM24 Rheumatism & Arthritis + NM36 War + NM40 Knees + NM113 Inflammation + OM3 Bone Irregularity + OM16 Knees + OM18 Sacral & Lumbar + OM30 Connective Tissue + OM31 Spine: Lumbar-Sacral + OM32 Spine: Dorsal + OM33 Spine: Brainstem + SM34 Arthritis + SM33 Pain + SR293 Gunpowder + SR295 Hypericum (200C) + SR457 Bone + SR463 Cranial Nerves (CN) + SR479 Cartilage + SR500 Intervertebral Discs + SR517 Parathyroid...TDS per tre mesi

Un mese dopo, la paziente riferì di essere migliorata del 75%. Continuò ad assumere quanto sopra. Nel giro di un altro mese non ebbe più dolore. Il rimedio venne ridotto a BD ed un mese dopo fu ridotto ad OD; ora lei continua ad assumere il rimedio a questo dosaggio.

I commenti dell'editore:
Per i terapeuti in possesso della cassettina con le 108CC: CC20.1 + CC20.2 + CC20.3 + CC20.4 + CC20.5...TDS

L’Angolo della Risposta

1. Question: What ratio should a patient use when needing to transfer the vibrations from pills into water?

Answer: Here, the ratio is not important; in fact, there is no fixed ratio! In 200 ml of water, we usually suggest you put 4 pills. But in one litre of water, about 5 pills are sufficient. It is important to shake vigorously 108 times. Normal dose in water is 5 ml to be taken with non-metallic spoon. Hold remedy under the tongue for one minute before swallowing it.


2. Question: I have noticed in my 108 Combo Box that the level of liquid is going down even though I have not yet used them. Why is this?

Answer: This is normal. The medical alcohol molecules are very fine and its boiling point is low. So, it tends to evaporate quickly, even when the bottles are properly closed.


3. Question: If I go away for two months, what arrangement can I make for my patients to receive remedies during my absence?

Answer: We recommend that you identify a suitable person, from among your family members or your regular patients, who will prepare the remedies in your absence. They could also be trained to become your assistant. Also, make contact with another practitioner in your area, whom your patients can approach while you are away. If you don’t know of another practitioner, then please write to [email protected] for practitioner location information.


4. Question: I am confused about the procedure for shaking a 108CC bottle after a refill. Please clarify.

Answer: A 108CC remedy bottle should be shaken 9 times by hitting the base of the bottle hard against the palm of the other hand. If you feel inclined to say a prayer as you shake the bottle, viz. “O’Lord! May this remedy be empowered with your Divine Love and Healing” or words to that affect. This will add extra empowerment to the remedy as you focus your mind on making the affirmation.


5. Question: I understand that the 108 Common Combo bottles need to be shaken every two years to activate the remedies in them. Is this correct?

Answer: There is no hard and fast rule here as many bottles are getting shaken during normal use and during refill. To be on the safe, however, we suggest that you shake each bottle by hitting 9 times against the palm to ensure the efficacy of the combos.


6. Question: Is a female practitioner allowed to give medicine during menstruation?
Answer: Yes, by all means; it is allowed. It is good for the practitioner, male or female, to have clear thoughts and be at peace within him or herself while treating a patient. 

Parole Divine dal Terapeuta Principale


"Service, in all its forms, wherever undertaken, is essentially spiritual discipline; a form of mental clean- up. If one does not consider service thus, the urge to serve is bound to ebb and grow dry, or it may meander into pride and pomp. Just think for a moment - are you serving God or is God serving you? When you offer milk to a hungry child, or a blanket to a shivering brother on the pavement, you are but placing a gift of God, into the hands of another gift of God! You are reposing the gift of God in a repository of the Divine Principle! Always remember - God serves! And He allows you to claim that you have served! Without His will, not even a single blade of grass can quiver in the breeze. Fill every moment with gratitude to the Giver and the Recipient of all gifts!”

-Sathya Sai Baba - Divine Discourse, Feb 20, 1966



" Mere external cleanliness is not enough you must cleanse your mind and develop inner purity. Remember, the all-pervasive God is present within everyone. You must aspire and work for the happiness of others. True celebration lies, in each sharing the happiness of the other. Give happiness to others. Only then you have the right to receive it from others. Always practice “Give and Take”. Strive for the welfare of everyone, not just you and your family.”

-Sathya Sai Baba - Divine Discourse, Apr 15, 2003 


Forthcoming Workshops

India: 21-22 Jul in Mumbai - Junior VP training on 108CC Box. Details from Nand Agarwal at [email protected]

India: 28-29 Jul in Kasargod in Kerala - Junior VP training on 108CC Box. Details from M. Pankajakshan at [email protected]

Italy: 14-17 Sep in Venice - Senior VP workshop. Details from Fabio Previati at tel: 041-563 0288. [email protected]

United States: Oct 6-7 in Dallas, Texas - Junior VP training on 108CC Box

United States: Oct 20-21 in Hartford, Connecticut - Junior VP training on 108CC Box

Details from Susan at [email protected]
 All Trainers: If you have a workshop scheduled, send details to: [email protected] 




Originally native to southern Mexico and now cultivated in many tropical countries (including Brazil, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Vietnam and Sri Lanka), the papaya plant has been touted by traditional healers for centuries as a source of powerful medicine. Not only is papaya fruit delicious and loaded with vitamins and phytochemicals, but other parts of the plant have been used historically to treat health problems too.

Now University of Florida (UF) researcher Dr. Nam Dang and his colleagues in Japan have announced new evidence that the papaya fights cancer cells. In fact, they discovered that an extract made from dried papaya leaves produced a dramatic anti-cancer effect against a broad range of tumors grown in the laboratory — including cancers of the cervix, breast, liver, lung and pancreas.

The study, recently published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, not only showed that papaya has a direct anti-tumor effect on a variety of malignancies, but it also documented for the first time that papaya leaf extract increases the production of key signaling molecules called Th1-type cytokines.

That’s important because this regulation of the immune system raises the strong possibility that the use of papaya could help the body’s own immune system to overcome cancers. In addition, it suggests papaya could be helpful in treating or preventing other health problems such as inflammation and autoimmune diseases.

The research team found that papaya’s anti-cancer effects were strongest when cancer cells received larger doses of the papaya leaf extract — yet, unlike many mainstream cancer therapies, there were no toxic effects at all on normal cells.

In a statement to the media, Dr. Dang pointed out that the ability of papaya extract to stop cancer without toxicity is consistent with reports from indigenous populations in Australia and in his native Vietnam.

“Based on what I have seen and heard in a clinical setting, nobody who takes this extract experiences demonstrable toxicity; it seems like you could take it for a long time — as long as it is effective,” stated Dr. Dang, who is a professor of medicine and the medical director of the UF Shands Cancer Center Clinical Trials Office.

In all, the UF scientists exposed 10 different types of cancer cell cultures to four strengths of papaya leaf extract. When they measured the effect of the extract after 24 hours, the papaya had slowed the growth of tumors in all the cultures.

What exactly does papaya do to halt malignancies? To find out, the researchers focused on a T- lymphoma cancer cell line. They discovered that at least one of the mechanisms that make papaya extract a potent anti-cancer weapon is the natural compound’s ability to cause malignant cells — but not normal ones — to die.

The researchers hope to follow up these experiments by eventually testing the papaya cancer treatment in animal and human studies. Up next for Dr. Dang and his colleagues: they have applied to patent a process through the University of Tokyo to distill the papaya extract and they are working to identify all the specific compounds in the papaya extract that are active against cancer cells.

To this end, Dr. Dang has partnered with Hendrik Luesch, a UF Shands Cancer Center professor of medicinal chemistry, who is an expert in the identification and use of natural products for medical purposes. Dr. Luesch recently discovered yet another natural cancer fighter — a coral reef compound that blocks cancer cell growth in cell lines.

Health Benefits:

Sweet and tasty papaya makes an excellent breakfast and is good in fruit salads. It can be blended with yogurt to make a delicious digestive smoothie. It also works well as an added ingredient in green salads. It tastes particularly good with lemon juice squeezed over it. The health benefits of papaya include heart disease and cancer prevention, cold and flu prevention and healthy digestions.

Papaya Nutrition:

Papaya is an excellent source of vitamin C, with one medium papaya containing about 150% of the Daily value. It is also a good source of vitamin A, in beta-carotene form. It is also a good source of vitamin K, vitamin E and folate as well as the mineral potassium.

Papaya for Heart Disease Prevention:

One of the health benefits of papaya is related to the fact that it contains high doses of three vitamins involved in heart disease prevention- vitamin A, vitamin E and beta-carotene. In addition, the high levels of folate found in papayas can help lower levels of the heart disease promoting amino acid homocysteine.

Papaya for Cold and Flu Prevention:

Foods high in vitamin C, such as papaya, help boost the immune system. Vitamin C has been shown to help ward off symptoms of influenza A, the common cold and pneumonia. Vitamin A provides additional immune system support.

Papaya for Neural Tube Defect Prevention:

Because papayas are rich in folate, they have applications in preventing neural tube defects. Eating folate-rich foods pre-pregnancy and during pregnancy can help the fetal spinal column to develop normally.

Papaya for Digestive Health:

Papaya contains special digestive enzymes, called papain and chymopapain, which help digest proteins. Papaya is often used as a detoxification food and to give the digestive system a break, because it is so rich in its own digestive enzymes. Papaya also contains anti-oxidant vitamins C and E as well as folate, all of which can help prevent colon cancer.


Vitamin D Absorption and the Skin

Sometimes called the "sunshine vitamin," many people think of vitamin D as the nutrient they absorb from the sun. The sun rays themselves don't actually contain any vitamin D; instead, skin that is penetrated by specific ultraviolet rays works to synthesize this energy into vitamin D, starting a process involving the liver and kidneys to create the essential hormone calcitriol.

Nutrient Qualities:

Vitamin D functions as a precursor to the hormone calcitriol, which current research finds plays a major role in how cells are developed and maintained. This makes vitamin D different from other vitamins that fuel bodily processes rather than direct them. As a fat-soluble vitamin, excess vitamin D is stored in the body's fatty tissues rather than being excreted through the kidneys like water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin C and the various B vitamins.

Vital Roles:

Vitamin D plays many roles in the body, primarily promoting the uptake of calcium in the small intestine during the digestive process. Without vitamin D, proper mineralization of the bones cannot occur, including the building and remodeling of bones. Deficiencies can lead to rickets in children and osteomalacia and osteoporosis in adults. Vitamin D helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, reduce inflammation, support immune function and modulate the development of proteins involved with gene encoding.

Vitamin D Sources:

Specific sunlight kicks off the vitamin D synthesis process. According to the National Institutes of Health's Office of Dietary Supplements, "Ultraviolet (UV) B radiation with a wavelength of 290-315 nanometers penetrates uncovered skin and converts cutaneous 7-dehydrocholesterol to previtamin D3, which in turn becomes vitamin D3." Other non-sun sources include sockeye salmon, cod liver oil, fortified dairy and mushrooms, as well as supplements, since vitamin D doesn't naturally occur in significant amounts in other forms.

How to Get It:

The best way to receive sufficient UVB rays to facilitate vitamin D synthesis requires a balance of enough sun, but not so much as to increase the risk of skin cancer. Just a few minutes of exposure a day provide enough UVB to kick off the vitamin D process. People with darker skin need more time in the sun than those with fair skin, due to their skin's melanin, which impedes absorption. Researchers suggest spending five to 30 minutes in the sun between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. twice a week, to replenish your vitamin D stores. For people at higher risk of skin cancer, or for people with sedentary, indoor lives, supplements work as well.

What Prevents Absorption:

Location, season and physical blocks can prevent UVB absorption. Anything physically blocking the sun's rays impedes vitamin D synthesis, such as clothing, sunscreen with a sun protection factor higher than SPF15, coatings on windows and clouds in the sky. People with darker skin also require more sunlight, as their higher amount of melanin reduces their UVB exposure.

Om Sai Ram