Boletín deVibriónica Sai

" Cuando quiera que vean a una persona enferma, abatida o desconsolada, ahí está su campo de seva(servicio) " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Itchy and blistered soles 11585...India

An 11-year-old boy had been suffering from itching sensation and blisters on the soles of his feet for the past two years. The problem started with mild itching at the end of a rainy season but then slowly aggravated. Whenever it itched, the boy would rub his feet together to calm and soothe himself. This caused the blisters to burst and turn into wounds with a coloured discharge; this was even more painful. He could not wear shoes to school. The boy took allopathic and homeopathic treatments for six months each, but found no improvement at all. So his mother stopped the above treatments and approached the practitioner on 31 May 2017 for help. He gave the following combo:

CC12.2 Child tonic + CC21.8 Herpes + CC21.11 Wounds & Abrasions…TDS 

Within one week, he was not rubbing his feet and the itching sensation was now 50% better. After two weeks, there was 80% improvement, itching stopped and the blisters nearly vanished. The boy continued the same dosage for another two weeks and was completely healed. Much to the delight of his parents and teachers, he resumed wearing his shoes to school. 

Dosage reduction started on 5 July 2017 when the practitioner reduced the dosage to BD for two weeks followed by OD and OW for two and three weeks respectively. On 18 August 2017, the mother reported that the boy was perfectly fine and the treatment was discontinued. As of October 2017, there has been no relapse of symptoms.