Newsletter Sai Vibrionica

" Ogni volta che vedete una persona ammalata, scoraggiata, sconsolata o inferma, quello è il vostro campo di seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 3 Uscita 5
September/October 2012
Versione Stampabile

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Dall’ufficio del Dr Jit K Aggarwal

Dear Practitioners 

A couple of senior Vibrionics practitioners who conduct camps all over India sent in a wonderful report from a camp they conducted this summer in the Himalayas. The news about two foreigners giving out free medicine spread around the valleys over a large area of Himachal Pradesh and motivated many people to spend 5-6 hours on a bus and then walk another couple of hours just to get the medicine “that works so miraculously”. They were very happy to get pills that cure without any side-effects and makes their arthritis, muscle pains, gastritis, toothaches, etc. vanish, many times over night. They passed the news to relatives and friends and without any advertising people would come every day not only from Manikaran, Barshini, Kalga, Keerganga, and Purana Kangra where the practitioners held the health camps but also from distant villages and towns like Manali, Mandi, Bunthar and Kullu.

With Swami’s grace, the practitioners treated 412 patients and saw many miraculous cures. One elderly lady, who had severe body pain (osteoporosis), fever, liver deficiency, anaemia, was bedridden and also grieving because of her husband’s demise. Three days after she started the Vibrionics pills, she was 70% better, could walk around the house on her own, the fever was gone and she was smiling again. All her family members were so happy and grateful. Several porters who carry heavy loads day after day were especially grateful when their body pain was relieved overnight. The practitioners were deeply touched by Swami’s immense love and compassion and for Him giving them this wonderful opportunity to witness His Divine Healing Hand.

We conducted a workshop for Senior VPs in Venice, Italy this September. It was a very good group and all 9 practitioners who attended the camp worked very hard and had mastered the entire course book for SVPs, in advance of taking the course. Because of their dedication, it was possible to complete the course in just 3 days. All the applicants passed the tests set for them and thus qualified to receive Sai Ram Potentisers. Credit goes to our Italian Coordinator 2494 who made all arrangements for the workshop. He organises regular meetings of practitioners which provide a platform for exchange of experiences and this keeps the practitioners’ interest alive!

I strongly urge co-ordinators and active practitioners in other regions to hold such meetings and refresher courses – they can be so motivating and inspiring and will only take us closer to our Lord by doing our chosen path of seva with more zeal, love and dedication.

In loving service to Sai
Jit Aggarwal

P.S. As we all know, diet plays an extremely important role in treating an illness and keeping good health. I recently came across three very interesting and useful websites.

This site is especially wonderful for distinguishing between acidic and alkaline foods.

This is an incredible video of a medical doctor who defeated Multiple Sclerosis (MS) that took away her mobility and threatened her memory and cognitive motor skills. She did this by conducting a life or death experiment on herself and dramatically changing her diet. I believe that everyone can benefit from watching this video – it is a truly life-changing story!

3. keeps-her-own-brain-healthy-simple-steps-anyone-can-take?utm_campaign=_ BQR0UVWB8to60A
Scientists used to believe that memory and other mental abilities inevitably declined with age. Not anymore. We now know that the brain has the ability to form new neurons and create new neural pathways throughout life. In this article, a brain and memory specialist from Harvard Medical School, USA, describes what she does to keep her own brain healthy. A very informative and interesting read. 

Lesione ad Anca e Gamba 11272...India

Un’anziana donna, di 96 anni, era caduta fratturandosi anca e gamba destra. Nonostante l’età, i medici allopatici decisero di sistemare la frattura sotto anestesia per aiutarla a recuperare la mobilità. Il terapeuta Vibrazionale diede alla paziente le seguenti combinazioni per aiutarla a riprendersi dopo l’intervento:
#1. CC20.6 Osteoporosis + CC20.7 Fractures...6TD
#2. CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...TDS

Dopo 45 giorni, la paziente fu in grado di sedersi sul letto senza alcun aiuto. Alcune settimane dopo, si sentiva di nuovo piena di energia. Un beneficio aggiuntivo dell’assunzione dei rimedi fu che la sua memoria era migliorata e non era più tanto smemorata!

I commenti del terapeuta:
Il terapeuta osserva che, se vedete Swami in tutti i pazienti, interagite con loro amorevolmente, offrite le vostre preghiere a Swami ed eseguite il vostro seva con estrema dedizione, i rimedi possono operare meraviglie!

I commenti dell'editore:
Chi possiede il Potenziatore Sai Ram può somministrare:
#1. NM3 Bone I + NM20 Injury + NM25 Shock + NM32 Vein-Piles + NM67 Calcium + OM18 Sacral & Lumbar + OM27 Supportive Tissue + OM30 Connective Tissue + BR21 Injury + BR23 Skeletal + SM28 Injury + SM36 Skeletal + SR457 Bone + SR573 Osteoporosis...6TD

#2. NM4 Brain 2 + NM5 Brain Tissue Salts + NM6 Calming + NM12 Combination 12 + NM63 Back-up + NM69 CB8 + BR2 Blood Sugar + BR4 Fear + SM5 Peace & Love Align. + SM41 Uplift + SR325 Rescue + SR434 Larch + SR437 Oak + SR438 Olive + SR546 Baryta Carb (30C)...TDS

Pressione Sanguigna Elevata 02799...UK

Un uomo di 48 anni si recò dalla terapeuta poiché soffriva di pressione elevata (circa 160/100) da 15 anni. Stava assumendo delle medicine allopatiche ma non erano state d’aiuto. Gli fu somministrata la seguente combinazione e gli fu chiesto di tornare a riferire dopo due settimane di tempo:
CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC3.3 High Blood Pressure + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities...TDS

Dopo quindici giorni riferì alla terapeuta che la sua pressione era scesa a 140/80 e nel giro di altre due settimane riferì che la sua pressione era normale – 125/70. Il suo medico, di conseguenza, ridusse il dosaggio della medicina allopatica. La terapeuta gli disse di proseguire con la combo per altri sei mesi allo stesso dosaggio e poi di iniziare a ridurre gradatamente ad OD.

I commenti dell'editore:

Potrete chiedervi perché a questo paziente siano state prescritte così tante combo per un semplice caso di pressione elevata. Questa terapeuta esperta ha agito così tenendo presente il fatto che le medicine allopatiche per la pressione alta non avevano avuto effetto per molti anni e quindi era possibile che ci fosse un altro problema. Perciò, ha incluso nel trattamento le combinazioni per un possibile stress mentale/emozionale e debolezza del sistema nervoso.

L’equivalente combinazione con l’Apparecchio Sai Ram potrebbe essere:
NM2 Blood + NM6 Calming + NM12 Combination 12 + NM25 Shock + NM37 Acidity + NM57 Heart Palpitations + NM64 Bad Temper + NM69 CB8 + NM95 Rescue Plus + OM1 Blood + OM7 Heart + BR2 Blood Sugar + BR7 Stress + SM4 Stabilising + SM5 Peace & Love Align. + SM11 Blood Pressure + SM15 Circulation + SM39 Tension + SM41 Uplift + SR302 Nux Vom + SR433 Impatiens + SR461 Brain (Medulla) + SR462 Brain (Pons) + SR523 Pituitary Posterior + SR531 Suprarenal/Adrenal Gland + SR535 Thymus Gland

Guarigione di Pianta da Appartamento 10275...India

Questo terapeuta ha trattato una pianta da appartamento (Brahmakamal) per un’infezione da funghi – i sintomi consistevano in macchie bianche sulle foglie. Una dose di CC1.2 Plant tonic fu aggiunta a mezzo litro d’acqua e spruzzata sulla pianta quotidianamente. Nel giro di 2-3 giorni le macchie bianche cominciarono a ridursi, comparvero nuove foglie e sbocciò un germoglio.
Le foglie di un’altra pianta cominciarono a diventare bianche mentre i suoi proprietari stavano cambiando casa. Ricevette lo stesso trattamento (CC1.2) e dopo una sola dose dello spray, cominciò a riprendersi.

I commenti dell'editore:
Se non avete la scatola delle 108CC, per aiutare lo sviluppo o per la malattia delle piante, somministrate: NM2 Blood + NM3 Bone + NM12 Combination 12 + NM20 Injury + NM25 Shock + NM91 Paramedic Rescue + SM1 Removal of Entities + SM2 Divine Protection + SM4 Stabilising + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM6 Stress + SM14 Chemical Poison + SM26 Immunity + SM41 Uplift + SR325 Rescue + SR329 Crab Apple + SR360 VIBGYOR + SR432 Hornbeam + SR566 Fungi-pathogenic. Preparate la combinazione in alcol in una boccetta con contagocce, mettetene 5 gocce in un litro d’acqua e spruzzate sulle piante deboli o infette.

Glaucoma 01176...Bosnia

La terapeuta, una donna di 76 anni, si recò ad un controllo della vista due anni fa perché gli occhiali non aiutavano la sua vista come al solito. Dopo l’esame degli occhi, l’ottico le disse che, come suo padre, presentava un glaucoma con la pressione di entrambi gli occhi che si aggirava sui 32 mmHg. Le fu inoltre detto che nessuna lente poteva essere d’aiuto per la vista dell’occhio destro, poiché era diventato ‘pigro’. La terapeuta aveva motivo di preoccuparsi, in quanto suo padre aveva avuto lo stesso problema invecchiando e alla fine era diventato completamente cieco. Le furono prescritte delle gocce per gli occhi (chiamate Cosopt) per aiutare l’abbassamento della pressione oculare. Un riesame dopo due mesi mostrò una minore pressione oculare, con un valore di circa 20 mmHg. Tuttavia, in seguito dovette smettere di usare le gocce poiché aveva sviluppato una reazione allergica e la sua lingua si era gonfiata. Furono prescritte delle nuove gocce (chiamate Xalatan) ma queste iniziarono ad irritarle gli occhi e così smise anche queste. La terapeuta decise di trattarsi con la seguente combinazione:
NM17 Eye + NM48 Vitamin Eye Compound + NM109 Vision + BR20 Eye + SR454 Aqueous Humour + SR465 CN2: Optic...TDS

Quando, qualche tempo dopo, si procurò la cassettina delle 108CC, si preparò anche la seguente combinazione:
CC7.1 Eye tonic + CC7.4 Eye defect + CC7.5 Glaucoma...TDS

Da quando ha iniziato ad assumere i rimedi Vibrazionali, la sua vista in generale è gradatamente migliorata di circa il 25% e la pressione oculare è diventata soddisfacente, con valori tra 15 e 20 mmHg. Continua l’auto- trattamento con tutti i rimedi di cui sopra

Alopecia 02640...India

Una donna si recò dal terapeuta con due chiazze di calvizie sulla parte posteriore della testa. Una era di 2,5 cm di diametro e l’altra di circa 1,25 cm. Entrambe si trovavano vicine. Aveva sofferto di questo disturbo nel corso degli ultimi due anni. Fu somministrata la seguente combinazione:
NM84 Hair Tonic + NM90 Nutrition + OM12 Hair + SM41 Uplift + SR272 Arsen Alb + SR306 Phosphorus + SR318 Thuja + SR319 Thyroid Gland...TDS

In quattro mesi, entrambe le chiazze si coprirono di folti capelli.

I commenti dell'editore:
Con la cassettina delle 108CC, si può somministrare CC11.2 Hair problems.

Depressione 02365...Belgium

Questa paziente, una donna di 34 anni, per quanto riuscisse a ricordare aveva sempre sofferto di depressione. Era divorziata ed aveva 2 bambini che erano affidati ad altri a causa delle sue condizioni. Era molto spaventata, isterica, triste ed ansiosa, con costanti mal di testa ed una sgradevole sensazione alla sommità del capo. Era priva di appetito e di energia. Tuttavia, i medici dicevano che, fisicamente, non aveva nulla che non andasse. Le furono somministrati i seguenti rimedi Vibrazionali:
#1. NM6 Calming + NM12 Combination 12 + BR2 Blood Sugar + BR3 Depression + BR4 Fear + SM2 Divine Protection + SM6 Stress + SM9 Lack of Confidence + SM39 Tension + SR360 VIBGYOR + SR561 Vitamin Balance...TDS 

#2. SR383 Cuprum Met preparato in olio di oliva per massaggiare i piedi...OD

In una settimana ci fu un notevole miglioramento e lei si sentì più felice. Nel giro di un altro mese, si sentì molto contenta e non era più depressa. Continuò l’assunzione dei rimedi per altre due settimane e quando il terapeuta la rivide si era ripresa completamente.

I commenti dell'editore:
Chi usa la cassettina delle 108CC può somministrare CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic

L’Angolo della Risposta

1. Question: I am confused about the shaking procedure while making remedies and when refilling the dropper bottles with alcohol in the 108CC box. Please clarify.

Answer: Many practitioners are also confused about this procedure. While we addressed this issue in previous newsletters, we realize this is very important. So, we took this opportunity to review all previously written material. Based on this further research, we outline below the correct procedure for shaking during preparation of remedies.

  1. a)  While adding pills to a drop of charged alcohol, the bottle is to be shaken 9 times in a figure of flat 8.

  2. b)  While transferring vibrations from pills to water, add 5 pills to a maximum of 1 litre (1,000 ml) of water and mix with a non-metallic stirrer until pills are dissolved.

  3. c)  For transferring vibrations from alcohol to water, we need only 1-2 drops of alcohol in 200 ml of water and shake/stir 9 times.

  4. d)  For making larger quantity of remedy in water, add 100 ml (31⁄2 ounces) of charged water to a maximum of 20 litres (5 gallons) of water and stir 9 times.

  5. e)  When a remedy in the 108CC box is running low, fill the dropper bottle 2/3rd with alcohol and shake it 9 times by tapping against the palm of your other hand.

  6. f)  When making a remedy in cream/gel/oil, you need to add a few drops of charged alcohol to about 50 ml of cream etc and mix well with a non-metallic stirrer.


2. Question: Is it true that vibrations are more effective in water than in pills?

Answer: Yes. Over the years we have received reports from a number of practitioners (and it is our personal experience too) that Vibrionics remedies work faster when administered in water. We believe that this is so because a. Out of all known substances, water has the best memory. b. Because the body consists of nearly 70% water, the absorption of vibrations from water is faster and more extensive. So, whenever convenient, it is worth advising your patients to dissolve 5 pills of the remedy in about 200 ml (7 ounces) of water. To dispense one dose, 5 ml (1 teaspoon) of this water is more than sufficient.

Make sure you tell your patients to use a glass or plastic container (not metal) and the usual precautions like keeping it away from mobiles, computers, direct sunlight etc. For your own family use, always try to make your remedies in water. This water can be used for quite a few days. Try it and you might just be surprised by the results!


3. Question: Can I safely treat a pregnant woman for ailments not connected with her pregnancy?

Answer: Yes, you can give any combo from the 108CC box or a remedy made with the Sai Ram Potentiser to a pregnant woman (in addition, give a standard remedy to help potential mothers through their pregnancy, e.g. Pregnancy tonic). Remember to advise the patient to stay in touch with her doctor for regular prenatal/antenatal check-ups.


4. Question: How important is healer's physical and mental health at the time of prescribing? Can I prescribe if I am running a fever/cold or having a migraine attack? Also, is it OK to prescribe when one is stressed/depressed/sad?

Answer: It is good for a practitioner to be fit physically and mentally. Yes, it is OK to prescribe when you are not too well, provided: a. you are able to think clearly. b. you are able to pray to Swami with a clear mind in order to seek His guidance and help before the start of a healing session. When engaged in such seva with a loving heart, a practitioner will often overcome his own depression/ sadness etc (sometimes only temporarily) while helping patients with their problems.

Parole Divine dal Terapeuta Principale

“Each and every moment should be spent in the contemplation of God. You may think, “If every moment is spent in the contemplation of God, how is it possible to do our work?” Do not distinguish between your work and God’s work. Your work is God’s work because you too are God. It is a mistake to think that all that you do in the prayer hall is God’s work and outside it is your work. You should not entertain such feelings of separateness. Consider that your heart is the altar of God and turn your vision inward. One who understands this truth and acts accordingly is a true human being.”

-Sathya Sai Baba - Divine Discourse, Ganesh Chaturthi 2000



“Service in all its forms, all the world over, is primarily spiritual discipline-mental clean-up! Without the inspiration given by that attitude, the urge is bound to ebb and grow dry or, it may meander into pride and/or pomp. Just think for a moment: Are you serving God? Or is God serving you?...When you offer milk to a hungry child, or a blanket to a shivering brother on the pavement, you are but placing a gift of God into the hands of another gift of God.”

-Sathya Sai Baba – Sanathana Sarathi, December 1993 


UK: London, JVP workshop 27-28 Sep 2012.
Contact Pavalam Gunapathy at 020-8204 2114 or by email at: [email protected]

Poland: Wroclaw. Junior VPs workshop plus refresher course for existing AVPs 6-7 April 2013.

Poland (venue to be decided) Senior VP workshop 27-29 September 2013.
Contact Dariusz Hebisz at +48 606 879 339 or by email at [email protected] for all workshops in Poland.

India: Nagpur in Maharashtra: JVP workshop 13-14 Oct 2012. Contact Ashok Ghatol at 9637-899 113 or by email at [email protected]

India: Punjab: AVP workshop 1-2 December 2012. Contact Pushkar Mehta at 9958-995 234 or by email at: [email protected]

India: New Delhi: AVP workshop 15-16 December 2012 and SVP workshop 10-19 Dec 2012. Contact Vinod Nagpal at 011-2613 2389 or by email at: [email protected]

India: Mumbai (Dharmkshetra: AVP workshop 21-22 December 2012 and Refreshers workshop 23 December 2012. Contact Sandip Kulkarni at 9869-998 069 or by email at: [email protected]

United States: Hartford, Connecticut JVP training 20-21 Oct 2012 Contact Susan at [email protected]

All Trainers: If you have a workshop scheduled, send details to: [email protected] 


Are you Sabotaging Your Sleep?

After a marathon meeting at work or a fight with a significant other, it may seem impossible to enjoy eight hours of blissful sleep. But those tough times may be when we really need the rest, since skimping on sleep actually makes it more difficult to handle stress. So stop tossing and turning. We've got the best tips on how to get a good night’s sleep even when you're stressed.

Beat the Bedtime Blues -- Your Action Plan

Don't work in bed, or even in the bedroom. Turning the sheets and pillows into a makeshift desk makes it harder to see the bed as a place for rest. And definitely put away the laptop, phone, and any other technological devices well before bedtime. The artificial light coming out of these gadgets can mess up the body's natural sleep cycles.

Go to sleep at a reasonable hour. (And make it a habit.) Especially when we're overwhelmed with work, it can seem tempting to stay up all night putting the final touches to a project. But pulling an all-nighter can make it much harder to focus the next day. And consistently staying up until sunrise may impair learning abilities and contribute to higher anxiety levels. (Now that's something to get stressed about.) Stick to a regular bedtime and things may look better in the morning.

Wind down. It's important to take some time to unwind between stopping work and crawling under the covers. Try taking a warm shower or sipping some herbal tea. If nagging worries are keeping you awake, write them down in a journal. Or mellow out as you're drifting off with some relaxing music.

Take a power nap. If the stress monster kept you from getting a solid night's rest last night, try dozing off during the day. Ten to 20 minutes should be enough to wake up feeling refreshed and more alert. Just make sure to keep naps to the afternoon, so you'll still be able to sleep soundly at night. 


What Is Skin Cancer?

The term skin cancer is used to describe a number of different cancerous conditions that affect the skin. There are two main categories of skin cancer: melanoma and non-melanoma cancers. Non-melanoma cases are the most common and the most curable types of skin cancer. Melanoma, though also curable when caught early, is the deadliest form of skin cancer.

There are a few different types of non-Melanoma skin cancers. Melanoma is in a class all on its own.

Non-Melanoma Skin Cancers-Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma starts in the lowest layer of the epidermis, the basal layer. It is responsible for three out of four skin cancer cases, usually affecting areas maximally exposed to the sun, like the face. The most common forms look like small firm pale bumps, or a raised spot that is pearly and pink or reddish in colour. These cancers spread slowly and respond very well to treatment.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

This cancer also begins in the epidermis, but in the top layer. These look like lumps, with reddish and rougher surfaces and can start in the same areas of the body as the basal cell cancers.
A big difference between these two skin cancers is that squamous cell is more likely to spread, making it a bigger threat to your overall health.


Melanoma is also related to sun exposure but more so with a history of a bad sunburn in areas like the back and lower legs. This is much less common than basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas, but melanoma is much more serious. What makes it so dangerous is the fact that it is more likely to spread to other organs in the body and can actually lead to death.

Melanoma starts in melanocytes, the cells that produce the colour in skin. These cells make you tan or freckle in the summer and often, but not always, turn cancer cells brown or black, which is actually good. This way, you can spot this cancer before it's too late.

Preventing Skin Cancer

The reason the sun is harmful to your skin is because it contains dangerous ultraviolet light, or UV rays. Here are some ways to protect yourself and your children from these rays.

Stay out of the sun for extended periods of time. This is especially important during the peak hours between 10 am and 4 pm. Remember, the UV rays are just as powerful on cloudy days as they are on sunny days.
Use sunscreen daily. Use a "broad spectrum" sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher. Fair-skinned people should use SPF 30 or higher. Apply sunscreen 20 to 30 minutes before going outside and re-apply every 2 hours.

Wear protective clothing. This can include wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses, and clothing with a tight weave fabric. Also, darker colours will offer more protection.
Get to know your skin. Check your skin for any changes, especially in moles and freckles. There are specific variables you should be aware of, which can be easily identified using the ABCDEs.

What Are the ABCDEs?

This is a simple way for you to remember what to look for in changes in the skin.

  1. Stands for 'Asymmetry.' - Does your freckle or mole look uneven?

  2. Stands for 'Border Irregularity.' - Are the edges irregular?

  3. Stands for 'Colour Variation.' - Are you seeing multiple colours within the lesion?

  4. Stands for 'Diameter.' - Is it wider than 6 mm?

  5. Stands for 'Evolution.' - Is the colour, size or symptom changed?

Treating Skin Cancer

The good news is that skin cancer, when detected early, is very curable. This includes melanoma.

If you spot any changes in your skin as described above, you should call your doctor. He or she may perform a biopsy to confirm the presence of skin cancer.

Treatment of skin cancer may include minor or office surgery, or something more extensive like radiation or chemotherapy. It depends on the type and stage of the skin cancer you have.

Some skin cancers are recurrent, even if already treated. So it's important to perform regular self-skin exams, especially if you've been diagnosed with skin cancer in the past.

Sources: What You Need To Know About Skin Cancer. Rockville, MD.: National Cancer Institute.: 2005. (Accessed October 17, 2009 at

Sai Vibrionics offers health information and articles for educational purposes only; this information is not meant as allopathic medical advice. Counsel your patients to see their allopathic medical doctor about their specific health condition. 

Om Sai Ram