Vol 2 अंक 5
September 2011
मुद्रणीय संस्करण
संपूर्ण आवृत्ति की मुद्रित प्रति हेतु इस पृष्ठ की छपाई करें
From the Desk of Dr. Jit K Aggarwal
Dear Practitioners
You will all be happy to know that with Swami’s grace, we have been able to bring out a new version of the 108CC box. As a result of feedback from many practitioners and after three years of extensive research, we have revised the combos to cover over 1,100 medical conditions. The new box was duly placed in the sanctum sanctorum of Prashanti Mandir, for Swami’s blessings on 11 August 2011.
On 16 August, a small group of practitioners consisting of devotees from India, Germany, Italy, Poland, Russia, UK and USA gathered at the Head Office (S4-B1 PN) to offer the box to Swami and to pray to Him to infuse His Divine energy into the combos (See picture). We chanted Vedas and the Polish group sang some soulful bhajans. Finally, on 17 August, with the permission of the Ashram authorities, we offered the box at Bhagawan’s Mahasamadhi for the ultimate blessing. (See picture)
After Vijaydashmi on 6 October, the new 108CC master box will be available at the Head Office for practitioners for charging their individual boxes. A completely revised edition of the corresponding 108CC book will also be available from that time. As a wider range of medical conditions can be treated with the new combos, we hope that you will all take advantage of this revision and recharge your box when you next visit Prashanti. With Swami’s blessings we hope this revised edition will enable us to treat a lot more patients and serve the society better.
It is heartening to see that all of you are practicing vibrionics with as much, if not more, dedication in the difficult months we all have been through, with our beloved Swami having left His physical frame. Many more vibrionics camps are being held to reach out to those with the greatest need. One such medical camp was held on 2 August at the Sri Sathya Sai Govt. Junior College, Kothacheruvu near Puttaparthi. 300 patients (130 high school students, 70 primary school kids and 100 villagers) were treated. Four devoted practitioners from Puttaparthi dispensed vibrionics remedies for over five hours after which they ate lunch with the children at school. (See picture.) We would love to share news and pictures of various other medical camps being held in India and overseas, so don’t hesitate to send us details and photographs to be included in future newsletters.
Lastly, a small request... Each time you receive the newsletter, you will notice that your personal Register Number is shown in the subject line of the email. It would be of immense help to us if you could mention this number in all emails (reports, case studies, queries, etc) in the future. As the vibrionics community expands, it may not be possible for us to reply to queries in the future without this number.
We hope to see many of you in the months ahead, coming in to recharge your vibro boxes from the new Master box and also recharge your ‘batteries’ in Prashanti Nilayam to enable you to continue to do the seva that Swami has given us.
In loving service to Sai
Jit Aggarwal
16 August 2011: Practitioners prayerfully offering the 108CC Master box at Swami’s Lotus feet
17 August 2011: Vibrionics 108CC Master box offered at Bhagawan Baba’s Mahasamadhi
Multiple Problems 02813...Belgium
A 31-year-old man came to the practitioner because he had respiratory allergy since he was 15 years old. This prevented him from sleeping at night unless he took allopathic pills. He had been suffering from herpes for the last five years and just before coming to see the practitioner a new eruption had emerged. His brother had been recently diagnosed with cancer and he had been estranged from him due to an emotional problem; this had caused him a lot of unhappiness and stress over the years. The practitioner gave the following:
CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.2 Cleansing + CC21.8 Herpes...TDS
Even after the first dose the patient felt a little better and within a few days all symptoms had disappeared. He continued to take the medicine TDS for 3 weeks to safeguard against any reoccurrence and, thereafter, the practitioner gradually reduced the dosage.
Six weeks later he confirmed that his respiratory allergy had gone. He was sleeping well now without the use of drugs and had resolved all the difficulties he had with his brother. He told the practitioner, “Now I have a brother for the very first time in my life!”
The editor's comment:
The practitioner made the unusual decision of giving CC17.2 Cleansing instead of one of the respiratory combos for the respiratory allergy and as this combo cleanses on the physical, emotional and mental levels, it seems to have been the right choice. It is likely that all the patient’s problems were to do with his strained relations with his brother which had caused him a lot of anguish over the years. Swami says, “All diseases start in the mind”, and we Vibro practitioners should always remember this.
Hypothyroidism 02836...India
A man, aged 27, came to see the practitioner because he had been suffering from hypothyroidism since childhood. His symptoms were that he appeared lazy though, in fact, he was just lacking in energy. He was losing a lot of hair, his face was swollen, he was chronically anaemic and he suffered from lack of sleep due to nightmares. Intermittent allopathic treatment had been given during the last 12-15 years but without any substantial improvement and recently the condition seemed to be getting worse.
The practitioner gave the following:
CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain & Memory tonic…TDS.
One month later the patient showed some improvement. The nightmares had stopped and he could sleep well. The medicine was changed to:
CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC6.2 Hypothyroidism + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...TDS.
Two months later there was 50% improvement. Treatment continued with the same remedy and a further two months on, the patient had improved 95%. After another couple of months, with Swami’s grace, he was fully restored to good health.
The editor's comment:
This is a wonderful healing of a person who suffered from hypothyroidism for most of his life. Had he been given CC6.2 Hypothyroidism in the first prescription – perhaps, then, the healing could have been even faster. However, to have given CC18.1 Brain & Memory tonic was a good decision and must have helped significantly towards the patient’s recovery. As the patient had this problem for many years, we are sure the practitioner is keeping a careful check on the thyroid in order to avoid a relapse. The patient needs to continue with CC6.2 Hypothyroidism...OD to keep the thyroid healthy and in balance for some considerable time, possibly ongoing.
Eczema and Facial Tumour 02826...India
A 45-year-old woman came to the practitioner to be treated for eczema that started in the right side of the neck and continued into the scalp. It was very itchy. Five months ago she had developed a lemon-size tumour on her forehead with several tiny boils or lumps growing on it. For the past 5 years she had black pigmentation on parts of her body. She was anaemic and very depressed, possibly because of the worry, discomfort and embarrassment due to her appearance. She had taken antibiotics and other allopathic treatment as well as Ayurvedic treatment but without any success. The practitioner gave her:
CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC12.1 Immunity + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergy + CC21.6 Eczema …TDS for a month.
The patient returned after 20 days and reported the lumps on the tumour had disappeared and she was feeling more cheerful. Two months later, the size of the tumour had reduced by 50% and the eczema by 20%. Treatment was continued. After a further three months only tiny scales were now visible and her depression was a thing of the past. Treatment continued for a further 2 months after which the patient reported complete recovery, except for the black pigmentation, which did not improve.
Hip Pain 10080...India
The practitioner had a 72 year-old female patient with hip pain. It was so bad that she had not been able to move or get out of bed for some years. The practitioner gave her:
CC15.1 Brain & Emotional tonic + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.5 Spine…TDS
After taking the combo regularly for six months, the patient was able to get up and walk and felt fully recovered, so the medicine was discontinued.
The editor's comment:
When a patient is elderly it is often helpful, particularly with bone problems, to continue the combos at a reduced dosage.
Acute Lymphatic Leukaemia Leg 02826...India
A little boy (2 ½ years) developed leukaemia, a blood cancer. It started with a fever but the illness was confirmed a month later by the doctors where he was hospitalised. He was given chemotherapy and other allopathic medication. Two weeks after his treatment started, the grandparents of the boy collected Vibrionics remedies from the practitioner because they believed that as Vibrionics was blessed by Baba, their grandson would surely recover. The following combo was given:
CC2.1 Cancer + CC3.1 Anaemia + CC12.2 Children’s tonic…TDS
A month later, the grandparents reported that the little patient was cheerful although still weak after regularly taking vibro; the hospital report said that the patient was responding well. After the same combo had been given for another month, there was 25% improvement. Over the coming months the boy made steady progress and 8 months later he had fully recovered with the same combo, along with the allopathic medication. The practitioner gave the combo for a further month to counter any possibility of a relapse.
The editor's comment:
This is a very serious cancer that has a high mortality rate, so it was a blessing that the grandparents with their faith in Baba, insisted that the child should have the Vibro medicine as well as allopathic treatment, which might well have, tipped the scales to a complete healing. We think the practitioner will no doubt consider continuing the combo at a lower dosage e.g. OD, including CC12.2 Child tonic which was a very good addition to help the little boy through the trauma of the strong allopathic treatment that is required in treating this sort of cancer.
Cat with Urinary Infection 01150...Croatia
The practitioner’s daughter had a cat that developed a severe urinary Infection with pain and blood in the urine. The following was given:
NM21 KBS + OM15 Kidneys + BR11 Kidney Balance + SM27 Infection...TDS
Within 3 days the cat was better and recovered fully in a week's time.
The editor's comment:
If the 108CC Box had been available to the practitioner, the following could have been given with the same results: CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC13.2 Urinary tract Infection…TDS.
The Answer Corner
1. Question: Sometimes after treatment people do not return so I do not know whether they have been helped or not.
Answer: Make a follow-up appointment and write down the time and date on a card for them. Let them see that you are putting it down in your own appointment book. Tell them that they needn’t come if they are feeling better but they should call you to cancel the appointment if they are not coming. It is important to emphasise that they continue taking the medicine even after improvement to safeguard against the return of the problem.
2. Question: Many have aches and pains and not responded to CC20.3 + CC20.4 + CC20.5
Answer: First, you must ask your patient when the aches and pains began and if they started after an injury, an accident or bout of a disease. If they were caused by an injury or accident, CC10.1 + CC20.2 should help them. CC10.1 is important because they may still be suffering from the trauma of the accident. If the pains started after they had chikungunya or dengue then give CC9.1. Note that this remedy needs to be taken over a long period, i.e. at least one to three months.
3. Question: Some people wish to pay me and are not happy to take medicine for free; so they stop coming because they feel they are violating the law of fair exchange.
Answer: Explain to your patients that you practice vibrionics as a form of seva (the principle of which is to help others without expecting or receiving any sort of return). The reward is your happiness in serving the community in this way. If, however, they feel uncomfortable with this, they can donate whatever they wish to the Sathya Sai Trust or any other charity of their choice. Alternatively, the patient can give you a cheque in the name of Sathya Sai Trust and you can forward this to the Trust office.
4. Question: Will vibro medicines lose their potency if people take them when travelling in trains and elevators etc, where other people are carrying their mobile phones?
Answer: The problem with travelling anywhere these days is the rampant use of mobiles and for this reason, if you are using the SRHVP, it is important to add NM45 Atomic Radiation + SR324 X-ray to the new bottle of alcohol before starting to use it. If you are using the 108CC box, every combo bottle therein has already been charged with these two remedies. Nevertheless, as most of the working environment these days has computers or mobiles somewhere in the vicinity and although our vibrionics remedies are protected against radiation, we do not feel able to confirm that the remedies are permanently safe if left constantly near mobiles, televisions and computers.
We suggest you tell your patients that unless they have to take the remedies more than three or four times a day, they should take one dose on waking up, one before going to work or on return from work and one before going to bed. At home they should keep their bottle safely in the bathroom or any room that is free from radiation. If they are taking the remedy more frequently, then they should put a few pills in a separate bottle for travelling and wrap the bottle in a piece of aluminium foil – this will help block the radiation to some extent.
Practitioners: Do you have a question for Dr. Aggarwal? Send it to him at [email protected]
Divine Words from the Master Healer
“In this era of technology it is becoming increasingly difficult to lead a peaceful life; people are falling victim to various physical and mental ailments. Many people in the cities which are on the front line of civilization, have lost the delight of natural sleep. They experience only artificial sleep induced by tablets. Due to such excessive use of medication, heart and blood pressure problems are on the rise. People are becoming unhealthy wrecks who are lost in fear and anxiety. Drugs and pills are produced in millions, but the general health has not improved. In fact new varieties of illnesses have emerged and are developing fast. Only a few intelligent people have realized the efficacy of yoga and other spiritual practices. This they have confirmed through their own experience.”
-Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 22: ”Eternal Truths”
“All work should be done as an offering to God. One should not be idle. Whatever work one does, it should be done with a feeling of love. You can take up any work that is appropriate for your aptitudes and capacity. While doing such sacred work, you must continue to worship your favourite form of the Divine. People say many obstacles occur when one undertakes sadhana (spiritual practices). When obstacles come they should be taken as tests. Tests are intended not as punishment but for ascertaining one's fitness for promotion. Frequent tests mean repeated opportunities for promotion. If there is a big time lag between tests, it only means that promotion is not possible for a long time. One must face the obstacles in one’s sadhana in this spirit and try to overcome them.”
-Sathya Sai Baba, Divine Discourse, July 7, 1985
Forthcoming Workshops
India Prashanthi Nilayam: 3 October 2011 for Senior VPs.
India Prashanthi Nilayam: 8-9 October 2011 for JVPs. Contact Dr J K Aggarwal
India Delhi: 29 October 2011 first workshop for JVPs.
India Delhi:19-20 November 2011 workshop for JVPs. Contact your local Samiti Convenor
Poland Wroclaw: 11-12 November 2011 refresher workshop for all JVPs and full practitioners and it will cover a review of interesting cases. Contact Dariusz Hebisz at 071-349 5010 or by email at [email protected].
2 September 2011: Vibrionics Health Camp held near Puttaparthi 300 patients treated
In Addition
Several studies published in the International Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders show that coconut oil helps keep weight off. One study measured fat burning and calorie expenditure in obese men who ate coconut oil – not only were both accelerated, but the coconut oil also resulted in diminished fat storage. Another study evaluated women who followed a diet for 27 days in which 30% of their daily total calories came from medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), the kind found in coconut oil, and it was found to boost fat burning and calorie expenditure. The MCTs also feed healthy bacteria in the large intestine and fight off harmful pathogens in the digestive tract.
Coconut oil also contains some other very healthy fatty acids, including lauric acid, which is known to be antimicrobial and protective against the bacterium H. Pylori, and capric acid which has strong anti-yeast properties. Like omega-3 oils, coconut oil reduces blood "stickiness" -- a factor in heart disease. The natives of the Trobriand Island in New Guinea, who consume about 80% of their daily calories from coconut and coconut oil, have virtually no ischemic heart disease or stroke and they are also notable in their apparent lack of excess body fat.
More research is needed to learn how much coconut oil one might consume to promote weight loss, though you can cook with it, blend it in a smoothie, or use it on rice or pasta and it is always a good addition to any curry you might make. So a tablespoon with each meal would be a reasonable starting point, and could also bring a healthy addition to your diet. When you buy coconut oil avoid those labelled ‘RBD’, this stands for “refined, bleached and deodorized” and that means it has been processed with chemicals. Choose those labelled “extra virgin coconut oil” or “organic coconut oil”.
Source: Sally Fallon Morell, MA President, Weston A. Price Foundation
Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.
A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.
Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital. Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their life!!
Cholesterol can clog the heart's blood vessels, but it can also affect the legs, leading to Peripheral Arterial Disease, or PAD. Up to 12 million people in the US and an unknown number worldwide, have PAD, which is linked to a higher risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke, says David Slovut, MD, director of advanced interventional therapy at Montefiore Medical Centre. After five years, 20% of people with PAD will have had a nonfatal heart attack.
Here are 11 signs you could have PAD. The good news? It's treatable.
Pain in the Legs
An extremely common PAD symptom is claudication, a type of leg pain or discomfort. Because the arteries are clogged, they can't deliver enough blood to the legs to support exertion. Some people say their legs feel "heavy" or tired, or they report a burning pain, Dr. Slovut says. The pain can be in any part of the leg, from the calf to the thigh or buttock, and it may be in one or both legs. It's also reproducible: The pain happens when walking a certain distance (like two blocks), it's relieved by rest, and then occurs again when walking the same distance.
Night time Cramps
While sleeping, people with PAD may get cramps or spasms, typically in the heel, forefoot, or toes, says Darren Schneider, MD, director of the Centre for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at New York– Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Centre. The pain can often be relieved by dangling the foot off the bed or sitting in a chair, which allows gravity to assist blood flow to the feet, Dr. Schneider says.
Skin and Nail Changes
PAD can cause changes in the toenails and the skin on the legs. Because the legs aren't receiving normal blood flow or nourishment, you may notice that you are losing hair on the feet and legs, or that it's growing back more slowly if you shave it. The skin on the legs may get shiny and tight, and toenails may thicken or grow more slowly. All of these are usually experienced together, Dr. Schneider says.
Unusual Skin Colouring
One of the things doctors look for is a change in the colour of your legs. When raised, a leg may be white because of compromised blood flow. Then, when the leg is dangled from the table, it can turn reddish or purplish in colour, says Dr. Schneider, because the body has dilated the blood vessels to increase flow to the feet. In some people with PAD, the feet or toes are pale or bluish when they're sitting, due to a lack of circulation.
Cold Feet
Feet or legs that feel cold, or are cool to the touch, may be an indicator that you have PAD. But it's not really the best indicator, says Dr. Schneider. That's because this is a common problem, and it can happen to anyone as they age—even someone without PAD. However, if you feel like one leg or foot is cold, but not the other, it could be time to talk to your doctor.
Sores that Don't Heal
In people with more advanced PAD, a reduction in circulation can result in foot ulcers that don't heal. Known as ischemic ulcers, these should be treated quickly, says Dr. Schneider. The ulcers may be brown or black, and they're often painful (as opposed to diabetic foot ulcers, which may be painless due to diabetes-related nerve damage).
Erectile Dysfunction
This is not a common occurrence, but it is possible for PAD to cause erectile dysfunction, Dr. Slovut says. The internal iliac arteries provide the blood supply for erections. If both are closed or severely clogged, it can cause erectile dysfunction (ED). "The number of patients who have ED on the basis of a vascular problem is a minority of them. I don't see it a lot, but it can be a vascular problem," Dr. Slovut says.
Numbness or Weakness
If your legs or feet feel numb or weak while you are resting, it could be a sign of PAD. "Some patients will just say their legs get weak and feel like they will give out, and some get numbness in their feet," says Dr. Schneider. People who have symptoms at rest, not just while walking or exercising, usually have more severe PAD, he says.
Atrophy of Calf Muscles
People with more advanced PAD may experience atrophy, or a reduction in the size of their calf muscle. On the microscopic level, a lack of adequate blood flow can lead to a decline in the number and size of muscle fibres. In fact, those with severe PAD can lose more than half of their muscle fibres in an affected area, and the remaining muscle fibres tend to atrophy or shrink in size.
Tissue Death
About 80% of people with PAD never progress beyond having relatively mild symptoms, says Dr. Schneider, but a small minority of people can experience extreme symptoms. In advanced stages, the disease can cause tissue death and even gangrene, which can be limb- and life-threatening, he says. PAD can even lead to amputation in some cases, but quitting smoking, eating healthy, taking medication, and even having bypass or angioplasty can improve circulation in the leg.
No Symptoms at All
Most people with PAD have no symptoms. However, people at a greater risk for PAD may want to be tested, since the disease ups your chance of heart attack and stroke. PAD is more likely to occur in smokers, people over 50, and those with diabetes. You're also more likely to get PAD if you have high cholesterol or blood pressure, or a strong family history of heart disease or stroke. Source:Health.com
Om Sai Ram