साई व्हाइब्रियोनिक्स पत्रिका

" जब आप किसी हतोत्साहित, निराष या रोग ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को देखते हो, वहीं आपका सेवा क्षेत्र है " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Practitioner Profile 02051...Chile

Practitioner 02051…Chile has a master's degree in strategies and resources for learning. Since migrating from Venezuela to Chile in 2018, both she and her husband, previously university professors, are having to do clerical jobs, due to their inability to obtain the necessary documentation from troubled Venezuela.

In April 1988, while helping a lady carry heavy bottles of water, the practitioner and her husband were led to a Sai Centre, where they first heard of Sai Baba. They instantly fell in love with Swami, turned vegetarian and started a Sai centre in their house, that functioned for the next 13 years. They visited India several times and the practitioner was fortunate to get an opportunity to do research in Baba’s university in Puttaparthi. She served as a Director of the Venezuelan EHV Institute for seven years and was National Education Coordinator for three years from 2016-2018. Currently, she is in-charge of education for Chile's sole Sai Centre and is involved with the formation of EHV Institute in Chile. Her husband and children also play active roles in the Sai organisation.

It was in 2001, on her first visit to Prashanti with her husband and daughter that she learnt about Vibrionics. Instinctively feeling that her vocation was to heal herself and others, she felt guided into taking the initial Sai Vibrionics course. After passing an exam and interview, all three of them qualified as practitioners. Subsequently, she completed her SVP in 2006. At present, she is the only one actively practicing vibrionics though her family supports her in this fully.

Over the years, the practitioner's faith in vibrionics has strengthened. In her experience, Sai Vibrionics medicine is infallible as it is a form of 'Sai' Himself. She has experienced that the only people whose condition does not improve are those who do not comply with the prescribed protocol. Most of her patients observe that they feel calm and peaceful during the healing process. She has learnt that each person is unique and not all react to remedies in the same way or experience similar results. The practitioner makes it a point to pray before she starts treating a patient and prior to preparing the remedies. She has fixed days when she practices vibrionics and is careful to organize all the material needed beforehand and keeps comprehensive records of the remedies she administers. She is grateful to Swami that she has no dearth of patients as she always finds people willing to put their trust in vibrionics.

The practitioner would like to share an interesting case. When she was working at a computer rental place, a depressed lady sat down next to her crying that she did not wish to live anymore. The practitioner prepared CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities and administered the first dose. The very next day the lady came looking for her saying that she had witnessed a miracle as, for the first time, she was able to sleep through the night without any tormenting thoughts. Since then, this lady has not suffered from any bouts of depression.

Though all combos are powerful, the practitioner finds CC6.3 Diabetes exceptionally effective in regulating the disease and CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic and CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders, in balancing mental and emotional aspects. She has experienced great success in healing medical conditions like cancer, diabetes, hormonal disorders, infertility, autism, depression/emotional problems, arthritis, bone and skin afflictions.

She is thankful to Swami for giving her the role of vibrionics practitioner as it has sparked her interest in the integral health (physical & mental health & healthy relationships) of herself, her family and others. Both she and her husband turn to vibrionics when faced with any health challenges. She actively makes an effort to learn more about nutrition and health issues in order to provide her patients with useful suggestions to help complement their treatments for better outcomes and thus help them achieve a better quality of life. Inspired by Swami, she also guides her patients and gives them suggestions, according to the circumstances, in relation to human values and lifestyle. She feels vibrionics has transformed her into a more compassionate and confident person and helped further foster her thirst for knowledge.

Her advice to fellow practitioners is to never give up; with perseverance and full faith in Swami, He will guide us in the right direction.

Case to share