Boletín deVibriónica Sai

" Cuando quiera que vean a una persona enferma, abatida o desconsolada, ahí está su campo de seva(servicio) " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 5 Número 1
January/February 2014
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Desde el escritorio del Dr Jit K Aggarwal

Queridos Practicantes:

Quisiera comenzar por desear a todos ustedes un muy Santo y Feliz Año Nuevo.

La cuenta regresiva ha comenzado y quedan pocos días antes de que tengamos la Primera Conferencia Internacional de Vibriónica Sai en Puttaparthi... ¡que emocionante! Las preparaciones se han vuelto frenéticas y tenemos muchos voluntarios que han estado trabajando día y noche para asegurarse de que todo fluirá suavemente el gran día – Domingo 26 de enero.

Quiero asegurar a todos los practicantes que se han registrado para asistir a la conferencia que el alojamiento en el ashram se dará a todos quienes lo requieran. Swami ha sido hospitalario y hemos prometido alojamiento en el bloque Norte 7 (N7) para los practicantes de las nueve de la mañana en adelante en enero 25 para entregar sus insignias y folders. Esto es muy importante porque solo podrán ingresar a la conferencia quienes tengan la insignia.  

El punto de reunión de la Conferencia es Peda Venkama Raju Kalyana Mandapam (El antiguo Mandir de Swami). Somos en verdad afortunados de que se nos haya dado este hall sagrado para celebrar nuestra conferencia.  Es una gran bendición que podamos conducir nuestros actos a través del día desde las 8 de la mañana hasta las 6 de la tarde.  La exposición de Vibiónica Sai estará abierta para los delegados el 26 y para el público el 27 en el mismo sitio. Tendremos una reunion/seminario en la mañana del 27. Se darán los detalles al momento de registrarse. Una copia del libro de las actas de la conferencia estará disponible después de la conferencia.  

Estoy seguro de que muchos de ustedes tendrán preguntas para hacer en la conferencia. Sírvanse entregarlas por escrito en la libreta para notas que se entrega con su juego en un folder. Se contestarán todas las preguntas ya sea durante la conferencia o al día siguiente (dependiendo del tiempo que tengamos). Las preguntas que queden sin responder serán tratadas en boletines subsiguientes.  

El desayuno se servirá para todos los delegados en el primer piso de la cantina india sur. El almuerzo y el té se servirán en el lugar de la conferencia. Habrá una cena de celebración en la Cantina India Norte para todos los delegados después de las conclusiones de la conferencia en la noche del 26.  

Swami siempre hizo énfasis en la importancia de la disciplina y estoy seguro de que todos nuestros participantes se comportarán de acuerdo a este ideal de un devoto Sai. Tenemos que agradarle manteniendo la disciplina en el Mandir de Prashanti. Todos los practicantes deben adherirse al código de vestuario – pantalón y camisas blancos para hombres y para las mujeres vestidos completos modestos como se usan en el Mandir.

Sabemos que Swami ha estado con nosotros en cada paso del camino desde la concepción hasta la ejecución de esta idea de tener una conferencia internacional. Swami puede no estar físicamente presente, pero con seguridad Él estará con nosotros en nuestro gran día para infundir a todos los presentes con Su amor. Al final de esta, esperamos que todos salgamos recargados para ir a casa y practicar vibriónica con renovada energía y entusiasmo.

Sabemos que todos aquellos que no pudieron asistir a la conferencia estarán allí en espíritu.

Una vez más, con los deseos de un bello 2014 lleno de Sai.

En amoroso servicio a Sai

 Jit Aggarwal

Incontinencia Urinaria 02765...India

Se le pidió al practicante que enviara un remedio de vibriónica a una niña de 12 años estudiante que sufría de incontinencia urinaria (enuresis) desde hacía mucho tiempo. Ella no podía asistir a los campamentos vibro que se hacían mensualmente ya que vivía distante del lugar. Se le envió el siguiente remedio por correo:
CC12.2 Child tonic + CC13.3 Incontinence...TDS

En el término de un mes el problema fue disminuyendo rápidamente, dando un gran alivio a la ansiosa madre y a la avergonzada niña.


Ampollas en el Cuello del Útero 11389...India

Una niña de 13 años había sufrido durante una semana de pequeñas ampollas blancas con pus en el cuello del útero. Causaban mucha piquiña y dolor. El 3 de Agosto de 2013 se le dió:
CC8.5 Vagina & Cervix...6TD por 3 días y TDS por 2 días.

En cuatro días las ampollas viejas desaparecieron pero al mismo tiempo aparecieron unas nuevas. El remedio se cambió para lo siguiente:
CC8.5 Vagina & Cervix + CC21.7 Fungus + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions...6TD por 5 días junto con la misma combinación en aceite de coco para aplicar en el área infectada. Después de este tratamiento quedó completamente curada.


Un Niño Nervioso y Necesitado 00534...UK

El paciente un niño de 7 años que empezó a agarrarse a su madre, no se soltaba de su mano en la puerta de la escuela y dondequiera que estuviera, necesitaba su presencia. Comía constantemente y luego enfermaba cuando iba a la escuela. También sufría de irritación alrededor del ano. El practicante le dio:
NM35 Worms + SR424 Chicory hecho en agua...5ml TDS.

El cambio tuvo lugar en dos días cuando le dijo a la madre: ‘vete’ en la puerta de la escuela y corrió rápidamente al salón de clases. Desde entonces ha hecho muchos amigos en la escuela, arregló su peso y se ha vuelto confiado y feliz.  

Infección del Oído Externo y Retención de Líquido en la Pierna 02711...Malaysia

Una señora de 64 años, había sufrido de supuración en los oídos por más de tres meses. El fluído tenía un olor nauseabundo. También durante 10 días sus piernas se habían puesto rojas e inflamadas. El médico le había prescrito antibióticos para el oído y pastillas para su retención de líquido. Se le dió el siguiente remedio el 13 de junio de 2011:
#1. NM16 Drawing + NM26 Penmycin + NM36 War + OM10 Ear + BR19 Ear…TDS

El 18 de junio de dijo a su médico que iba a suspender la toma de antibióticos para los oídos porque se sentía peor y que solamente tomaría los glóbulos de vibriónica porque eso no la hacía sentirse enferma. No obstante, su médico la envió a un especialista el 20 de junio. En su siguiente visita al practicante el 18 de junio se le dio: 
#2. NM36 War + OM10 Ear + BR19 Ear...OD para tomar hasta que se acabara la botella.

El 20 de junio cuando el especialista revisó sus oídos no encontró pus. Dijo que se veía normal y saludable excepto por cera que fue removida. En la siguiente cita con el practicante vibro el 22 de junio, el paciente informó que sus piernas, antes rojas e inflamadas, estaban mejor pero ahora creía que eso tenía que ver con la circulación. Se le dio el siguiente remedio para tomarse simultáneamente con el #2.
#3. NM32 Vein-Piles + BR18 Circulation + SM15 Circulation + + SR539 Vein…TDS

En su siguiente cita el 12 de Agosto, la paciente informó una recuperación del ciento por ciento en la infección del oído. No tenía pus en los oídos ni mal olor. También informó de una mejoría en la retención de líquido en sus piernas. Se le dieron los siguientes remedios el 12 de agosto de 2011 :
#4. BR18 Circulation + SM6 Stress + SR503 Ligament + SR510 Muscle...TDS

#5. CC12.1 Adult tonic... TDS

En marzo del 2012 la paciente informó una recuperación del ciento por ciento en sus piernas así como una sensación de más energía después de tomar las dos últimas combinaciones.


Picaduras de Escorpión 02765...India

Este practicante dice que cuando están tratando pacientes en los campamentos mensuales vibro, muchas personas vienen con picaduras de escorpión y tienen alivio inmediato cuando se les dá CC21.4 Stings & Bites. Y cuando el practicante no tiene su caja de 108 CC con él en un lugar remoto recientemente se obtuvieron resultados similares con  SR353 Ledum.



El rincón de las respuestas

1. Pregunta: ¿Cuál es la actitud correcta de los practicantes de Vibriónica hacia otros sistemas de sanación como la Alopatía, el Ayurveda, etc.

     Respuesta: Los  practicantes Vibro debería tener completo respeto por todos los otros sistemas. Creemos que cada sistema de sanación prevaleciente tiene su rol que jugar. El hecho real es que no hay un sistema específico en el mundo que pueda curar todos los problemas de salud. Cada sistema tiene sus propios méritos y limitaciones. Si un Sistema particular trabaja bien para una persona, esa persona debería seguirlo. En algunas situaciones un sistema particular puede ser más efectivo que otros pero lo contrario puede suceder también en una situación diferente de salud con la misma persona.

De modo que dejen que el paciente escoja uno o más sistemas para diferentes problemas de acuerdo a su necesidad y deseo. Lo que es importante es que el paciente tenga fe en el sistema de salud que escoja. No hay necesidad de ninguna disputa por los diferentes sistemas. De acuerdo con la terapia vibro, Dios es el único sanador. Los practicantes vibro creen que ellos son solo instrumentos de Dios y que están sirviendo a Dios residente en todos los pacientes.  


2. Pregunta: Ya han pasado casi dos años desde que fuí entrenado en la caja de 108CC. ¿Hay algo especial que necesite hacer ahora o en el futuro para mantener las vibraciones de las combinaciones totalmente potentes?

    Respuesta: Se recomienda fuertemente que usted recargue su caja de 108CC cada dos años. Debe ir a su entrenador para que le ayude con la recarga. Sea consciente de que antes de que su entrenador le ayude, debe haber una confirmación de que usted ha estado enviando los informes mensuales con regularidad. De lo contrario, usted debe enviar los informes de los últimos seis meses para calificar para una recarga de la caja de 108CC.


3. Pregunta: Estoy confundido sobre cómo debo contar los pacientes para mi informe mensual porque algunos me vienen a ver más de una vez para el mismo o diferente asunto.

     Respuesta: En un mes dado, todos los pacientes que vienen por primera vez serán contados como pacientes NUEVOS. Todos aquellos que han venido antes contarán como pacientes ANTIGUOS. En cualquier mes un paciente se cuenta una sola vez sin importar el número de visitas que haya hecho..


Divine Words from the Master Healer

“Wherever you are, whatever work you do, do it as an act of worship, as an act of dedication, and an act glorifying God who is the Inspirer, the Witness, and the Master. Do not divide your activities into categories such as „these are for my sake‟ and „these are for God‟s sake.”

-Love All, Serve All, Help Ever Hurt Never, Book Commemorating Sathya Sai Baba‟s 80th Birthday, 2005



“Disinterested service will ennoble man and raise his stature. Men have to cultivate qualities like love, sympathy, fairness, compassion and forgiveness. Only when one has these qualitites will he be able to render didicated service. To get rid of the deep-seated maliase in them, men have to realise that the body has been given not to serve its own interests but to serve others.”

-Love All, Serve All, Help Ever Hurt Never, Book Commemorating Sathya Sai Baba‟s 80th Birthday, 2005 


India: Kasaragod in Kerala: AVP workshop in February 2014, contact Rajesh Raman at [email protected] or by telephone at 8943-351 524 / 8129-051 524.

India: Puttaparthi: AVP workshop 28-30 January 2014, contact Hem at [email protected]

India: Puttaparthi: SVP workshop 28 Jan - 1 Feb 2014, contact Hem at [email protected]

All Trainers: If you have a workshop scheduled, send details to: [email protected] 

In Addition

Sai Vibrionics offers health information and articles for educational purposes only; this information is not meant as medical advice. Counsel your patients to see their medical doctor about their specific medical condition. 

Vitamin D: Benefits and Disease Prevention 

Vitamin D is a nutrient found in some foods essential for health and the maintenance of strong bones. It does so by helping the body to absorb calcium (one of bone's main building blocks) both from food and supplements. Together with calcium, vitamin D helps protect older adults from osteoporosis.

Vitamin D is important to the body in many other ways as well. Muscles need it to move, nerves need it to carry messages between the brain and every body part, and the immune system needs vitamin D to fight off invading bacteria and viruses.

Vitamin D and Sunlight

Your body can make its own vitamin D when you expose your skin to sunlight. Vitamin D is unique among vitamins, because your body turns vitamin D into a hormone. This hormone is sometimes called ―activated vitamin D‖ or ―calcitriol.‖

Getting the right amount of vitamin D doesn‘t depend on the foods you eat. To get enough vitamin D you need to expose your skin to sunlight regularly and you may also need to take supplements. This makes getting the right amount a little more complex compared to other vitamins and minerals.

However, despite the importance of the sun to vitamin D synthesis, it is prudent to limit exposure of skin to sunlight in order to lower the risk of skin cancer. When out in the sun for more than a few minutes wear protective clothing and apply sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of 8 or more. Tanning beds also cause the skin to make vitamin D, but pose similar risks for skin cancer.

Why Do We Need Vitamin D?

  •   Absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorous, which have various functions, especially in the maintenance of healthy bones.

  •   Regulates the immune system.

  •   Aids the immune system - vitamin D may be an important way to arm the immune system against disorders like the common cold, report scientists from the University of Colorado, Denver School of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital and Children's Hospital Boston.

  •   MS risk - it may reduce the risk of developing multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is much less common the nearer you get to the plentiful sunlight of the tropics, according to Dennis Bourdette, chairman of the Department of Neurology and director of the Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology Center at Oregon Health and Science University, USA.

  •   Maintaining cognitive functions - vitamin D may play a key role in helping brain function in later life, according to a study of 3000 European men between the ages of 40 and 79.

  •   Healthy body weight - vitamin D probably plays an important role in maintaining a healthy body weight, according to research carried out at the Medical College of Georgia, USA.

  •   Asthma symptoms and frequency - it reduces the severity and frequency of asthma symptoms, and also the likelihood of hospitalizations due to asthma, researchers from Harvard Medical School found after monitoring 616 children in Costa Rica.

  •   Rheumatoid arthritis - it has been shown to reduce the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis in women.

  •   Protects from radiation damage - a form of vitamin D might be one of our body's main protections against damage from low levels of radiation, say radiological experts from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

  •   Vitamin D and cancer risk - various studies have shown that people with adequate levels of vitamin D have a significantly lower risk of developing cancer, compared to those whose levels are low. Vitamin D deficiency was found to be prevalent in cancer patients regardless of nutritional status in a study carried out by the Cancer Treatment Centers of America.

  •   T.B. recovery - high vitamin D doses can help people recover from tuberculosis more rapidly, researchers reported in September 2012, in the Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

  Heart attack risk - a study published in September 2012 suggested that low levels of vitamin D may increase the risk of heart attack and early death.

Eight Important Facts about Vitamin D

1. Vitamin D is produced by your skin in response to exposure to ultraviolet radiation from natural sunlight.

2. The healing rays of natural sunlight (that generate vitamin D in your skin) cannot penetrate glass. So you don't generate vitamin D when sitting in your car or home.

3. It is nearly impossible to get adequate amounts of vitamin D from your diet. Sunlight exposure is the only reliable way to generate vitamin D in your own body.

4. A person would have to drink ten tall glasses of vitamin D fortified milk each day just to get minimum levels of vitamin D into their diet.

5. The further you live from the equator, the longer exposure you need to the sun in order to generate vitamin D.

6. Sufficient levels of vitamin D are crucial for calcium absorption in your intestines. Without sufficient vitamin D, your body cannot absorb calcium, rendering calcium supplements useless.

7. Chronic vitamin D deficiency cannot be reversed overnight: it takes months of vitamin D supplementation and sunlight exposure to rebuild the body's bones and nervous system.

8. Even weak sunscreens (SPF=8) block your body's ability to generate vitamin D by 95%. This is how sunscreen products actually cause disease -- by creating a critical vitamin deficiency in the body. It is impossible to generate too much vitamin D in your body from sunlight exposure: your body will self-regulate and only generate what it needs.

Vitamin D is "activated" in your body by your kidneys and liver before it can be used, therefore Kidney or liver disease or liver damage can greatly impair your body's ability to activate circulating vitamin D.

Diseases and Vitamin D Deficiency

Osteoporosis is commonly caused by a lack of vitamin D, which greatly impairs calcium absorption.

  • Sufficient vitamin D prevents prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, depression, colon cancer and schizophrenia.

  • "Rickets" is the name of a bone-wasting disease caused by vitamin D deficiency.

  • Vitamin D deficiency may exacerbate type 2 diabetes and impair insulin production in the pancreas.

  • Obesity impairs vitamin D utilization in the body, meaning obese people need twice as much vitamin D.

  • Vitamin D is used around the world to treat Psoriasis.

  • Vitamin D deficiency is reported in schizophrenia.

  • Seasonal Affective Disorder is caused by a melatonin imbalance initiated by lack of exposure to sunlight.

  • Chronic vitamin D deficiency is often misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia because its symptoms are so similar: muscle weakness, aches and pains.

  • Your risk of developing serious diseases like diabetes and cancer is reduced 50% - 80% through simple, sensible exposure to natural sunlight 2-3 times each week.

  • Infants who receive vitamin D supplementation (2000 units daily) have an 80% reduced risk of developing Type 1 Diabetes over the next twenty years.

Diet and Vitamin D 

Groups at Risk of Vitamin D Inadequacy

Breastfed infants
Vitamin D requirements cannot ordinarily be met by human milk alone. The vitamin D content of human milk is related to the mother's vitamin D status, so mothers who supplement with high doses of vitamin D may have correspondingly high levels of this nutrient in their milk.

Older adults
Older adults are at increased risk of developing vitamin D insufficiency in part because, as they age, skin cannot synthesize vitamin D as efficiently, they are likely to spend more time indoors, and they may have inadequate intakes of the vitamin.

People with limited sun exposure
Homebound individuals, women who wear long robes and head coverings for religious reasons, and people with occupations that limit sun exposure are unlikely to obtain adequate vitamin D from sunlight.

People with dark skin
Greater amounts of the pigment melanin in the epidermal layer result in darker skin and reduce the skin's ability to produce vitamin D from sunlight. Various reports consistently show lower serum 25(OH)D levels in persons identified as black compared with those identified as white. People with dark skin pigmentation may need 20 - 30 times as much exposure to sunlight as fair-skinned people to generate the same amount of vitamin D.

People with inflammatory bowel disease and other conditions causing fat malabsorption
Because vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, its absorption depends on the gut's ability to absorb dietary fat. Individuals who have a reduced ability to absorb dietary fat might require vitamin D supplementation.

People who are obese or who have undergone gastric bypass surgery
A body mass index ≥30 is associated with lower serum 25(OH)D levels compared with non-obese individuals; people who are obese may need larger than usual intakes of vitamin D to achieve 25(OH)D levels comparable to those of normal weight.

Testing For Vitamin D 
Having a blood test to measure the amount of vitamin D in your blood is the only way to know if you‘re getting enough vitamin D. The blood test you need is called a 25(OH)D blood test.



An Onion a Day May Keep the Doctor Away (Part 1 of 3) 


Since the onion provides so many health benefits and is so widely used around the world in cooking it is not possible to cover all of the health benefits in one newsletter, hence, we will be dividing this topic into three parts. Parts two and three will in future issues.


An onion a day may very well keep the doctor away. The onion, like garlic, is a member of the Allium family, and both are rich in sulfur-containing compounds that are responsible for their pungent odors and for many of their health-promoting effects. Although Sathya Sai Baba urges us to take Sathwic food, He says that the onion, generally considered Rajasic, has its advantages. In His discourses, He has praised this humble onion by endorsing the popular Telugu saying, "the good done by the onion (ulli) is not done by your own mother (thalli)!'' He recommends that we take one white onion a day to reduce the buildup of cholesterol in the blood vessels. He has also praised onions for improving our digestive power.

The onion (Allium Cepa) is packed with health promoting chemicals. In particular, it has three families of compounds that provide benefits to health— fructans, flavonoids and organosulfur compounds. Fructans are carbohydrate molecules that help maintain digestive health by supporting beneficial bacteria. Onions are especially rich in the flavonoid called quercetin, a powerful antioxidant. The organ sulfur compounds in onions are formed when the onion is cut and the cell walls are disrupted. Combined, these compounds provide powerful protection against many illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, respiratory illnesses, diabetes, and infections.

Onion and the Heart

Heart attacks
In a study published in the European Journal of Nutrition, Italian researchers, found that those who had a diet rich in onions (consuming one or more onions a week) were 22 percent less likely to have a heart attack than people who hardly ever ate onions.

Onions raise the level of “good” HDL cholesterol and lower the “bad” LDL cholesterol
When it comes to onions the more pungent the onion the better. Research has shown that eating onions raises levels of ―good‖ HDL cholesterol. Just eating half a medium size of the hotter or more pungent variety of the raw yellow or white onion, or its equivalent juice a day is usually enough to dramatically raise ―good‖ HDL cholesterol by an average of 30% in about three out of four heart patients, according to Dr. Victor Gurewich, a cardiologist and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, USA, who advises all his patients with coronary heart disease to eat onions daily. But he says that this effect is lessened the more the onions are cooked. Of the more than 150 chemicals found in onions, researchers are not quite sure which ones boost the ―good‖ HDL, but they are quite sure that raw onions work better; cooking reduces or destroys the onion's powers to raise HDLs. The active agent appears to be the one that gives the onions their strong, pungent taste. The major effect comes from the hotter white and yellow varieties rather than the milder onions although milder onions affect your health in different ways.

Research has shown that eating onions can lower your ―bad‖ LDL blood cholesterol. In one study, forty- five healthy people in New Delhi were given a 3000-calories-a-day high-fat diet for fifteen days. Their blood cholesterol rose from an average 219 to 263. But, just eating one tablespoon or 10 grams of onion a day with their fatty meals dramatically reduced their blood cholesterol to an average 237.

Onions Discourage Blood Clot Formation
Onion, like aspirin, serves as an anti-coagulant, which helps prevent dangerous blood clots that obstruct the flow of blood through the circulatory system. These obstructive clots choke off the oxygen supply to different parts of the body such as the heart or the brain causing heart attacks or stroke. While some onion chemicals keep the platelets (that form the clots) from sticking together, others dissolve clots as they form. After a decade of research, British and Indian scientists have offered powerful evidence that onions are the best choice for your heart. In a study, they first fed men a very high fat meal, with butter and cream, and noted that their clot-dissolving activity dropped markedly. Then they gave them the same fatty meal, but this time added two oz. (about 60 g.) of onions, raw, boiled or fried. Blood drawn two and four hours after the fatty meal revealed that the onions had completely blocked the fat's damaging blood-clotting abilities. In fact, less than half a cup of onions completely reversed the ability of fat to block the clot-dissolving activity.

These studies, which show the beneficial effect of consuming onions on the heart, may very well explain the French Paradox—the fact that there is a low incidence of heart disease in French people despite the fact that French people generally consume a diet high in saturated fats. This would make sense as almost no French recipe excludes the onion. In fact a large survey showed that onion and garlic lovers had better blood profiles (cholesterol, triglycerides and HDLs) than those who avoided these two members of the Allium family. Even those who ate some onions such as a cup of onions a week showed lower blood cholesterol and better cardiovascular health.

Onions and Blood Pressure
When one group with hypertension was given 730 mg. of quercetin a day for 28 days, their blood pressure dropped between 2 and 7 points Systolic and 2 to 5 point Diastolic compared with no change in the group given the placebo.

In another study, 2-3 tablespoons of onion essential oil lowered blood pressure in 67% of people with moderate hypertension. Their Systolic level fell an average of 25 points and their Diastolic readings fell 15 points.

After seven years of research on the health effects of onions, one set of researchers concluded that one should take 100 grams of onion (about 2/3 cup) per day to do away with heart disease or high blood pressure.

Onions Can Help Prevent Osteoporosis
One study found that onion intake rivaled the effects of prescription drug Alendronate (Fosamax) given to prevent and treat osteoporosis (thinning of the bone) in women after menopause. In this study, researchers studied ovariectomy induced bone loss in rats that were treated with Alendronate or onion powder. The ability of onions to counteract bone loss came close to that of Alendronate (Fosamax). Onions seem to strengthen bones without the unpleasant side effects of Fosamax such as bone and joint pain, nausea, ulcers, acid backup and rashes to mention a few.

Researchers at the University of Bern, Switzerland have found that a chemical compound—a peptide called GPCS—found in onions inhibits the activity of osteoclasts (the cells that break down bone) and thereby slows down bone loss. When bone cells of newborn rats that were exposed to parathyroid hormone to simulate bone loss were treated with the GPCS compound extracted from the white onion, loss of bone minerals, including calcium was significantly inhibited.

Other studies have shown that consuming onions increases bone mass, bone thickness and bone mineral density. Such encouraging animal and human studies highlight the benefit onions can provide to menopausal women who are experiencing bone density loss. One research study that analyzed the nutritional data of 35 million women showed that daily consumption of onions in pre-menopausal or post- menopausal women was associated with robust benefits in bone density while infrequent consumption of onion (once a month or less) was not associated with much benefit to bone health. This indicates that post-menopausal women may decrease their risk of hip fracture through daily intake of onions.

Detoxify Your Body with Onions
Onions are rich in sulfur-containing compounds and Vitamin C that are very good at detoxifying your body from heavy metals like mercury, lead, arsenic and cadmium.

In our next newsletter, we will cover the onion’s protective effect against cancer, diabetes and skin conditions.



Important: Attention All Practitioners 

Some of the cases we receive are fantastic but we are not always able to share with you all the cases due to some vital missing information which can only come from the practitioners. So PLEASE when you send in your cases do make sure to include the following:

Age of the patient, male/female, date treatment started, detailed list of all acute symptoms, detailed list of all chronic symptoms, duration of each symptom , possible cause of each chronic symptom, any other past/existing treatment, combo given and its dosage, date-wise record of percentage improvement, final condition, any other relevant information. This will help us to publish your cases in the future newsletters.

 Our website is You will need your Registration number to login to the Practitioner 10 Portal. If your email address changes, please inform us at [email protected] as soon as possible. You may share this newsletter with your patients. Their questions should be directed to you for answers or for research and response. Thank you for your cooperation. 


Om Sai Ram