साई व्हाइब्रियोनिक्स पत्रिका

" जब आप किसी हतोत्साहित, निराष या रोग ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को देखते हो, वहीं आपका सेवा क्षेत्र है " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Practitioner Profile 11635...India

Practitioner 11635…India is a doctor by profession with an MD in anaesthesia. He served as a consultant anaesthesiologist at Baba’s super-specialty hospital in Puttaparthi, from 2001 to 2007. From 2007 to 2014, he looked after the cardiothoracic anaesthesia and critical care departments at Swami’s hospital in Whitefield. He is presently working as an Associate Professor and Head of Department of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine at Pramukhswami Medical College, Gujarat.
He first experienced Swami’s love in 1997 when he accompanied a doctor friend to Puttaparthi as a sevadal and there he received vibhuti prasadam from the divine hands. Later when he was working in Swami’s hospitals in Parthi and Whitefield, through various physical and Divine experiences, Swami changed the way he looked at his profession. The teachings of the supreme Master impressed upon him two key tenets - first, that his primary duty as a doctor was to serve the poor and needy, and secondly, all patients should be treated with love and care.
Since 2014, the practitioner has been actively involved in seva activities of Sai Organisation in Gujarat. He is a regular doctor at a weekly medical camp which provides healthcare services to 250 to 300 patients every Sunday. Over the years during his medical practice, certain shortcomings in allopathy became apparent to him. In cases of several diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, cancer and viral infections, allopathy merely provides supportive and symptomatic care without delving into the root cause. This realisation inspired him to seek an alternative healing method and vibrionics caught his attention. He was excited to discover a system of healing that is almost zero-cost, that removes the financial barrier to providing health care to the downtrodden. He felt vibrionics would perfectly complement his own practice and enable him to treat his patients more holistically. So, he completed his AVP course in July 2021 and qualified as a vibrionics practitioner.

Depending upon their clinical condition, he treats his patients either with vibrionics alone or combines it with allopathy. He finds that because of his allopathic training, the patients are much more willing to receive the vibro remedies from him and this in turn helps to speed up their healing. He is impressed that people without any medical degree can help so many and provide very effective treatment using just vibrionics.
Over time the practitioner’s faith in vibrionics has strengthened since he has seen this therapy produce marvellous results where other therapies including allopathy, have failed. He recalls how the cysts on the ovary of a PCOD patient miraculously disappeared after taking vibro for a short duration, thereby leaving her allopathic doctor utterly perplexed! He finds CC10.1 Emergencies to be a fabulous remedy that has helped many recover from acute illnesses. He has also experienced wonderful results with CC12.1 Adult tonic in patients with physical weakness and fatigue. He finds diseases like arthritis and viral infection are best treated with vibrionics as opposed to other therapies.

Since coming into the Sai fold, the practitioner has adopted Swami’s quotation ‘Service to man is service to God’ as his motto in life. He feels that serving society helps to transform and spiritually uplift an individual. He is extremely grateful to Swami for the gift of vibrionics that is providing healthcare to masses without any financial constraint and without any side-effects. Finding that this healing system is so very beneficial, he prays that it should reach the maximum number of people. His future plans include participating in teaching as well as research and he is enthusiastic to support the vibrionics newsletter.

Cases to share:

  1. Dyspepsia
  2. Migraine, persistent
  3. Frequent, painful menses