रोगी तथा रोग का विवरण
Vol 2 अंक 3
May 2011
Chronic cough 02090...India
A 60-year old lady came to see if the practitioner could help her. From birth she had suffered from a chronic cough. During her long life, she had been to countless doctors of allopathy, ayurveda and homoeopathy, taken all their recommended treatments and medicines, but had not found a cure. The healer gave her:
CC19.6 Cough...(continued)
Enlarged Benign Prostate 02762...USA
A 72-year-old man had a history of difficult and painful urination which was diagnosed as an enlarged prostate. The doctors recommended a prostate operation. He asked the healer for Vibrionics treatment to avoid the surgery. He was given:
#1. CC13.2 Kidney & Bladder infections + CC14.2 Prostate + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC10.1...(continued)
Hodgkin's Disease 00660...USA
A woman aged 65 was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease and came to the healer for treatment. She was given:
NM6 Calming + NM30 Throat + NM59 Pain + NM63 Back-up + NM110 Essiac + SM13 Cancer + SM24 Glandular + SM40 Throat ...6TD for two weeks followed by TDS
Four months later, she was given a blood test by her doctor and the result was normal and there...(continued)
Blindness from Childhood 02640...India
A middle aged lady was referred to a healer, who is also an allopathic doctor, by an ophthalmic surgeon for vibro treatment as the woman was unable to see from childhood. On examination, it was confirmed that she was not able to see clearly. She was given:
CC7.1 Eye tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic …QDS
After taking the above combo for just two weeks, she...(continued)
An Emotional and Mental Disorder 00002...India
A young woman came with her family to see the practitioner in the hope that she could be treated for a disorder that started at 11 years of age when she was left for a short while to look after her younger brother. During the time the parents were away, her little brother had a seizure. This was the first of many such episodes, which were later diagnosed...(continued)
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