साई व्हाइब्रियोनिक्स पत्रिका

" जब आप किसी हतोत्साहित, निराष या रोग ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को देखते हो, वहीं आपका सेवा क्षेत्र है " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Broadcasting Long Distance for Strong Gangrene 02494...Italy

A  64-year-old  man  had  been  diabetic  for  30 years   and  was   taking   insulin  but   he   never wanted to take the vibration pills. We were good friends and one night, when Wilde and I were on the point of leaving for Prashanthi Nilayam from Italy, we called on him to say goodbye. We had not spoken to him for a long time so we did not know he was not well. We found him in bed because the doctors had amputated the big toe of his right foot and the other toes were also almost certainly gangrenous. He had severe pain and high fever. The doctors said that within a week  they  would  have  to  amputate  the  leg below the knee because he had gangrene also in the bones. He was desperate and the allopathic medicines that he strongly believed in had done nothing and there was no longer any hope. We felt very sorry for him and asked his permission to broadcast long distance to try to help him. He said yes. 

When we left him we said we would make a combo the next day. But when we got to our room we knew we should not wait but make the combo and broadcast it immediately. We had no sample of his or photo to use, so we wrote his name and date of birth on a small piece of paper and prayed to Baba as we put it in the well of our Sai Ram machine. This was the combo: 

NM6 Calming + NM21 KBS + NM32 Vein-Piles + NM36 War + OM3 Bone Irregularity + BR11 Kidney + SM15 Circulation + SM17 Diabetes + SM26 Immunity + SM27 Infection + SM29 Kidney + SR293 Gunpowder + SR316 Streptococcus + SR457 Bone + SR501 Kidney + SR556 Pyrogenium …ongoing broadcast 

We started broadcasting immediately. After broadcasting for a short while, we telephoned our friend to see if there was any change in his condition. With amazement and joy he told us that a few minutes earlier the pain had stopped and also the fever had completely gone. We could not believe his words, it was so amazing but it was true. We continued to make long distance broadcasting for the next few days, 24 hours non-stop. The foot continued to improve day by day, and when after a week he went to check with the doctors, they were surprised and said that it was now not necessary to amputate the leg. 

Practitioner’s comment: 

“When we got back to Italy his foot was almost completely healed and he then asked to be treated for his diabetes. We were happy to do so thinking he would be disciplined in taking the vibro pills but unfortunately his inconsistency and his unruly way of life did not allow him to complete the healing. After a few months he left his body because of a heart attack without realizing the great opportunity that Swami had offered him by His Grace. The proverb says: "God helps those who help themselves."

Unfortunately, in many cases like this even if a combo is made with love and wisdom it is still hopeless without the effort of the patient.”