Newsletter Sai Vibrionica

" Ogni volta che vedete una persona ammalata, scoraggiata, sconsolata o inferma, quello è il vostro campo di seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out


Vol 4 Uscita 6
November/December 2013

1. Question: In the training class, it was taught that we should not give more than two or three CCs to patients at a time. But now in newsletters, I found that three or four CCs are being given. Kindly clarify if it is OK to give three or four CCs to patients.

Answer: There is no hard and fast rule about how many combos can be combined together. It is however recommended that new healers don't add more than 3 CCs in one bottle. As you should treat only one chronic disease (plus any related problems) at a time, you need give only one bottle. However, the following combos can be combined with any other given combo: CC10.1, CC12.1 (or CC12.2), CC15.1 and CC17.3. With experience and discretion, a practitioner can combine more than four combos.


2. Question: I noticed that in some of the combos which I have not used until now, the level of liquid had decreased. Is that to be expected?

Answer: Alcohol molecules are very fine and tend to evaporate very fast, even though the bottle is properly closed. Yes, it is to be expected. Some practitioners keep their box wrapped in foil or inside another box, or place a weight on top of the box. See what might work for you. Be sure to check the bottles regularly and do not let the bottles run dry.


3. Question: Is the effectiveness of the medicine decreased if we do not enter the details of the same in the Case sheet of the patient? I’m asking because sometimes for a family member we might prescribe a remedy in a hurry that’s not too serious to record immediately. Or sometimes a patient comes in and does not have time for a formal appointment. Though we may enter the details later, does it matter that we do not do so at the time of dispensing the remedy? Is the case sheet only for tracking/legal reasons?

Answer: No, the effectiveness of the medicine is NOT affected. If it’s your first appointment with a patient, make the time to record the person’s details while he is with you. Records are kept not only for tracking purpose but also as a reminder as to what was given in a particular case when we are treating a similar case after lapse of long period and may not remember what was given then. Also, if the case turns out to be an extra-ordinary case which needs to be reported for publishing, full details are required.


4. Question: How important is the healer's physical and mental health at the time of prescribing? Can we prescribe if we ourselves are running a fever or cold or having a migraine attack? Also, is it OK to prescribe when we are stressed or depressed or sad? I’m asking since the vibro medicine is reputed to be affected by the subtlest of energies. Your answer will help to build faith in the medicine that we dispense under certain specific conditions.

Answer: It is good for a healer to be fit physically and mentally. Yes, it is OK to prescribe when you are not well provided: a. you are not contagious! b. You are able to think clearly. c. Before starting a healing session, you are able to pray to Swami, with a clear mind, to seek His guidance and help. It’s especially important to use common sense when you have an acute sickness such as cold or cough. When engaged in vibro seva, often a healer will temporarily overcome his own depression or sadness etc. while helping a patient with their problem!


5. Question: This question is really silly, but sometimes, I take the pearl in the cap of the bottle and look for my child downstairs to pop it into her mouth, any chance the vibrations will escape or evaporate if the cap is left open too long?

Answer: No question is silly. No, the vibrations are embedded into the pearls.


6. Question: The adult tonic and the child tonic are to boost immunity and over all systems bringing the patient back to health. At what age should a child start taking the adult tonic?

Answer: Whether to use the child's or adult's it depends on the individual. It they are physically more adult than child then the adult tonic would be appropriate. For most, though, it would be 16-18 years. If you are still not sure, then look at the cards used for CC12.1 Adult tonic and CC12.2 Child tonic. Use your judgment based on what you know and observe about the patient. Remember, with both remedies, its energy and works only if needed.


7. Question: I am a new practitioner and am eager to be of help. Any tips when meeting with a patient for the first time?

Answer: Use your intuition in addition to your training and growing experience. Listen, Love and Dispense. Pray and centre yourself before your meeting. Be calm and peaceful. It’s important to fully listen to the person. Don’t sit there thinking about what remedy you’re going to give them, or what questions you want to ask next. If you do, then you’re not fully listening. Don’t be in a rush with the person. Repeat back to them key points of what you’ve heard related to their health so they know they have been heard.

If they get off into too much detail about their life, relationships, finances etc, bring them gently back to the reason they came to see you. Control the direction of the conversation so you get the necessary facts for your records and do everything with Love. When dispensing the remedies, explain to the patient how they are to take the remedy and be sure you have answered all their questions. Keep the first appointment to about 45 minutes. Sometimes that’s not possible but have as time frame as a target. Continue the discussion at the next appointment.
