चिकित्सक की रुपरेखा
Vol 13 अंक 3
May / June 2022
Practitioner Profile 11235...India
Practitioner 11235...India is a science and law graduate, working as an accountant in a private firm in Cochin. In his spare time, he loves reading spiritual books and participates in service activities. It was in 1990 that he first read a book on Sai Baba, given to him by his cousin. While reading the book he felt transported to a different...(continued)
Practitioner Profile 02051...Chile
Practitioner 02051…Chile has a master's degree in strategies and resources for learning. Since migrating from Venezuela to Chile in 2018, both she and her husband, previously university professors, are having to do clerical jobs, due to their inability to obtain the necessary documentation from troubled Venezuela.
In April 1988,...(continued)
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