साई व्हाइब्रियोनिक्स पत्रिका

" जब आप किसी हतोत्साहित, निराष या रोग ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को देखते हो, वहीं आपका सेवा क्षेत्र है " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Primary infertility 03572...Gabon

A 33-year-old woman could not conceive even after six years of marriage, despite several medical examinations and allopathic treatment for over 3 years. The attending doctors could not diagnose the cause as the medical reports did not show any abnormality. On 1 October 2018, she visited the practitioner in a desperate state as she was the only childless daughter in her family of four siblings. She disclosed that for the past 10 years, she had been under some black magic spell. She felt the presence of a big worm moving in her belly and an invisible entity always beside her, this was very scary. Sometimes she heard footsteps late at night, in and out of her house and also near the window in her room. These happenings filled her with fear and she lost her appetite and weight over the years.

The practitioner made her feel at ease and gave the following remedy:
#1. CC3.7 Circulation + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC17.2 Cleansing…TDS to spray on her body and in the house…TDS  
#2.. CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.4 Ovaries & Uterus + CC8.5 Vagina & Cervix + CC10.1 Emergencies + #1…TDS  

After 5 weeks on 6 November, the patient reported that she no longer heard any footsteps or felt the presence of worm in her belly or any invisible being; all these had gradually vanished within 2 weeks. She could now eat and digest food properly. But she started having dreams of someone hitting her on her stomach while she was lying on her back and she would retaliate every time she had that dream. Interestingly, the dream would stop the moment she turned to her side! She was advised to continue the remedies. 

After another 7 weeks on 26 December 2018, she reported something missing within her but could not identify or locate what it was, though none of the black magic happenings recurred either in her dreams or otherwise. The practitioner put the first pill of #1 in her mouth with intense prayer and she joined in the prayer in total silence. Dosage of #1 was enhanced to 6TD for 5 days, then back to TDS.

On 5 February 2019, the patient shared the good news that she was two months and two days pregnant and was feeling very relaxed and happy, free of fear. The practitioner gave her the following additional remedy to prevent miscarriage and reduce nausea:
#3. CC8.2 Pregnancy tonic + CC8.9 Morning sickness + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS to be continued till one month after childbirth.

In the first week of August 2019, the expectant mother had conveyed that as per her doctor, child in the womb was safe and normal and she was expected to deliver in the first week of September 2019. None of the symptoms had recurred and she continued to take #1 to #3. On 23 August 2019, she gave birth to a healthy girl child, though it was through C-section. She has been advised to stop #1 and #2 and given: 
#4. CC10.1 Emergencies…TDS, with advice to continue #3 and #4 until 23 September 2019.

The mother and child are doing well, and were back home on 27 August 2019.