Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Wann immer du einen kranken, niedergeschlagenen, unglücklichen Menschen sieh st, da ist dein Tätigkeitsfeld für Seva " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Chronic Cough 00915...Greece

Dimitris Liapopoulos, a 40-year-old man, suffering ill health for the past 7 years, appeared very thin and pale, with yellow to black colouring, and he was constantly coughing. He was given the following remedy: 

CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.2 Cleansing + CC19.1 Chest tonic + CC19.3 Chest infections chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic…QDS for 15 days and then TDS for three months. Regarding the rest of his history and results, please refer to the following statement. 

Patient’s Remarks & testimonial: 

“I started living in New York in the year 2000; five years later I lost my Swami’s ring. For some of you, my losing my ring and then getting sick might seem a coincidence but for me it is not. You may think a Greek living in cold New York would have health problems from the different climate but that’s not it. Otherwise I would have gotten sick much earlier, not five years later in 2005.  Let me tell you my symptoms: I caught a cold which developed into months and months of coughing. Usually I avoid allopathy because of the side effects. Still the cough was so bad I took antibiotics. Then gradually my immune system became very weak, perhaps because I was working so hard. Perhaps from taking so much antibiotic. Later, discovering I had parasites I took even more and stronger antibiotics which left me only 50% better. 

So to summarize: I had a terrible stomach, my immune system was so weak that I easily caught colds.  I still  had  parasites, and  I coughed  all the  time, even after several sessions of  various antibiotics. And all since I lost that ring! 

In August 2010 I went to Puttaparthi, feeling Sai Baba alone can heal me.  There I actually began teaching music to Swami’s students just as He had told me in 1995 in an Interview, much to my amazement. I felt so fulfilled with this work that I didn’t care whether I lived or died, and working many hours of overtime, my health deteriorated. 

Then my mother told me my father's health in Greece was declining, so I left India for Greece. There I was coughing so badly my friend, Dimitris, said he would give me vibro. He told me that vibrionics are very powerful and work like nothing else. I took them and I saw some spectacular results in terms of parasites, so I asked him to help me with my insomnia, which resulted from my work as a musician and composer, requiring late nights and ruining my sleeping pattern. This too was cured with vibrionics. Dimitris gave me vibro for many things, even vibro to calm down my mind. I was stunned with the results, but although the cough was less than before, it was still there. 

In 2012 I went to New York and while talking to my friend Dimitris on the phone he told me that I have tuberculosis or that I am close to having it. For a moment I felt like laughing when he said, “When you come to Greece I will give you vibro for that.” Okay, I thought because truly I had nothing to lose - it was free! When I went to Greece he gave me vibro for tuberculosis and I was cured in a week, meaning that I stopped coughing. That was a miracle because since almost 2007 I was tortured with that cough, and because my friend Dimitris diagnosed me with something that sounded to me like space ‘sci-fi’, called a pendulum and dousing.  This correctly indicated that I had tuberculosis and I was completely cured!”