Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Wann immer du einen kranken, niedergeschlagenen, unglücklichen Menschen sieh st, da ist dein Tätigkeitsfeld für Seva " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Shoulder & knee pain 11654...India

In Sept 2022, a 58-year-old female fell in the bathroom, as a result her right shoulder was in extreme pain as it took the brunt of the fall. She promptly visited her doctor who administered an injection thereby easing her pain, also prescribed an oral painkiller to be used when needed. The pain would start while lifting her right hand; while turning in her sleep it was so intense that she would cry. It would take her an hour before she could sleep again. This happened 2 to 3 times each night, disturbing her sleep. She used an over-the-counter ointment (Moov) for momentary relief.

Additionally, for the past 5 to 6 months, she would get pain in her right knee if she walked longer than her usual half an hour. As she was reluctant to use the painkiller long-term, she consulted the practitioner on 14 May 2023 and she was given:

#1. CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue + CC20.7 Fractures… BD in coconut oil for external application.

#2. CC3.7 Circulation + CC10.1 Emergencies + #1…6TD

#3. CC15.6 Sleep disorders…a dose half an hour before bedtime and also in the night if she woke up.

By 31 May, shoulder pain during her sleep came down by 60% and she was able to go back to sleep immediately, The ointment and #3 were no longer needed in the middle of the night. By 4 June, shoulder pain and sleep had improved by 80% and the knee pain by 60%. By 11 June, shoulder pain was gone and improvement in her sleep went up to 80%. #2 was reduced to TDS; #3 was taken only if required.

By 23 June, knee pain resolved completely, so external application was stopped after a week and going to sleep was no longer an issue. #2 was slowly tapered down and stopped on 20 Aug 2023.

In Mar 2024, after exerting herself physically at home, she felt mild shoulder pain and was reminded of the previous excruciating pain before starting vibrionics; she promptly resumed #2 at TDS and got relief within 24 hours. However, she opted to continue #2 at TDS for a few months, given the ongoing physical strain at home. As of June 2024, there has been no recurrence. She has been advised to taper off the remedy and stop it as per her comfort level.