Boletín deVibriónica Sai

" Cuando quiera que vean a una persona enferma, abatida o desconsolada, ahí está su campo de seva(servicio) " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 3 Número 2
March 2012
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From the Desk of Dr. Jit K Aggarwal

Dear Practitioners, Loving Sairam!

I hope all of you had a holy and beautiful Mahashivratri. Here in Prashanti Nilayam, not only were the bhajans soulful but we had something special for Vibrionics too. You will be happy to know that the All India President of the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation, Sri Srinivasan, organized a Vibrionics workshop for all the State Presidents of India and their medical coordinators on 20th February 2012, the auspicious day of Mahashivratri. The purpose of the seminar was to spread awareness about Vibrionics amongst the office bearers in the Organisation. As we no longer have Swami in His physical form to give us direct instructions, it was important that official position on Vibrionics was made clear.

We began the workshop by invoking the blessings of the Lord with Veda chanting and lighting of the lamp by the All India President. He, in his inaugural address, assured us that while Vibrionics seminars in India will not be held under the banner of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation, they will facilitate workshops that we conduct in different states of India.

I gave a brief introduction to this system of healing and a demonstration as to how the Sai Ram potentiser is used to make remedies. We felt it was necessary to tell the audience about Swami’s constant physical involvement in this system since we started practicing it in the ashram in 1994 under His direct command. So, we elucidated on how Swami blessed the first Sai Ram Healing Vibration Potentiser, how He blessed us to conduct seminars overseas and in India, how He assured us time and again that non-doctors could practice this system (we are not Healers, He is the only Healer and true Doctor), how He blessed various new books, the 108 Common Combos box, the Newsletter, and how He blessed and cut our Vibrionics cake on three successive Guru Purnima. In fact, when we listed Swami’s blessings and instructions for Vibrionics, it was simply amazing to see how much He had given us in the last 18 years! We are indeed fortunate to have had such a loving Lord to turn to for guidance and support.

The Vibrionics Coordinators of Maharashtra, Delhi-NCR, Kerala, Karnataka and J & K, and a member of the teaching faculty gave short speeches. They touched on: how Vibrionics is such a simple form of seva, how faith (of the practitioner) is key to effective healing, how camps are being conducted in villages and slums with astounding results, some wonderful examples of patients who were completely cured and incredible statistics of the number of patients being treated and number of seva hours being logged by dedicated practitioners.

The Coordinator for Poland spoke about how Vibrionics is a Sadhana and takes us closer to our Lord, how Vibrionics came to Poland in 1999 and how they conduct seminars and refresher courses regularly there. One of our active practitioners from the UK presented some almost unbelievable cases of complete healing. She made a very important point that it is not merely the remedies that work in the cure but just talking to the patient and letting him unburden can start the healing process. Our head of research from the UK, spoke about her conviction in the system and how it is powered by Swami’s love for all of us.

A practitioner, who is also the editor of this newsletter from the USA, recounted how this initiative was born and blessed by Swami. She invited anyone wanting to do service, to translate the newsletter into popular Indian languages. She also gave the audience a live demonstration of our new-look website which was launched on Swami’s birthday last year. We had a short question-answer session and the workshop concluded with a touching video showing pictures of a few of Swami’s countless physical blessings to Vibrionics.

Indeed, it was a very successful day and we hope that it was as productive for the audience as it was fulfilling for us - the practitioners. May this be a fruitful step in spreading worldwide the Sai seva through Vibrionics.

Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavantu!

In loving service to Sai
Jit Aggarwal 

Alergía en la Piel con Infección 11414...India

Un bebé de 2 años fue traído al practicante con una alergia en la piel que cubría la totalidad de su cuerpo. Tenía una infección y picazón en todo el cuerpo. En los últimos 4 – 5 meses, por recomendación de su doctor, los padres le habían aplicado una variedad de cremas en la piel y había consumido medicinas alopáticas pero sin ninguna mejoría. La madre entonces contactó una clínica homeopática para ver si allí los podrían ayudar. Después de examinar la piel del bebé, ellos prometieron que podían curar al bebé en unos 2 a 3 años a un costo de Rs 18.000. Los padres no podían pagar tan alta suma, así que su último recurso era Vibriónica Sai. Se le dio al bebé:
CC21.2 Skin infections + CC21.3 Skin allergies…QDS.

En una semana, la piel se volvió seca. Esto fue un buen signo y se le dijo a la madre que continuara con la misma medicina. En otros 15 días la piel estaba 90% libre de la alergia. La madre comentó que esto era increíble. Se le dijo que continuara dando la misma combinación con una dosis reducida a TDS por otros 15 días. Después de eso, el bebé estaba completamente curado y tanto los padres como el bebé estaban muy felices.  

Arterias Obstruidas 02799...UK

Este primer caso de una practicante fue un hombre de 74 años de edad con sobrepeso y con las arterias tan obstruidas que no podía caminar más de 2 o 3 metros sin necesidad de descansar. Después de hacerle una imagen por resonancia magnética, IRM, sus doctores en el hospital le dijeron que necesitaba un bypass. Se arregló para que tuviera lugar en 2 semanas y él vino al practicante con la esperanza de que pudiera hacer algo por él o al menos ayudarle a superar la preocupación por la operación que iba a tener. Se le dio:
CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS

El practicante le recomendó comer vegetales frescos o al vapor y evitar alimentos pesados como los de almidón y le alentó a tratar de caminar un poco en espacio abierto, aunque le fuera difícil. El paciente regresó una semana más tarde y dijo que se sentía mucho mejor, estaba caminando regularmente en el parque local y disfrutando de una dieta más ligera. Como se había convenido, fue al hospital y se sentía menos preocupado acerca de la operación que iba a tener. Antes de prepararle para la operación se le hizo otro IRM. El resultado de la exploración sorprendió a los doctores porque no mostraba la obstrucción y por lo tanto no necesitaba de la operación.

Vitiligo o Leucoderma 02763...India

Un paciente hombre de 48 años fue a ver al practicante porque estaba sufriendo de una enfermedad en la piel caracterizada por la pérdida gradual de pigmento que produce manchas blancas en la cara y algunos otros sitios del cuerpo. Se le dio:
CC21.2 Skin infections + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS

En dos meses se encontró que las manchas estaban desapareciendo. Para mejorar la salud general del paciente se adicionó CC12.1 Adult tonic a la combinación. Después de otros dos meses las manchas blancas habían disminuido en tamaño y en otros dos meses habían desaparecido completamente. Se siguieron dando las combinaciones en dosis más reducidas para asegurarse de que la enfermedad no regresara.

Comendario del practicante:
Con la Gracia de Swami esta es la maravillosa sanación de una enfermedad muy difícil de erradicar.

Alopecia 02799...UK

Una madre fue a ver al practicante con su hija de 10 años que estaba casi completamente calva. Su doctor dijo que nada podía hacer excepto tratarla con esteroides pero que la madre no quería dar a su hija. Era una situación desdichada porque se reían y hacían bromas a la niña en el colegio y se estaba volviendo introvertida y avergonzada. Se le dio CC11.2 pero no funcionó, porque el problema estaba en la sangre y el sistema inmunológico. Así, la practicante hizo un nosode con algo del poco cabello que le quedaba y en diez meses tenía una cabellera abundante y espesa.

Cirrosis del Hígado 02494...Italy

Una mujer de 57 años pidió ayuda al practicante porque estaba enferma del hígado, no le funcionaba correctamente. Se le dio:
#1. NM22 Liver + OM17 Liver-Gallbladder + SR263 Nat Sulph (200C) + SR284 Chelidonium + SR330 Addiction to Alcohol + SR504 Liver + SR547 Carduus Mar …TDS

#2. NM2 Blood + OM1 Blood + BR1 Anaemia + SR361 Acetic Acid + SR494 Haemoglobin…TDS

En dos semanas se sintió lo suficientemente bien para levantarse de la cama. En las siguientes semanas continuó mejorando. Dos meses después se le hizo un examen del hígado con ultra sonido. El examen mostró que se había recuperado completamente. Los doctores sorprendidos dijeron que eso no podía ser posible pero el ultra sonido les comprobó que el hígado se había regenerado milagrosamente. Por lo tanto, no necesitó de un trasplante del hígado y 9 años después está saludable con un hígado que está funcionando perfectamente. Como precaución, toma regularmente una dosis de  CC4.11 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + SR330 Addiction to Alcohol.

Hipotiroidismo 02799...UK

Cuando esta practicante estaba en Sierra Leona, una doctora que vino con un equipo alópata del Reino Unido, la vio dando tratamiento de Vibriónica a gente de allí. Al regresar, la doctora contactó a la practicante preguntándole si Vibriónica podría ayudarle porque tenía la tiroides poco activa.  Sufría de hipotiroidismo desde hacía 5 años y desde entonces había estado tomando 50 mg de tiroxina diariamente. Puesto que vivía distante de la practicante se le envió la siguiente combinación por correo:
SR308 Pituitary Gland + SR319 Thyroid Gland + SR521 Pineal Gland + SR568 Hypothyroidism + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS

Dos meses después se hizo un examen de sangre. El funcionamiento de la tiroides era casi normal por lo que su doctor le redujo la tiroxina a 25 mg.  Sigue tomando la combinación prescrita.

El rincón de las respuestas

1. Pregunta: ¿Puede usted decirme cómo se captan y trabajan las vibraciones de Alineamiento de Amor y Paz y Protección Divina que son utilizadas en combinaciones comunes?

Respuesta: Como usted sabe, vibración simplemente significa campo de energía. Todos los órganos físicos tienen una vibración y del mismo modo, todas las emociones y atributos mentales y espirituales también tienen una vibración. Estas vibraciones pueden capturarse en las tarjetas de la maquina simuladora utilizando la técnica de Radiónica en la forma de patrones geométricos. El potenciador Vibriónico convierte de nuevo estos patrones en su campo de energía original que luego es plasmado en el alcohol etílico. Una combinación que contenga las dos tarjetas que usted menciona tratará a un paciente que es vulnerable a energías negativas de fuentes externas. Estas vibraciones protegerán y equilibrarán al paciente para soportar esas energías.

Para una explicación detallada, por favor refiérase a cualquier libro de Radiónica y también encontrará alguna mayor información en el Portal del Practicante en nuestro sitio web:


2. Pregunta: ¿Cuál es una buena combinación para la tos persistente después de una gripe? Yo tengo la Máquina Sai Ram.

Respuesta: Para la tos crónica después de una gripe de: NM8 Chest + NM63 Back-up + NM71 CCA + NM75 Debility + OM19 Cardiac & Lung + SM26 Immunity + SM31 Lung and Chest + SR505 Lung….TDS hasta que haya alivio.

3. Pregunta: Tengo una paciente que ha sufrido de anorexia por muchos años. Ahora se ha recuperado pero no menstrúa muy frecuentemente aunque le he dado CC8.8 Menses Irregular y su digestión es débil, por favor aconséjeme.

Respuesta: Una paciente que se ha recuperado de una anorexia de mucho tiempo, frecuentemente comprueba que su menstruación no es regular porque todavía está anémica. Esto se debe a la falta de nutrientes por el largo período que padeció la anorexia y por tener una digestión débil. La dieta con una buena cantidad de proteína es muy importante y ayuda a la digestión comer yogurt regularmente Para apoyar el retorno del ciclo de menstruación regular, de:

CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC8.1 Female tonic + CC8.8 Menses irregular y para ayudar a la digestión dele: CC4.1 Digestion tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic.

4. Pregunta: Muchos de mis pacientes no regresan de modo que no puedo estar seguro de que el tratamiento haya tenido éxito. ¿Hay algo que pueda hacer?

Respuesta: Este problema afecta a muchos practicantes y es difícil de resolver. Una manera de disminuir la probabilidad de que esto ocurra es tener presente los siguientes datos:

  1. Trate de crear una atmósfera de confianza y amistad cuando el paciente le visite por primera vez. De este modo él estará más inclinado a compartir su problema con usted en un nivel más profundo, dándole una mejor percepción del tratamiento necesitado. Además de esto, se habrá formado una relación entre ustedes dos. Esto le animará a regresar y a mantenerse en contacto con usted acerca de su progreso.
  2. Siempre haga otra cita para que regrese para hacerle el seguimiento del tratamiento; enfatice la importancia de estar pendiente del progreso de la curación.
  3. Dígale que el remedio necesita ser cambiado algunas veces para que la sanación sea más rápida y que usted tiene otros remedios para escoger.
  4. Si es necesario que cancele la cita, el paciente debe telefonearle puesto que usted necesita saber l que tan bien está y qué tan rápido ha trabajado el remedio. Explíquele que al informarle sobre su estado de salud le demuestra su aprecio por el tratamiento gratis que ha recibido.
  5. Si los síntomas del paciente han desaparecido, debería darle un estimulante del sistema inmunológico o una combinación para limpiar y evitar la recurrencia del problema además de prevenir de otras enfermedades.  


5. Pregunta: ¿Hay algunas vibraciones que no debería dar a los bebés?  

Respuesta: A los bebés y a los infantes se les puede dar Vibriónica desde el momento en que nacen. Como es muy pronto para que ellos hayan adquirido malos hábitos y como son naturalmente puros, de alguna manera responden más rápidamente que los adultos, de modo que no hay que darles los remedios durante tanto tiempo como a ellos.   



Divine Words from the Master Healer

"Remember always that it is easy to do what is pleasant. But it is very difficult to be engaged in what is beneficial. Not all that is pleasant is profitable. Success comes to those who give up the path strewn with roses and brave the hammer blows and sword thrusts of the path fraught with danger. As a matter of fact, no road is strewn with rose petals. Life is a battle field (a Dharmkshetra), where duties and desires are always in conflict. Smother the fiery fumes of desire, of hatred and anger that rise up in your hearts; it is sheer cowardice to yield to these enemies that turn you into beasts. Meet all obstacles with courage. Difficulties make you tough and strong." 

-Sathya Sai Baba - Divine Discourse, Feb 20, 1965


"Service to your fellow beings is more needed than service to the Lord. In fact, serving a person is equal to serving the Lord Himself. That is the path of true devotion. For what greater means can there be to please God than that of pleasing His children? The scripture Purusha Suktha describes God as having a thousand heads, eyes and feet. That is to say, every living being is God. Though there is a mention of a thousand heads, there is no mention of a thousand hearts, there is only one heart. The same blood circulates through all the heads, eyes, feet and limbs. When you tend to the limb, you tend to the individual. When you serve a human being, you serve God. When your goal is to serve and adore God, every step will yield in you a spring of joy, and every moment, every opportunity is a valuable gift from Him." 

-Sathya Sai Baba - Divine Discourse, March 1966 


Forthcoming Workshops

India: 14-15 April 2012 Nagpur in Maharashtra - Workshop for fresh applicants and for AVPs. 

India: May 2012 (date to be announced) Jabalpur in MP - workshop for fresh applicants.

For both events, contact Dr A Ghatol at 9637-899 113 or by email at [email protected]

Poland: 14 April in Krakow. Workshop for practitioners who have the updated 108CC box.

Contact Dariusz Hebisz at 071349 5010 or by email at [email protected]

 All Trainers: If you have a workshop scheduled, send details to [email protected] 

In Addition

Inflammatory Breast Cancer

According to the National Cancer Institute, USA, Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) is an uncommon type of breast cancer in which breast cancer cells block the lymph vessels in the skin of the breast, a type of breast cancer that may not be apparent through routine screening methods (e.g., feeling for lumps, mammograms):

This blockage may cause the breast to become red, swollen, and warm. The skin of the breast may also appear pink, purple, or bruised, and it may have ridges or appear pitted, like the skin of an orange (called peau d’orange). These changes often occur quickly over a period of weeks. Another possible sign of this type of breast cancer is swollen lymph nodes under the arm, above the collarbone, or in both places. Often, a tumour cannot be felt, and may not be seen on a mammogram. The diagnosis of Inflammatory Breast Cancer is based on the results of the biopsy and the doctor’s clinical judgment.

According to the Mayo Clinic, USA, signs and symptoms of Inflammatory Breast Cancer include:

* A breast that appears red, purple, pink or bruised * A tender, firm and enlarged breast
* A warm feeling in the breast
* Itching of the breast

* Pain
* Ridged or dimpled skin texture, similar to an orange peel
* Thickened areas of skin
* Enlarged Lymph nodes under the arm, above the collarbone or below the collarbone
* Flattening or retraction of the nipple
* Swollen or crusted skin on the nipple
* Change in colour of the skin around the nipple (areola)

IBC is of particular concern because it progresses rapidly, and in most women it is already quite advanced before the symptoms become severe enough for them to seek medical attention. IBC was previously treated through surgery and was almost always fatal but nowadays, additional treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy have greatly increased the chances of survival for IBC patients. Note: Vibrionics practitioners, consult your books for the vibro treatment for breast cancer and emotional support to help a patient faced with this diagnosis.


Beautiful Houseplants that Clean Indoor Air

Homes and office buildings are being built and remodelled tighter than ever before to save energy. But sealing out drafts can mean sealing in dangerous chemicals such as benzene and formaldehyde, which are released by many things, from carpet to pressed-wood furniture. Cleaning products used at home and the office also may give out chemicals, including ammonia and chlorinated solvents.

Prolonged breathing of chemicals such as these can cause headaches, throat irritation, congestion, even cancer. The US Environmental Protection Agency now ranks indoor-air quality among the five top threats to human health. The problem is worse in winter, when we spend the most time sealed in our homes and offices.

Expensive air-filtration systems are not the only solution. The US National Aeronautical and Space Administration discovered that simple houseplants can filter many dangerous chemicals out of indoor air. The plants’ leaves absorb and destroy certain volatile organic compounds, while the microbes that live around the plants’ roots convert chemicals into a source of food and energy for themselves and their host plant.

Some houseplants are much more effective at air filtration than others. Out of the ten that do a great job of cleaning the air and are easy to grow, the following four plants are exceptionally effective at cleaning the air:

1. Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) is also known as yellow palm or butterfly palm.

2. Lady palm (Rhapis excelsa) is one of the most effective houseplants for improving indoor-air quality, and it is highly resistant to most insects. It has fans, six to 12 inches wide, made up of shiny green leaves.

3. Rubber plant (Ficus robusta) is a hearty plant with thick, leathery, dark green leaves. It will tolerate limited light and cool temperatures and is very effective at removing chemical toxins from indoor airthe best of the ficus genus yet tested.

4. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum sp) produces beautiful white flowers, making it one of a relatively small number of plants that bloom reliably indoors.

The following 6 plants also work well:

5. Dracaena “Janet Craig” (Dracaena deremensis “Janet Craig”) is a pest-resistant leafy plant that can live for decades. It will tolerate poorly lit areas, though its growth will be slowed. Favour the ―Compacta‖ variety, which grows to one to three feet in height, not the regular variety, which requires more care and can reach 10 feet if not pruned.

6. English Ivy (Hedera helix) is best known as a ground cover, but it also grows very well in indoor hanging baskets. And it adapts well to a wide range of indoor conditionsthough it does benefit from some time outdoors in spring or summer. English Ivy does not like high temperatures.

Warning: English Ivy contains chemicals that can irritate the skin or cause illness if consumed. Wear gloves when handling, and keep out of reach of pets and young children.

7. Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) tolerates neglect and low light and is extremely resistant to insects. Golden Pothos’s name refers to the splashes of gold or cream colour on its green, heart-shaped leaves. It usually is grown in hanging baskets, but it can also climb.

8. Corn Plant (Dracaena fragrans “Massangeana”) is so named because its leaves look like those of corn stalks, not because it actually produces corn. It tolerates low light, though it prefers bright light.

9. Syngonium (Syngonium podophyllum) produces visually appealing, arrow-shaped, green-and-white or green-and-silver leaves.

10. Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata) is about 50% less effective at cleaning indoor air than the other plants on this list, but it is so hard to kill that it’s worth including as an option for those who struggle to keep other houseplants alive. The snake plant has visually appealing, spear like leaves that stand upright, typically two to four feet in height. It occasionally produces small greenish-white flowers.

How many plants?

As a rule of thumb, one or two good-sized plants from the list above per 100 square feet of interior space tend to be sufficient. There is no health downside to having more plants than this as long as mould does not develop in the potting soil.

Helpful tip for those with access to hydro-culture: Latest research suggests that growing plants in hydro-culture significantly increases their ability to clean the air. With hydro culture, plants are grown in watertight containers and rooted not in potting soil, but in expanded clay pebbles sold for this purpose at some garden stores.

All of the plants listed above will grow in hydro-culture, and the Peace Lily, in particular, thrives when grown this way. Hydro-culture also reduces the risk that fungal spores, mould and soil-borne pests will develop on houseplants. Plants grown in hydro-culture need a complete fertilizer that contains micro- nutrients.

Source: „How to Grow Fresh Air‟ a Penguin paperback by B.C. Wolverton, PhD who worked as a scientist for over 30 years with US Military and NASA, developing systems to protect against toxic chemicals and pathogenic microbes. 


The Loving Hands and Heart of a Practitioner

One of our very successful practitioners 2799...UK came to the office in Prashanti Nilayam recently to talk about Swami’s Vibrionics seva as she calls it. She is a Sri Lankan woman who is a retired maternity nurse and has lived in London for many years. In February 2010, she heard through the Sai Baba Centre in Harrow that there was going to be a two-day Vibrionics workshop in London. She was particularly interested in it because the workshop was free and believed that any form of healing that Baba was involved with would, of course, be free to patients. Her application was accepted, and she attended the course that took place in May 2010 at Oxford. At the end of the two days when the time came to pair off with another person to practice treating people, she was given a combo from the box to help a problem she had with her right shoulder due to ligament damage. It had been giving her pain for a long time as well as difficulty in lifting things. The doctors had told her that there was no cure and she would have to live with it. After one dose, her shoulder started to feel better and within a few days, the shoulder was completely cured! So she herself experienced the power of Swami’s Vibrionics first hand which was “a wonderful way to start this new seva work” she said.

After that, Swami kept her very busy with a never-ending supply of sick people who had a variety of diseases and problems. We give the first case she treated of a bypass patient and its successful outcome as well as others in this newsletter. In the first seven months, she successfully treated 325 people.

Recently the practitioner went for an allopathic medical camp held in Sierra Leone to give treatment to the poor in villages there. This is the first time a Vibrionics practitioner had accompanied a team of allopathic doctors to help patients. Most of the patients she saw were the ones for which the doctors had no treatment to offer. There was a mother who presented her eight month old baby. For a week the baby had been continuously crying, very lethargic and couldn’t sleep. After the first vibro dose in water, the baby became calmer although he continued whimpering. The practitioner told the mother to give a second dose in 15 minutes and by the third dose the baby was sleeping peacefully.

A boy of 15 years had been suffering with diarrhoea, vomiting and fever for four days and was so weak that he couldn’t walk. He was given vibro in water – one dose every 15 minutes. After four doses, he had stopped vomiting and after another 30 minutes, the diarrhoea had also stopped. The boy then started complaining that he was hungry! Lipoma or swollen glands was another problem the doctors gave the practitioner to deal with. In most cases, the swelling reduced by half after just two days.

The practitioner further stated, ―In most of my cases, there has been complete healing. Of course, there are some patients who did not show much improvement. I feel Swami sent me such patients to guide and help me to understand the real reasons why those people became ill. Swami says that all diseases originate in the mind. So, I feel that the real cause often lies in the hurt, fear, guilt, worry and unhappiness that many people are experiencing. So I spend as much time with my patients as they need, to talk about their problems. I think this in itself helps them to release their emotions by pouring out their problems to me and this helps to lift some of the worries they have been carrying. I believe such a consultation coupled with Swami‟s love, adds to the power of the remedies and thus helps us to achieve complete healing”.

Healing starts within the heart of the patient and each Vibrionics practitioner helps his/her patients’ healing by giving unconditional love as they offer the needed comfort, supporting help and treatment. 

Om Sai Ram