साई व्हाइब्रियोनिक्स पत्रिका

" जब आप किसी हतोत्साहित, निराष या रोग ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को देखते हो, वहीं आपका सेवा क्षेत्र है " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

चिकित्सक की रुपरेखा

Vol 7 अंक 6
November/December 2016

Practitioner Profile 00512...Slovenia

Practitioner 00512…Slovenia is a senior nurse by profession. Following her intuition since her youth she followed a career in healthcare. She had the opportunity of establishing consulting rooms, dispensaries and out-patient rooms to work with addicts and to help children and adults to change their way of life. In 1991 she founded the...(continued)

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