Newsletter Sai Vibrionica

" Ogni volta che vedete una persona ammalata, scoraggiata, sconsolata o inferma, quello è il vostro campo di seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Practitioner Profile 00002...UK

Practitioner 00002…UK, head of research in our Institute and the most senior member of our core team, has been an integral part of our mission since the inception of vibrionics when the SRHVP was blessed by Swami in August 1994. With a background in photography, she began her career at 25 as a freelance photographer specializing in architectural and garden photography.

Her spiritual journey began in her teenage years when, raised in a churchgoing family, she began questioning her Christian faith and exploring Buddhism. In March 1982, a friend invited her to a Sai Baba group meeting, where she was deeply moved by Baba’s teachings and miracles. Inspired, she read Holy Man and the Psychiatrist, became a vegetarian overnight, and shared her newfound inspiration with her younger sister. By divine grace, her sister received an unexpected insurance payout, enabling their first visit to Puttaparthi in July 1982. During that visit, she had an intense feeling that she would, one day reside in Puttaparthi.

In the ashram, she met Phyllis Krystal and became drawn to her Cutting the Ties healing technique. On returning to England, she began using this method to help those in need. Over multiple visits to Puttaparthi (though only four interviews), she experienced inner guidance and transformative experiences. In 1988, an inner voice told her, "Your photographic career is finished!" Soon after, Swami told her to live in Puttaparthi, and since then, she has divided her time between India and England.

Her journey to vibrionics began in 1991 through a remarkable encounter with a renowned homoeopath at Swami’s university. Temporarily staying with a friend, she noticed a shelf filled with homeopathy books, which later became instrumental in her learning. Soon after, Dr Rao a distinguished homoeopath in the ashram, declared, "I will teach you; you will become a good homoeopath," and gave her a list of books identical to those her friend had offered!

Before committing, she sought Swami's confirmation. At an international Cardiac Conference the following day, Swami’s discourse emphasized the importance of vibrations in healing, aligning homoeopathy with love and compassion - her affirmation was clear.

With deep dedication, she trained under Dr Rao and observed clinical treatments in the ashram. The teachings of Swami Narayani and Swami Ananda, especially their two-volume Handbook on Healing, deeply influenced her. She adopted their approach of mixing homoeo remedies, launching a small clinic in Whitefield during the summer and eventually assisting Jit and Hem Aggarwal engaged in the development of vibrionics under Swami's guidance.

In 2004, she played a pivotal role in compiling and finalizing treatment protocols, especially for miasms, for the Sai Vibrionics Practitioners’ Guide, which Swami personally reviewed and signed. Her continued contributions were instrumental in the expanded editions of 2016 and 2022.

A major milestone was her research for 108 Common Combinations (CCs), designed to address effectively a wide range of conditions with a single CC. Initially hesitant due to her classical homoeopathy training, she experienced divine guidance throughout the rigorous research process. Her intuition, knowledge of homoeopathy, and judicious use of a pendulum (radiesthesia) resulted in the creation of the 108CCs, now a primary equipment for vibrionics practitioners.

Beyond treating patients in Puttaparthi and England, she has provided invaluable service by addressing practitioners' queries (Combo queries) and editing vibrionics publications. She also temporarily supervised the SVP Correspondence Course, supporting students in their learning journeys. In 2020 when the world was in the grip of panic and uncertainty, vibrionics admin team immediately swung into action to create a remedy for Covid-19. Supported by many practitioners worldwide, the practitioner worked tirelessly for weeks and came up with Immunity Booster IB for both as a prophylactic and treatment for this hitherto little-known virus. However, the work continued, as more information poured in from all corners of the globe and the virus mutated overtime, the remedy was updated several times.

Now residing in England to be close to her children and grandchildren, her legacy in vibrionics endures. Her tireless dedication, research, and guidance have been instrumental in the growth and evolution of vibrionics. She reminds practitioners that vibrionics, blessed by the Lord, aligns with universal laws of healing through the vibrations of plants and minerals. Her contributions, guidance, and unwavering commitment remain a cornerstone of vibrionics. We express our deepest gratitude for her unmatched service and leadership.

Important Note: Practitioners are encouraged to read her insightful article, ‘My Journey to Vibrionics - Signs of the Unseen’, on page 44 of the 1st International Conference of Sai Vibrionics, where she shares valuable knowledge on miasms, nosodes, and mother tinctures.