साई व्हाइब्रियोनिक्स पत्रिका

" जब आप किसी हतोत्साहित, निराष या रोग ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को देखते हो, वहीं आपका सेवा क्षेत्र है " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Practitioner Profile 03531...UK

Practitioner 03531…UK is a computer engineer and works as an IT software consultant. He grew up in a family of Sai devotees and his faith in Baba was fortified by his mother, who is an alumna of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Anantapur. He hosts his local Sai centre website and contributes to special seva activities such as food collection for Ukraine; he likes to participate in Sai bhajans.

He had always wanted to become a doctor but Swami had other plans for him, and he ended up in the IT sector. Even as he established his career as a software professional, the urge to serve and his longing to become a doctor never really left him. He was blessed with a daughter in 2011, but his wife had severe complications during labour and delivery, these resulted in a slipped disc and chronic back pain. In 2013, he heard of vibrionics through a member of his local Sai centre and read up about its effectiveness in curing both acute and chronic conditions. After learning that vibrionics was physically blessed by Swami, his wife started taking treatment from a senior practitioner and overcame her afflictions. This inspired him to become a practitioner to treat people through Sai Vibrionics and thus fulfil his desire to serve Swami. He became a practitioner in 2015. 

During his initial days after becoming a practitioner, he started spreading the word about Vibrionics in his friends’ circle. Whenever they had any problem, he would prepare the remedy and deliver it to their door. But over time he realised that when someone in need asks for a remedy and takes it sincerely with faith, then only he was getting better. So, now he just gives potential patients, brief information and refers them to our websites, then waits for them to ask for treatment.

The practitioner would like to share couple of interesting cases from his practice. In one instance, a 38-year-old woman was suffering from severe sun allergy for several years. Even a few minutes of exposure to the sun would result in acute burning sensation with itchy and painful rash on the skin. Within two weeks of taking CC8.1 Female tonic + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental and Emotional tonic + CC21.1 Skin tonic + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.10 Psoriasis…QDS, rash which had plagued her every summer disappeared completely, and it never recurred!  

In another case, a six-year-old girl frequently complained of stomach ache for over a year, mostly at night and also immediately after breakfast. One possible reason for the pain may have been that the family had an extremely hectic morning schedule and the kids ate in the car on their way to school. The practitioner gave CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.1 Travel sickness. There was considerable relief within a month. With dosage reduced to OD for another month, the pain totally vanished.  

He finds that the combo CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC15.2 Psychiatric disorders + CC17.3 Brain & Memory tonic works like a charm for people with depression, stress, and anxiety; he treated several patients with great success during the Covid pandemic when there was limited social interaction. He distributed countless bottles of IB and the power of Sai Vibrionics really hit home at this time. He was also blessed to receive the support of senior practitioners who helped him deal with complex cases.

In addition to treating patients, the practitioner contributes to Sai Vibrionics in a significant  manner with his IT skills. Around 2015, vibrionics witnessed exponential growth and it became impossible for the admin team to continue to maintain practitioners’ seva records effectively using simple tools like excel spreadsheet. Aware of the practitioners’ background in IT, Dr Aggarwal approached him to take up the challenge. The practitioner developed a new self-service website that would hold a central database of practitioners and enable them to submit their own seva reports as well as add/modify their personal data. Despite his hectic professional schedule and family commitments, the practitioner worked tirelessly over several months to deliver additional functionality to support multiple language newsletter content - a feature which external developers were charging thousands of pounds for! The website practitioners.vibrionics.org was launched in 2016. Since then, the practitioner takes care of maintenance of all three websites the other two being, www.vibrionics.org and news.vibrionics.org. One of the challenges faced by a charitable organisation is meeting hosting expenses especially when IT footprint grows. The practitioner managed to secure a grant from Microsoft for hosting space on Azure for the three websites, email addresses for the admin team, and online sessions for meetings and workshops. He manages all UK online meetings, sending out links etc and extending helping hand to those not so familiar with computers. 

The practitioner feels blessed to have been given the rare opportunity to serve with Sai Vibrionics. He encourages other practitioners with software/IT expertise to come forward to offer their services as there is a huge need for volunteers in this field. Their contribution can make a big difference to the effectiveness of Vibrionics practice and will help to take vibrionics to greater heights. 

Case to share: