Newsletter Sai Vibrionica

" Ogni volta che vedete una persona ammalata, scoraggiata, sconsolata o inferma, quello è il vostro campo di seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 4 Uscita 5
September/October 2013
Versione Stampabile

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From the Desk of Jit K Aggarwal

Dear Practitioners

Another two months have passed by quickly since our last newsletter. Many vibrionics practitioners continue to spread the message of love through this very special healing seva opportunity offered to us by Swami. Our participation in the recent training/refresher workshops held in the UK, Italy, Poland, and Greece was truly an eye opener as to how much good work is being done without us being aware of it. A small example of this is the Unity of Faiths Festival at Southall Park in London, to which the organizers invited us for the second time to conduct a vibrionics awareness and healing camp. Nine practitioners participated and treated a total of 123 patients on that day! Short talks and video presentations on vibrionics by our practitioners generated significant interest amongst the audience who were, not surprisingly, completely enraptured by the healing system.

As you all may be aware, the first Sai Vibrionics conference is scheduled to be held on Sunday, 26 January 2014. We seem to be running a race against time it is less than four months away now, and we all have much to do. The main purpose of the conference is to become a global platform for exchanging experiences, information, and knowledge related to vibrionics. I am pleased to share with you that we have had a lot of offers of help from healers across the globe. Every single practitioner I have heard from thus far wishes that this event will be a truly memorable learning experience for all of us!

Plans are already under way for making 26 January 2014 a major milestone in the history of vibrionics. The Conference will include a visual exhibition themed “Vibrionics in Action,” based on field level achievements of groups from many countries and also different States of India. There will be presentations and discussions on varied topics of importance, such as History and Growth of Vibrionics, Homoeopathy & Vibrionics, Role of Diet in Healing, Role of Mind in bringing about Disease and Health, organizing and managing Health Camps in India and abroad, success with Plants/Trees and Animals, Extraordinary Cases, and much more! We will also have an interactive panel discussion with a view to collaboratively articulating forward looking plans, and also setting future direction for vibrionics.

It gives me immense pleasure in sharing with you that we will be publishing a book of Proceedings of the Conference. This book will include all presentations at the conference and transcripts of extraordinary case histories. If you wish to contribute to the book, please send in your cases (with full details as given in our newsletters) along with a photo of the patient and his testimonial. We may also use these for the exhibition. In addition to this, we require practitioner’s short bio-data (name, age, profession, years of vibro experience and anything else you wish to add about yourself), and a photo (in high resolution). The last date for receipt of cases is 31 October 2013.

  • If you are interested in writing a 1-2 page article on a particular topic to be presented at the conference, email me with details. If you have already written to us committing to write on a specific topic, please email me now to further our discussion.

  • If you are involved in organizing and/or participating in any vibrionics healing camps, I sincerely appeal to you to please send us a short write-up along with photographs as we need these for the exhibition.

We greatly appreciate all offers of help and I will personally contact all those who have volunteered. Currently, we require volunteers who can offer these skills:

  1. Those with a good command of the English language - to edit submitted articles and cases for publication.

  2. Those who are good at preparing power point presentations for converting supplied written material (and sourcing relevant pictures online) into presentations.

  3. Those who can prepare large posters for the exhibition by suitably arranging supplied text and pictures.

I am also glad to inform you that we shall soon launch online registration for practitioners for the Conference on the vibrionics website within the Practitioners portal. Please do regularly check the site as we shall post all conference-related updates on it.

In loving service to Sai

Jit Aggarwal 

Tosse cronica , disturbi del sonno 02870...USA

Durante gli ultimi 4-5 anni, una donna di 74 anni aveva sofferto di una tosse cronica, che durante il giorno era continua e di notte le impediva di dormire. Poiché soffriva di allergia alla polvere e ai pollini, la sua tosse peggiorava durante la stagione dei pollini e lei era anche predisposta a frequenti infezioni. In passato era stata ricoverata in ospedale per polmonite ed aveva un’anamnesi familiare di asma, inoltre le era stata diagnosticata una MRGE (malattia da reflusso gastroesofageo). Aveva usato il Singulair (Montelukast Sodium – un farmaco antiasmatico) ed inalatori contenenti broncodilatatori e corticosteroidi, ma questi erano stati utili solo per breve tempo. Aveva notato che la sua tosse era cessata mentre si stava rimettendo da un’operazione di artoplastica al ginocchio, nel Luglio 2010, quando le era stato prescritto dell’oxycodone come antidolorifico. Il suo medico le disse che il farmaco agisce anche come sedativo, così come farebbe un calmante per la tosse e, siccome era stato utile per la tosse, egli accettò di prescriverglielo. Da allora prendeva da un quarto a mezza compressa di oxycodone (5 mg) prima di dormire. Ma gli effetti collaterali del farmaco la rendevano sonnolenta durante il giorno. Si sentiva continuamente come se stesse per svenire e spesso aveva vuoti e mancanza di memoria. Quando ebbe inizio il trattamento vibrazionale, il 26 Novembre 2012, le fu somministrato per la tosse che l’affliggeva di giorno:
#1. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC19.1 Chest tonic + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.4 Asthma attack + CC19.5 Sinusitis + CC19.6 Cough chronic + CC19.7 Throat chronic...6TD.

Per trattare i problemi di sonno, le fu somministrato:
#2. CC15.6 Sleep disorders + #1...una dose mezz’ora prima di andare a letto, ripetendo ogni mezz’ora se non riusciva a dormire.

Due settimane dopo, riferì che la sua tosse era migliorata del 50% e, sebbene di notte si svegliasse ancora qualche volta a causa della tosse, per la maggior parte delle volte riusciva a dormire tutta la notte senza oxycodone.

Quattro mesi dopo riferì che, in genere, il suo sonno era buono senza assumere oxycodone. Ma ora soffriva di eruttazioni prima di andare a dormire e, siccome questo poteva attribuirsi alla MRGE, fu aggiunto CC4.10 Indigestion al rimedio #2...una pillola mezz’ora prima di andare a letto ripetendo ogni mezz’ora se non riusciva a dormire.

Due mesi dopo, il 28 Giugno 2013, riferì che la tosse era migliorata dell’80%. Tossisce ancora una volta o due, non appena si sdraia, ma è in grado di dormire tutta la notte senza prendere nulla ad eccezione della medicina vibrazionale.

I commenti dell'editore:
Quest’anziana signora deve aver sofferto di miasma Tubercolare per tutta la vita ma è troppo anziana per tentare di eliminarlo adesso. Perciò è probabile che avrà bisogno del sostegno del suo terapeuta, procedendo con l’appropriata combo di cui sopra ma ad un dosaggio più basso.

Diabete con Pressione Sanguigna Elevata e Colesterolo Alto 02859...India

Ad un uomo di 49 anni fu diagnosticato il diabete un anno fa. Aveva anche la pressione del sangue elevata ed il colesterolo alto. Gli venne somministrato:
#1. CC6.3 Diabetes...BD
#2. CC3.3 High Blood Pressure + CC3.5 Arteriosclerosis...BD

Nel corso di un regolare auto-monitoraggio fu notato che non c’era molto miglioramento nel livello di zucchero nel sangue. Ulteriori accertamenti rivelarono che anche il fegato del paziente non stava funzionando bene. Quindi fu aggiunto CC4.2 Liver and Gallbladder al rimedio #1. Fu come una magia in attesa di accadere. L’auto-monitoraggio rivelò un eccellente controllo dello zucchero nel sangue. Dopo due mesi, gli esami clinici eseguiti rivelarono un HbA1c ridotto ed un abbassamento del colesterolo. Anche la pressione del sangue era scesa a 120/80. Vedendo i risultati, il rinomato medico di famiglia dichiarò: “Sei quasi non diabetico!” e si sentì in obbligo di chiedere se il paziente stesse seguendo qualche trattamento alternativo!! Le medicine allopatiche sono state ridotte. Il trattamento vibrazionale continua come prima.

Herpes Labiale 02128...Argentina

Un uomo di 38 anni soffriva da molto tempo di ricorrenti attacchi di herpes labiale.

Il terapeuta somministrò il rimedio singolo SR293 Gunpowder...TDS.

Entro due giorni ci fu una massiccia riduzione delle dimensioni della lesione e, nel giro di cinque giorni, tutti i segni dell’herpes erano completamente scomparsi e quindi il trattamento venne interrotto.

Ittero ed Infezione in una Bambina Prematura 02870...USA

Un padre aveva richiesto aiuto per la sua bambina prematura, ancora nell’incubatrice. Era diventata malaticcia con ittero, febbre, tosse e raffreddore. I medici dell’ospedale avevano dato alla bambina una varietà di medicinali antibiotici e, siccome non era migliorata, gli avevano detto che non si sarebbe più potuto far nulla. Il terapeuta inviò a distanza la seguente combinazione con un Potenziatore Sai Ram Healing:
#1. CC12.2 Child tonic + CC4.11 Jaundice + CC12.1 Immunity + CC9.2 Infections + CC19.6 Cough + CC15.1 Calming...trasmesso continuamente.

In 24 ore ci fu un miglioramento del 50% e la temperatura della bambina tornò normale. Durante i successivi tre giorni fu tolta dall’incubatrice e finalmente i genitori furono in grado di portarla a casa. Continuò ad esserle somministrata la combinazione a dosaggio TDS in acqua e, alla fine di un periodo di altri 15 giorni, la bambina si era completamente ristabilita.

Stitichezza Permanente 02859...India

Un uomo di 80 anni si rivolse al terapeuta con un pò di apprensione cercando una soluzione alla stitichezza che durava da una vita e per la quale aveva provato tutte le cure possibili. Gli fu somministrato:
CC4.4 Constipation...TDS

Fu immediatamente liberato dalla stitichezza. Disse al terapeuta che la vibrionica aveva cambiato la sua vita e che era più energico e felice di quanto fosse mai stato da tanto tempo.

Subito dopo iniziò ad assumere un ulteriore rimedio per un pre-diabete (CC6.3 Diabetes...OD) e insonnia (CC15.6 Sleep disorders...OD) ed è ancora più felice.

Cisticercosi Cerebrale 01053...USA

Nell’Aprile del 2011, una donna di 37 anni si presentò con la suddetta diagnosi. Questa è un’infezione parassitaria sistemica causata dall’ingestione di uova di tenia provenienti da carne di maiale mal cotta. Queste s’insinuano attraverso la parete intestinale e vengono portate in altri tessuti; nel cervello possono causare un’ampia varietà di sintomi neurologici. Il medico allopatico che la curava le aveva fornito una sfavorevole prognosi di ricovero dopo che l’assunzione dei farmaci prescritti non aveva portato ad alcun cambiamento delle sue condizioni. La paziente accusava vertigini, stanchezza, depressione, dolore generale in tutto il corpo, problemi digestivi e aumento di peso, mal di testa cronici e congestione sinusale cronica.

Il terapeuta le diede CC9.3 Tropical diseases...QDS. Tre mesi dopo aver iniziato il trattamento, la cisti si era ridotta della metà. Poi il progresso fu più lento e nel Marzo 2013, quasi due anni dopo, esaminando l’ultimo risultato della MRI (risonanza magnetica per immagini), il suo medico allopatico l’ha dichiarata guarita.

Gli altri sintomi rimasti stanno migliorando – la depressione viene trattata con CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic e la paziente riferisce di essere migliorata del 50%. Ha perso peso e sta facendo positivi cambiamenti dietetici.

I commenti dell'editore:
Questa è una buona guarigione soprattutto perché, senza una rischiosa operazione per rimuovere la cisti c’è, in genere, poca possibilità di recupero. Sarebbe tuttavia stato utile includere qualche rimedio delle parti del corpo relativo al cervello che avrebbe potuto accelerare la guarigione, perciò è un peccato che il terapeuta non abbia consultato un terapeuta più esperto per ricevere assistenza. 

The practitioner's comment:
Il terapeuta dice che andrebbe notato che la donna ha continuato ad assumere alcuni antibiotici e antimicotici come pure il cortisone. Ma, siccome questi farmaci causavano spiacevoli effetti collaterali, lei li sospendeva ripetutamente per poi riprenderli di nuovo. Tuttavia, durante l’intero periodo, è stata coscienziosa e regolare nel prendere la medicina vibrazionale quotidianamente. Perciò il terapeuta ritiene che il rimedio può essere stato la chiave per una totale ripresa.

Esperimento di Giardinaggio 02321...Mexico

Questa terapeuta ha un giardino che misura 2,000 metri quadri. Per prima cosa ha preparato questa combo:

CC1.2 Plant tonic + NM67 Calcium + SM1 Removal of Entities + SM5 Peace & Love un litro d’acqua

Poi ha aggiunto questa a 200 litri d’acqua e l’ha mescolata all’acqua dell’impianto d’irrigazione usato giornalmente su tutte le piante. Il risultato è un giardino più verde, con più uccelli ed un ambiente molto sereno.

The Answer Corner

1. Question: I am not sure how to properly handle the SRHVP cards. Is it OK if I touch the face of the cards when removing them from the card box?

Answer: Before handling the cards, always wash your hands without using soap. Soap has a vibration, so washing in plain water avoids transferring the vibration of the soap to the cards. If you do wash with soap, thoroughly rinse (and dry) your hands with plain water three times to that the vibration of the soap is removed. Handle cards carefully. Do not touch the graphic area with your fingers; hold the card above the double line. If a card has fallen on the floor or needs cleaning, hold it above the double line on a clean hard surface and rub it with a new, soft, white, cotton handkerchief which has been thoroughly washed without detergent or soap.


2. Question: What is the maximum time gap allowed between taking a blood sample and preparing the blood nosode?

Answer: Provided there is enough alcohol added to the blood sample, then a gap of a few days should not be a problem.


3. Question: A patient complained that his chronic illness returned after 3 months of having been successfully treated through vibro. Could it be connected with his lifestyle?

Answer: Yes, lifestyle is a major cause of a chronic illness which is likely to return unless the patient changes to a healthy lifestyle. So, it is a good idea to talk to your patient at an appropriate time about good diet, exercise, relaxation, positive thoughts etc.


4. Question: Please offer advice about the frequency of a remedy when a patient is acutely ill.

Answer: When the symptoms are highly acute eg, continuous diarrhoea, migraine headache or constantly running nose, the dosage may be increased to one dose (it is more effective if given in water) every 10 minutes for one hour. If the patient is not feeling better in one hour, then the dosage at ten minute intervals may continue for another hour. After that the patient should feel relief from his symptoms, in which case, the dosage should be reduced to 6TD for 1-2 days and TDS thereafter.


5. Question: Flu season is fast approaching. I have not given remedies for acute conditions like flu or cold to prevent illness. If one person becomes ill, should I treat, as a preventative, the rest of the family members?

Answer: Remedies can be used as prophylactic for any illness without fear of any harm to the patient. It is better to start taking preventive dosage (which is as many doses per week as the normal dosage for the patient per day) when you are in the midst of sick people eg, when a member of the family or a colleague at work has fallen sick.


6. Question: When interviewing a new patient who does not have a medical diagnosis, I find it difficult to determine the exact underlying cause of his problem?

Answer: If a patient asks for help but does not know why he is sick or feels bad, the best thing to do is to give him vibrations for the mind because the problem probably lies there.

During the initial appointment do not try to elicit personal background information unless the patient wants to give it. It is usual for you to have to wait for this knowledge until he is able to trust you. In this way you gain his confidence. During later visits, the patient might start to tell you about his deep seated fears and disappointments. He may not have spoken about these to anyone before. One of the important questions to ask the patient is what he thinks is the cause of the illness or symptoms. This in turn will help you to discover the underlying cause and treat accordingly. 


Divine Words from the Master Healer

“You should not give even the slightest room for arrogance or self-interest in your service activities. Install in your Heart the feeling that the service you render to anyone is service to God. Only with that feeling does social service become elevated to service to God.”

-”Love All Serve All” 80th Birthday publication, Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation, Bangalore, 2005



Service is the primary means through which the Heart is purified. Service broadens your vision, through which the Heart is purified. Service broadens your vision, widens your awareness and deepens your compassion. All waves are on the same sea, are from the same sea, and of the same sea. Service teaches you to be firm in this Knowledge.”

-”Love All Serve All” 80th Birthday publication, Sri Sathya Sai Media Foundation, Bangalore, 2005 


Forthcoming Workshops

India: Pune: Workshop for AVPs & JVPs 5-6 October 2013, contact Ashok Ghatol by email at [email protected] or by telephone at +91-9637 899 113.

India: Puttaparthi: AVP workshop 24-28 Nov 2013, contact Hem at [email protected]
India: Puttaparthi: SVP workshop 28 Jan - 1 Feb 2014, contact Hem at [email protected]

All Trainers: If you have a workshop scheduled, send details to: [email protected] 

In Addition

Sai Vibrionics offers health information and articles for educational purposes only; this information is not meant as medical advice. Counsel your patients to see their medical doctor about their specific medical condition. 

Effects of Stress and Preventative Measures 


  •   We generally use the word "stress" when we feel that everything seems to have become too much - we are overloaded and wonder whether we really can cope with the pressures placed upon us.

  •   Anything that poses a challenge or a threat to our well-being is a stress. Some stresses get you going and they are good for you - without any stress at all many say our lives would be boring and would probably feel pointless. However, when the stresses undermine both our mental and physical health they are bad.

    Scientific Studies

 Hans Selye, an Austrian-Canadian endocrinologist of Hungarian origin, noted in numerous experiments that laboratory animals subjected to acute but different noxious physical and emotional stimuli (blaring light, deafening noise, extremes of heat or cold, perpetual frustration) all exhibited the same pathologic changes of stomach ulcerations, shrinkage of lymphoid tissue and enlargement of the adrenals. He later demonstrated that persistent stress could cause these animals to develop various diseases similar to those seen in humans, such as heart attacks, stroke, kidney disease and rheumatoid arthritis. 

As illustrated above, increased stress results in increased productivity – up to a point, after which things go rapidly downhill. However, that point or peak differs for each of us, so you need to be sensitive to the early warning symptoms and signs that suggest a stress overload is starting to push you over the hump. Such signals also differ for each of us and can be so subtle that they are often ignored until it is too late.

Healthy human responses to stress involve three components:

  • The brain handles (mediates) the immediate response. This response signals the adrenal medulla to release epinephrine and norepinephrine.

  • The hypothalamus (a central area in the brain) and the pituitary gland initiate (trigger) the slower maintenance response by signaling the adrenal cortex to release cortisol and other hormones.

Many neural (nerve) circuits are involved in the behavioral response. This response increases arousal (alertness, heightened awareness), focuses attention, inhibits feeding and reproductive behavior, reduces pain perception, and redirects behavior.

Causes of Stress

The degree of stress in our lives is highly dependent upon individual factors such as our physical health, the quality of our interpersonal relationships, the number of commitments and responsibilities we carry, the degree of others' dependence upon us, expectations of us, the amount of support we receive from others, and the number of changes or traumatic events that have recently occurred in our lives.

Many different things can cause stress -- from physical (such as fear of something dangerous) to emotional (such as worry over your family or job.) Identifying what may be causing you stress is often the first step in learning how to better deal with your stress. Some of the most common sources of stress are:

Survival Stress - You may have heard the phrase "fight or flight" before. This is a common response to danger in all people and animals. When you are afraid that someone or something may physically hurt you, your body naturally responds with a burst of energy so that you will be better able to survive the dangerous situation (fight) or escape it all together (flight).

Internal Stress - Have you ever caught yourself worrying about things you can do nothing about or worrying for no reason at all? This is internal stress and it is one of the most important kinds of stress to understand and manage. Internal stress is when people make themselves stressed. This often happens when we worry about things we can't control or put ourselves in situations we know will cause us stress. Some people become addicted to the kind of hurried, tense, lifestyle that results from being under stress. They even look for stressful situations and feel stress about things that aren't stressful.

Environmental Stress - This is a response to things around you that cause stress, such as noise, crowding, and pressure from work or family. Identifying these environmental stresses and learning to avoid them or deal with them will help lower your stress level.

Fatigue and Overwork - This kind of stress builds up over a long time and can take a hard toll on your body. It can be caused by working too much or too hard at your job(s), school, or home. It can also be caused by not knowing how to manage your time well or how to take time out for rest and relaxation. This can be one of the hardest kinds of stress to avoid because many people feel this is out of their control.

Effects of Stress

Excess stress can manifest itself in a variety of emotional, behavioural, and even physical symptoms, and the symptoms of stress vary enormously among different individuals.

Common somatic (physical) symptoms:

   sleep disturbances
   muscle tension
   muscle aches
   gastrointestinal disturbances o fatigue

Emotional and behavioural symptoms:
   changes in eating habits including overeating
   loss of enthusiasm or energy
   mood changes like irritability and depression

It is also known that people under stress have a greater tendency to engage in unhealthy behaviours, such as excessive use or abuse of alcohol and drugs, cigarette smoking, and making poor exercise and nutritional choices, than their less-stressed counterparts. These unhealthy behaviours can further increase the severity of symptoms related to stress, often leading to a "vicious cycle" of symptoms and unhealthy behaviours.

Additional Effects of Stress:

  • Blood pressure rises
    Breathing becomes more rapid
    Digestive system slows down
    Heart rate (pulse) rises
    Immune system goes down
    Muscles become tense
    We do not sleep (heightened state of alertness)
    Non-essential body functions slow down, such as our digestive and immune systems when we are in fight-or flight response mode. All resources can then be concentrated on rapid breathing, blood flow, alertness and muscle use. 

Preventative Measures 

Feeling emotional and nervous or having trouble sleeping and eating can all be normal reactions to stress. Engaging in healthy activities and getting the right care and support can put problems in perspective and help stressful feelings subside in a few days or weeks. Some tips for beginning to feel better are:

Getting active

Virtually any form of physical activity can act as a stress reliever. Even if you're not an athlete or you're out of shape, exercise is still a good stress reliever.

  • Physical activity pumps up your feel-good endorphins and other natural neural chemicals that enhance your sense of well-being. Exercise also refocuses your mind on your body's movements, improving your mood and helping the day's irritations fade away.

Laughing more

A good sense of humor can't cure all ailments, but it can help you feel better, even if you have to force a fake laugh through your grumpiness. When you laugh, it not only lightens your mental load but also causes positive physical changes in your body. Laughter fires up and then cools down your stress response.

Connecting with others

  • When you're stressed and irritable, your instinct may be to wrap yourself in a cocoon. Instead, reach out to family and friends and make social connections.

  • Social contact is a good stress reliever because it offers distraction, provides support, and helps you tolerate life's up and downs.

Trying yoga

With its series of postures and controlled-breathing exercises, yoga is a popular stress reliever. Yoga brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve peacefulness of body and mind, helping you relax and manage stress and anxiety.

Getting enough sleep

When you have too much to do — and too much to think about — your sleep suffers. But sleep is the time when your brain and body

  • The quality and amount of sleep you get affects your mood, energy level, concentration and overall functioning.

Getting musical and being creative

  • Listening to or playing music is a good stress reliever because it provides a mental distraction, reduces muscle tension and decreases stress hormones. Crank up the volume and let your mind be absorbed by the music.

  • If music isn't your thing, turn your attention to another hobby you enjoy, such as gardening, sewing, sketching — anything that requires you to focus on what you're doing rather than what you think you should be doing.


Varicose veins are swollen, twisted veins that you can see just under the skin. They usually occur in the legs, but also can form in other parts of the body.

The heart pumps oxygen-rich blood into a large artery known as the aorta. The aorta divides into 2 main arteries, which continue to branch into smaller arteries delivering blood to the rest of the body. Once the oxygen has been delivered, veins carry the blood back to the heart. Unlike arteries, veins are dependent on one-way valves to keep blood moving in an upward motion. The muscles of the legs help push the blood through the veins; the one-way valves close and prevent the blood from falling back towards the feet.

When the one-way valves fail to close properly, blood can reverse its flow. Notice how the valves of the vein (in the picture) come together and prevent blood from flowing backward. Notice how the valves of the other vein do not come together and therefore allow blood to flow backward and cause the vein to enlarge (leaky). This cause’s increased pressure in the veins and over time can cause them to swell and become bulging, varicose veins. The increased pressure can lead to significant symptoms such as: swelling of the ankles or legs, severe pain and aching, and complaints of tired legs. Skin changes, ulceration and phlebitis are all possible with long-standing varicose veins. Because the blood is not flowing efficiently, clots can form in the veins causing hard lumps and severe pain. This is known as “superficial phlebitis.” This is not the type of clot that doctors worry will travel to your heart, lungs, or brain. It is possible to have varicose veins without pain or swelling, and it is not necessary to have them corrected. Varicose veins develop more often in women than in men. They increase in frequency with age. An estimated 30% to 60% of adults have varicose veins.

Contributing Factors to Varicose Veins

A number of factors predispose a person to having varicose veins. These include:

Heredity (passed on from a parent to a child through genes)
Untreated large vein insufficiency
Trauma, Surgery
High Impact Aerobics, Running, and Weight Training
Sun Damage
Sedentary Lifestyle, Obesity
Hot water, Tubs, Pedicures cause veins to dilate
Occupations that involve a lot of standing, such as seen among nurses, hair stylists, teachers, and factory workers
Hormonal influences during pregnancy, puberty, and menopause
The use of birth control pills
Postmenopausal hormonal replacement
A history of blood clots
Conditions that cause increased pressure in the abdomen including tumours, constipation, and externally worn garments like girdles Other reported causes include trauma or injury to the skin, previous vein surgery, and exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Women often notice varicose veins with pregnancy. During pregnancy, blood volume increases by as much as 50%. The leg veins are overloaded by increased blood volume, and manifest as varicose veins. After delivery, when blood volume returns to normal, the veins remain enlarged because the valve mechanisms have been rendered insufficient by the stretch endured during pregnancy. Some women note that the varicosities worsen with each pregnancy.

Preventive Measures

Measures that help the blood flow toward the heart can be helpful in slowing the progression of varicose veins, and in minimizing discomfort associated with vein problems.

Exercising, losing weight, elevating your legs when resting, and not crossing them when sitting can help keep varicose veins from getting worse. Wearing loose clothing and avoiding long periods of standing can also help. If varicose veins are painful or you don't like the way they look, your doctor may recommend procedures to remove them.

Wearing support stockings. The most conservative approach is simply to wear properly-fitting support hose, especially when the veins cause painful or uncomfortable symptoms. These stockings can generally be purchased at any surgical supply store and at some pharmacies. They come in below-the- knee, above-the-knee, and pantyhose styles.

Making lifestyle changes. Good skin hygiene, weight loss (if needed), and walking can help treat varicose veins. Eating a low-salt diet helps reduce water retention and swelling. 

Important: Attention All Practitioners

Some of the cases we receive are fantastic but we are not always able to share with you all the cases due to some vital missing information which can only come from the practitioners. So PLEASE when you send in your cases do make sure to include the following:

Age of the patient, male/female, date treatment started, detailed list of all acute symptoms, detailed list of all chronic symptoms, duration of each symptom, possible cause of each chronic symptom, any other past/existing treatment, combo given and its dosage, date-wise record of percentage improvement, final condition, any other relevant information.

This will help us to publish your cases in the future newsletters. If this information does not come, we may not have enough completed cases for publication in future.

Our website is You will need your Registration number to login to the Practitioner Portal. If your email address changes, please inform us at [email protected] as soon as possible.

 You may share this newsletter with your patients. Their questions should be directed to you for answers or for research and response. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Om Sai Ram