Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Wann immer du einen kranken, niedergeschlagenen, unglücklichen Menschen sieh st, da ist dein Tätigkeitsfeld für Seva " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Asthma 00609 ...Italy

The patient, a 45-year-old male, suffered from asthma attacks at night, and could not sleep while lying down. During the patient’s first visit, he mentioned to the practitioner that he has many dependants, and that he feared not being able to have enough money to support his wife and children due to the illness. During the first interview, the patient was very nervous, and provided little information. 

Based  on  the  information  given  by  the patient,  the  practitioner  prescribed  the following remedy during the first visit: SR351 Kali Carb 200C…single dose 

The practitioner met the patient again 3 days after the first visit, and was informed by the patient that after he took the remedy the chest pain, which he had not informed  the  practitioner  about  during the first visit, suddenly disappeared and that he could breathe comfortably at night and got a good night’s sleep. 

The patient came in for a second follow-up visit almost a month later and complained of having another asthma attack. The practitioner suggested repeating the earlier remedy. The patient was not comfortable with taking another dose. However, the patient conceded to taking another single dose, following which he got immense relief. 

Practitioner’s Comments: 

“A year has passed since the second follow-up visit, and by God’s Grace, the patient has not since suffered any more asthma attacks. During the course of the treatment, as the patient developed more faith in the treatment and of course a good degree of comfort with the practitioner, he shared that he suffered from a lot of stress, low self-esteem, and anxiety. The main reason for this was that he felt under-appreciated by his wife and family. He felt that his family takes him for granted and do not realise all the hard work (Kali Carb) he has to put in to earn a living to support them.”