साई व्हाइब्रियोनिक्स पत्रिका

" जब आप किसी हतोत्साहित, निराष या रोग ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को देखते हो, वहीं आपका सेवा क्षेत्र है " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) & Rapid Pulse (WPW) in a Cat 02667...UK

The practitioner’s cat, a 15-year-old ginger-coloured neutered male named Garfield, was diagnosed with three serious diseases. The first was inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) affecting the small intestine, pancreas and liver. Symptoms included vomiting and loose stools. Antibiotic tablets were prescribed by the veterinarian but it was difficult for his human caretaker to administer these without being painfully scratched, so the medicines were potentised in the SRHVP to make his vibrionics remedy. 

In addition, the cat had Wolfe-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome, a rare heart condition that caused a rapid pulse of up to 400-500 beats per minute (For a cat, a normal pulse is 200 beats per minute). Also, the vet suspected a blockage in the heart’s electrical system caused by a clot or tumour and prescribed a beta-blocker and aspirin. Again there were substantial problems in giving the medications. The cat also suffered side-effects from them after they were given, so a replacement vibro treatment was broadcast by the practitioner.

For IBD: 
#1. CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.7 Gallstones...6TD

For WPW:
#2. CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC3.2 Bleeding disorders + CC3.6 Pulse irregular + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic...6TD  

For cardiac blockage:
#3. Beta-blocker and heart pills potentised in SRHVP...BD

For overall health:
#4. CC1.1. Animal tonic...TDS 

The duration of the broadcasts varied from 1 minute to 9 minutes depending on the cat’s condition and what the practitioner felt guided to do. 

For two months Garfield was stable but had little appetite or interest in drinking, so a potentised steroid was also broadcast. As the cat became weaker, the practitioner also started broadcasting potentised food remedies to him every day. This helped Garfield’s digestion and seemed to prompt him to start drinking again. The effects of the broadcasts were noticeable because he always perked up during broadcast. However, one day the practitioner found him in very poor health having vomited in the morning. His back legs had stopped functioning. The practitioner suspected that the paralysis was caused by the heart condition. She put him on the sofa and immediately broadcast:

#5. CC10.1 Emergencies…for 9 minutes

The combo calmed him within minutes. Not wishing Garfield to suffer any longer, the practitioner called the vet to arrange for him to be put to sleep that evening. It was Baba’s Grace that it was not possible to take Garfield any earlier because the cat responded to the very next broadcast: 

#6. CC18.4 Paralysis…for 9 minutes or more

When the practitioner returned to Garfield a short time later, she found him hobbling toward his litter! She decided then and there that, even though he was doing poorly, the cat was not ready to be put to sleep, so she cancelled the evening appointment with the vet and spent the night watching over him. She continued hourly broadcasts of #1, #2, #4, #5 and #6, and also:

For a peaceful end:
#7. SR272 Arsen Alb 10M

For this cat, however, this was not the time to leave.  After the broadcasts, he stopped vomiting and started walking without wobbling. His appetite also returned. With patience and care, Garfield continued to improve.  During this recovery period he caught, killed and presented the practitioner with a rat, demonstrating he was nearly ready to return to his job.

Editor’s note: A shortened version of this case was published in the 2014 International Sai Vibrionics Conference Proceedings. This extended version provides evidence of how effective broadcasting can be and shows how useful it can be to make potentised remedies with the SRHVP.