Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Wann immer du einen kranken, niedergeschlagenen, unglücklichen Menschen sieh st, da ist dein Tätigkeitsfeld für Seva " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Acute back-pain 11581...India

A 72-year-old man contacted the practitioner in the evening on 6 November for medicine for his back pain which he had since one week. He never experienced this pain in the past. He gets pain when he bends forward and was unable to get up freely due to severe pain.  He took Brufen (painkiller) - only one tablet in the morning on 6 November and felt very uneasy in his abdomen and stopped taking it.  The practitioner gave the following Combo which he started taking from that night:

CC20.1 SMJ tonic + CC20.2 SMJ pain + CC20.5 Spine…TDS 

On 7 November evening the patient called  the practitioner and said that he is 100% recovered from the pain and he could easily bend forward and get up without pain.  He is advised to continue the medicine TDS for one week and then continue the medicine OD for another week and then OW until it is finished.