साई व्हाइब्रियोनिक्स पत्रिका

" जब आप किसी हतोत्साहित, निराष या रोग ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को देखते हो, वहीं आपका सेवा क्षेत्र है " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

रोगी तथा रोग का विवरण

Vol 6 अंक 2
March/April 2015

Skin rash on hands 02806...Malaysia

A 59-year-old lady complained of rashes and itchiness on hands and soles of her feet. She had the problem for 6 months. Her fingers bothered her the most. The practitioner observed fissures and cracks where the rash was on her fingers (as shown in the photos below). Her fingertips also had blisters. For symptomatic relief, she was applying steroid cream...(continued)

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Myasthenia gravis 10001...India

A female assistant practitioner aged 55 suffering from Myasthenia gravis (MG) since 2001, approached the practitioner for treatment in June 2014. All the muscles in her body had been affected, but she was especially bothered by three problems: 1. She had double vision and she had trouble keeping her eyes steady; this kept her from reading...(continued)

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Gangrene, Scar Tissue 01616...Croatia

An experienced practitioner aged 59 consulted a senior Practitioner 02793…USA for herself on a case of gangrene. She had been bitten by a dog in October 2014. Her right hand was mangled and the little finger was badly injured. Osteomyelitis developed in the finger bone and gangrene spread in the hand. The infection...(continued)

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Paradentosis 01619...Serbia

A woman aged 45 years developed symptoms of paradentosis in her lower jaw on 5 June 2014. She had strong inflammation, her teeth became wobbly, and her gums were red and painful. The acute symptoms had been going on for 20 days before the patient visited the dentist and he recommended tooth extraction....(continued)

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Gastritis 02897...UK

The practitioner writes: A female patient, aged 79, complained of fever, nausea, burning tongue, stomach pain and intermittent burning in the stomach. She could hardly eat because of the nausea and she was unable to take any spicy and hot food whatsoever. Food tasted very odd to her. Whenever she ate something even slightly sweet, it tasted bitter...(continued)

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Gustatory rhinitis 02870...USA

An 82-year old male, a medical doctor by profession, and who happens to be practitioner’s father, had gustatory rhinitis for the past 10 years. His nose would start to run as soon as he started eating --especially when he ate hot and spicy food during lunch and dinner.  His nose would run so continuously and profusely that the nasal...(continued)

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Claustrophobia 02806...Malaysia

A gentleman aged 74 had been suffering from claustrophobia for 7 years. When he was in closed spaces, for example, lifts, small toilets on airplanes, and other tight space, he would panic. He would need to escape and run to an open space. He had seen a psychologist and then as a last resort, a hypnotist.

On 18 February 2014, the patient was given:

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Breast cancer metastasized 10014...India

A 61-year-old woman in the terminal stage of breast cancer was referred to the practitioner by a Sai devotee in July 2009. The cancer had spread from patient’s right breast to nodes all over her chest and abdominal wall. It had formed a mass in her pancreas, involved her gallbladder and other digestive organs, and it had metastasized extensively...(continued)

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Neck wounds on a dog 02885...Argentina

The practitioner writes: Our dog Pitty was attacked by two dogs at my nephew’s farm. He had large gaping wounds on his neck. My nephew was away at the time, so the dog went unattended for four days. My nephew's mom cleaned the wound and gave him some medicine. When my nephew returned to the farm, he brought Pitty to town to see...(continued)

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