साई व्हाइब्रियोनिक्स पत्रिका

" जब आप किसी हतोत्साहित, निराष या रोग ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को देखते हो, वहीं आपका सेवा क्षेत्र है " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Skin allergy 11658...India

For the past 30 years, a 45-year-old woman had allergy on both her hands, whenever she touched soap or vegetables. Her palms would darken and noticeable lines and cuts would appear, particularly around her nails. Once a month or so, these cuts would bleed, and she would get a fever. Occasionally, her palms would itch. She resorted to ayurvedic cream, petroleum jelly, and mustard oil which provided only temporary relief. This made it difficult for her to manage daily tasks without assistance. She never consulted any doctor believing this to be incurable, having witnessed similar condition in her father.  Upon learning about the efficacy of vibrionics, she promptly consulted the practitioner on 28 Dec 2023 and was given:

CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.5 Dry Sores...TDS and in virgin coconut oil for external application…BD

She stopped applying her usual creams and oil. Within three days on 30 Dec, she reported 80% relief in her symptoms, this quickly progressed to 100% by 2 Jan 2024! She was astonished at the quick results; there was no trace of any allergy, even upon constant exposure to usual triggers. The dosage of the oral remedy was reduced to BD for a week, OD for another week and then tapered off before stopping on 5 Feb. The external remedy was reduced to OD which the patient prefers to continue. She expressed immense gratitude to vibrionics and referred two of her friends to the practitioner. 

As of Apr 2024, there has been no recurrence.

Patient’s testimonial:

“I was unable to do any household chores due to my skin allergy on palms right from my teens. After my marriage I was completely dependent on 3 maids, who do all my work. But after taking vibrionics remedy, I was shocked to see that I could do all my daily chores without any allergy on my palms. My palms are now very smooth and without any cuts. I am extremely thankful for this free seva. Now my daughter is also taking remedy for varicose veins on her legs. Even from next month I would like to take remedy to cure my migraine and muscular pains completely without depending on allopathic medications.”