साई व्हाइब्रियोनिक्स पत्रिका

" जब आप किसी हतोत्साहित, निराष या रोग ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को देखते हो, वहीं आपका सेवा क्षेत्र है " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Practitioner Profile 00512...Slovenia

Practitioner 00512…Slovenia is a senior nurse by profession. Following her intuition since her youth she followed a career in healthcare. She had the opportunity of establishing consulting rooms, dispensaries and out-patient rooms to work with addicts and to help children and adults to change their way of life. In 1991 she founded the macrobiotic organisation in Slovenia and was its president till 1997. She also founded another group whom she taught biodynamic farming; her aim was to create healthy living surroundings for future generations.

In October 1996, prior to her knowing about Sathya Sai Baba and His mission, the practitioner was gifted a trip to India. When she ask her benefactor why and where should she go in India and who will she see, the response was to go to Puttaparthi and she was only told, “You will see.” A lady got her a hotel room and showed her the way to ashram. As she felt deserted and cried from disappointment, she heard an inner voice say, “Let the live temple be your goal as all the world is searching for the way to get there.” Still not understanding but encouraged by this guidance, she attended the daily regimen of the ashram.  She became diligent in her quest for truth and personal healing.  Over time she surrendered completely to the outer image of Sai and the inner experience of God.

Just before returning to Slovenia, after a month of fasting on water and some fruit now and then, she dined with three ladies. Next morning, she felt so exhausted and sick that it was difficult for her to get out of bed. Her three lady friends took her to Dr Aggarwal where she received her 1st vibrionics remedy. On the way back to the hotel, she fell down and some passers-by commented she was dead. At this moment, she went through a near-death-experience (NDE) where she saw her own body lying on the road. After regaining consciousness, she felt herself being healed as the words ‘Baba, Baba, Baba’ were resounding within herself. She realized that not only she had been cured of all her illnesses but she felt extremely peaceful. In her own words, “It felt like a new birth”. She was convinced that this powerful experience was the result of vibrionics. So she decided there and then to learn this system of healing. She returned to Dr Aggarwal the same day for a short training session. She received the SRHVP machine along with cards and a book giving the description of these cards. The following day, she was on the plane, homeward bound with a heart full of gratitude to Sai Baba and Dr Aggarwal, knowing she had just received a simple method of healing and a great seva.

Once back home, she decided, after working for over 30 years as a nursing professional, to retire early at the age of 50. She studied the vibrionics book thoroughly. She did not know any English but she felt that Baba was somehow guiding her! On 5 December 1996 she made her 1st vibro remedy. Fearlessly attempting to heal a family friend of acute leukaemia, she witnessed very encouraging results. The patient’s wife collected the remedy (made in water) every 3rd day for 3 months. As there was no further improvement, the wife decided to go elsewhere for another treatment and eventually lost her husband.

She accepted all outcomes as the Divine Will and devoted herself completely to vibrionics. So strong was her conviction that in 1999, she organised a training seminar for Dr and Mrs Aggarwal in Ljubljana and Maribor. Twenty-five practitioners received their certification. Her commitment included having the only vibro book in her possession translated into Slovenian at personal expense (paid for from her pension) for the benefit of the newly-trained. In 2001 the practitioner was gifted a seva pendulum which she found effective in identifying the underlying cause of a patient’s sickness or imbalance.

In her own words “Seva is a Divine present to me to share with all the people who come my way. Seva is my life. I have unlimited faith in self-healing with vibrionics. Baba gave me the ability to serve people; it gives me satisfaction and joy.”

In May 2009, she went to Oxford, England, for training on the 108CC box. Since then she has been treating a large number of patients on a daily basis. In her twenty years of practice she has treated a multitude of ailments with great success.  She not only treats those who visit her but also sends remedies round the globe either by mail or by broadcasting.

The results of her practice are impressive; here are a few examples:

The practitioner treated a woman aged 50 who had pain in her right leg and inflammation of the knee for 4 months. She could walk only with crutches.  Based on digital x-ray, doctors suggested operation. In July 2015 she was given: CC3.7 Circulation + CC20.7 Fractures. Within 6 days, pain and inflammation were gone and she was able to walk without crutches, thus removing the necessity for surgery. She is divorced and her children are busy with their own life. Loneliness was underneath her problem, remedied with focus on God in addition to vibrionics.

In another case of a 9-year-old girl, the dentist had to pull three of her first upper teeth. One tooth grew soon but the other two did not grow even after one year. Digital x-ray showed that they were inside the jaw. The dentist suggested an operation but the parents decided instead to consult the practitioner who gave her in June 2015: NM6 Calming + NM12 Combination-12 + NM67 Calcium + NM89 Mouth and Gum + NM90 Nutrition + NM104 Tops + SM26 Immunity + SM38 Teeth + SR450 Willow + SR516 Pancreas + SR532 Sympathetic Nervous System + SR566 Fungi-Pathogenic. After 8 weeks, the girl came to show the practitioner both the embedded teeth which had started to grow out of the jaw. 

In 2013, a 32-year-old woman had episiotomy at the time of the birth of her first baby. Even after two and a half years, she would have strong pain at the time of intercourse. She was advised to have surgery but she decided in favour of alternative healing. In April 2016, the practitioner gave her: CC8.5 Vagina & Cervix + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic. She was completely healed of the pain in less than 2 months.

She treated a female mountain horse aged 6 from Bosnia. The horse was limping for 9 months and could not run. In October 2015, she was given CC20.4 Muscles. After a period of 7 weeks, the limping horse was completely healed and was seen running happily with other horses in the mountain.

She is enthusiastic for the effectiveness of broadcasting remedies to both individuals and collectives, even countries and continents. Using her SRHVP machine, she broadcast with great success to an entire drug-addicted group in Cenacolo community in Croatia. In 2013 she rid her apple trees of aphids/lice with broadcasting. 

Utterly convinced of omnipresent Divinity, of the divine Oneness of all life and its connectivity, she considers life as a learning process and a great challenge. She promotes channelling the subtle energies of consciousness, especially feelings, as very effective in healing. For her feelings are quicker in comprehension than thought. She believes that healing simply happens and sometimes in an instant. Underlying her practice are these guidelines which she recommends to all practitioners:

Practitioner’s motto: “Divinity is the greatest aid for seva in healing”.

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