साई व्हाइब्रियोनिक्स पत्रिका

" जब आप किसी हतोत्साहित, निराष या रोग ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को देखते हो, वहीं आपका सेवा क्षेत्र है " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

रोगी तथा रोग का विवरण

Vol 15 अंक 4
July / August 2024

Depression 11608...India

A 29-year-old woman began exhibiting symptoms of depression in Aug 2018; she withdrew and isolated herself, avoiding communication with her husband and their only son. On three occasions she left home without telling her family and once for 10 days, while the husband kept searching for her.

Attending ten counselling sessions with a psychiatrist between...(continued)

संपूर्ण विवरण पढ़े

Allergy to dust & smoke 11608...India

A 20-year-old man presented with a history of respiratory allergy for the past 12 years. Since the age of eight, he started to feel breathless whenever exposed to dust or smoke. These episodes lasting 10 to 15 minutes occurred at least 2 to 3 times a week due to unavoidable environmental factors in his village. About once a month breathlessness was...(continued)

संपूर्ण विवरण पढ़े

Itchy patches on skin 11608...India

A 42-year-old woman presented with a skin condition that had been troubling her for the past five months since Oct 2018. All over her abdomen, there were several, mildly swollen reddish patches with constant and severe itching. This significantly impacted her daily life, making it challenging for her to perform routine tasks and causing irritability. She had...(continued)

संपूर्ण विवरण पढ़े

Haemorrhoids 10399...India

The practitioner’s 32-year-old housemaid had been passing hard stools for nearly a year since Feb 2018. With every bowel movement, she suffered from intense pain and irritation in the anal region, accompanied by severe bleeding. In June, her doctor diagnosed this as haemorrhoids; she took prescribed medication for ten days which completely stopped the...(continued)

संपूर्ण विवरण पढ़े

Migraine during menses 10399...India

For over three decades, a 52-year-old woman battled with severe right-sided migraine every month during her 5-day menses; this was accompanied by nausea and occasional vomiting. Exposure to hot sun during summer also triggered the headache. She found temporary relief in prescribed painkillers but needed extensive rest throughout her period. She also took...(continued)

संपूर्ण विवरण पढ़े

Indigestion, addiction 11658...India

A 26-year-old truck driver presented with pain and burning sensation in his lower abdomen, alternating between one side and both sides over the past four years from 2019. Since then his appetite had been low, coupled with dark-coloured stools occurring 2 to 3 times a week. The symptoms appeared on consuming outside food or even mildly spicy or oily food at...(continued)

संपूर्ण विवरण पढ़े

Itchy skin rash 11570...India

A 39-year-old woman was suffering from rash with severe itching all over her body for one and a half years; this started soon after she fell on the road in Jan 2020. Despite taking various allopathic treatments since then, both oral and topical including anti-fungal cream (Clobeta Gm), she found only temporary relief, hence stopped them. She was not on any...(continued)

संपूर्ण विवरण पढ़े

Hives 03608...South Africa

A 57-year-old female, diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 2001, had been taking allopathic medicine (Levothyroxin 50 mg) daily. From March 2020, she developed intense itching, red hives on her legs, back, arms, and neck, occurring three times a week. The symptoms would get relieved within 5 minutes if she immediately applied the prescribed ointment (Allergex)....(continued)

संपूर्ण विवरण पढ़े

Acidity & haemorrhoids 11632...India

For the past 12 years since 2010, a 62-year-old female was suffering from bloating, heaviness, belching, and heartburn after every meal. Additionally, she had painless bleeding during bowel movement; this slowly progressed to anal bleeding even while passing urine, coughing or sneezing, necessitating use of diapers throughout the day. Even mildly spicy food...(continued)

संपूर्ण विवरण पढ़े

Shoulder & knee pain 11654...India

In Sept 2022, a 58-year-old female fell in the bathroom, as a result her right shoulder was in extreme pain as it took the brunt of the fall. She promptly visited her doctor who administered an injection thereby easing her pain, also prescribed an oral painkiller to be used when needed. The pain would start while lifting her right hand; while turning in her...(continued)

संपूर्ण विवरण पढ़े

Eczema 03608...South Africa

A 59-year-old woman had thickened skin, swelling and pain at the tip of her left thumb since 1986. Symptoms worsened during winters and with prolonged exposure to water and household detergents, leading to cracks that bled. She managed by avoiding the triggers until the symptoms became even worse in 2007. Diagnosed as eczema, she was prescribed antihistamine...(continued)

संपूर्ण विवरण पढ़े

Insomnia, leg pain 11656...India

Over the last twenty years, a 55-year-old woman struggled with insomnia, finding it hard to fall asleep and getting only four hours of disrupted sleep every night; this left her feeling fatigued and restless during the day. She attributed this to anxiety stemming from her husband’s night shifts and his past health challenges with cancer and...(continued)

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