साई व्हाइब्रियोनिक्स पत्रिका

" जब आप किसी हतोत्साहित, निराष या रोग ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को देखते हो, वहीं आपका सेवा क्षेत्र है " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Motor impairment in elderly dog 03558...France

A 14-year-old female Golden retriever’s health gradually deteriorated over the past 10 months. She had lost her appetite and had to be forced to drink in spite of the heat. She stayed lying in the same place for hours in semi-coma and was losing muscle. The veterinarian diagnosed that she had motor impairment (muscle wasting), was severely fatigued and her hind legs were no longer carrying her weight. Considering the life expectancy of a Golden retriever is 10-12 years, he did not prescribe any medicine but recommended euthanasia. On 5 August 2019 the owners contacted the practitioner who gave the following remedy:

#1. CC1.1 Animal tonic + CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC18.4 Paralysis + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS to be put in her water bowl

A week later the owners were delighted to report a marked change in her condition. They no longer needed to force her to eat or drink. When carried outside she would stretch and roll on the grass. Over the next eight months, there was a slow but steady improvement, so #1 was continued. In March 2020, her diet of packaged croquettes and patties was replaced by fresh vegetables and meat. This further helped in her healing. On 22 April, the owners mentioned that although taking small steps, she had started to go for walks with them. At this juncture, #1 was enhanced to:

#2. CC3.7 Circulation + CC20.5 Spine + #1…TDS

Improvement continued over the next several months and on 8 January 2021, the owners reported that her mobility and morale are almost normal. So the dosage was reduced to BD for three weeks followed by the maintenance dosage OD. Already 16 years old in January 2021, she continues to do well.

 Patient’s message

After one week of starting the treatment, the owners wrote, "It is a resurrection! She is alive again, has appetite, eats and drinks normally. She has regained her joy of living by stretching and rolling on the grass. The treatment is good for her and for us too!”